Dahua NA is no more


Getting comfortable
Sep 14, 2022
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I posted a thread months ago when they first announced it, but for some reason it’s been deleted. Just got this update-

At Luminys Systems Corporation, we are reaching out with an important update regarding ongoing developments in our operations. This communication serves to keep you fully informed about the changes and enhancements we are implementing.

Transition to Luminys Systems Corporation
We are pleased to announce that we have completed the transition of Dahua Technology USA’s operations to Luminys Systems Corporation. This comprehensive transition has been seamlessly implemented to ensure there is no disruption in the quality of service and customer support you expect from us.

Business plan
Looking forward, it is our firm intention to launch a series of cutting-edge products in the near future. These new products will fully comply with all applicable US laws and regulations, including FCC and NDAA regulations, cybersecurity and data protection laws, as well as other best practices and industry standards. These products will be engineered and manufactured by Foxlink affiliates in Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, and/or the United States within state-of-the-artmanufacturing facilities, proudly bearing the Luminys brand, symbolizing innovation, reliability, and trustworthiness.

Unwavering Commitment to Customer Support
Our commitment to your success is stronger than ever. Luminys Systems Corporation will honor all existing Dahua Technology USA commitments, including warranties and service agreements. We are dedicated to providing uninterrupted support and introducing innovative products and solutions that meet your evolving needs.

Redefining Industry Standards
With this transition, Luminys Systems Corporation is positioned to redefine industry standards and exceed the quality of products and services you’ve come to expect from Dahua Technology USA. Our enhanced operational flexibility and our focus on technological innovation will not only drive the development of cutting-edge security solutions but also expand the IOT solutions we offer to our customers and partners. Our goal is to provide the most complete IOT solutions that connect all intelligent data available and provide vision, automation, and added value in the North American market.

Thank you for your continued trust and partnership. We are excited about what the future holds and are committed to delivering enhanced value to you under the banner of Luminys Systems Corporation.

Warm regards,


Getting comfortable
Sep 14, 2022
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This is starting to remind me of ‘Wolf of Wall Street;’ “we’re going to start calling ourselves ‘Oakmont Stratton,’ because it sounds respectable!’


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Foxlink .. winder how good they are ..


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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Wonder if they'll be rebadged Dahua cameras built outside China or if this is simply a sale of goodwill / sales outlets with Luminys producing their own camera models. Also wonder how pricing will be afffected for the US. WIll this become a premium brand due to the extra costs of the rules?