Dahua camera freezing on motion detect?


Getting the hang of it
Jul 21, 2015
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I have cameras dropping in and out sometimes, as if they are rebooting. They aren't as the substream continues but the mainstream doesn't.
Do I have my setup correct, which it shouldn't matter but.. I have a gigabit router, I have my POE powered switch plugged into the router directly with my cameras plugged into the POE switch. I have my 16ch NVR plugged directly into my router also. (4 cameras total at the moment)

Should the POE switch be plugged into the router directly? It seems like my network lags, same with my audio jitter issues.

Now, my 1 Dahua camera currently on motion, once motion is detected, it sends the emails fine, but the cameras MAINstream drops out for about 1 minute, but the substream continues just fine. I'm on 24/7 recording.

CBR 1792
Iframe 15fps

This link with the videos basically shows exactly what happens with mine.
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Getting the hang of it
Jun 29, 2015
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Just curious: Did changing from getting email alerts from your NVR rather than the individual cameras correct the problem?


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
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See if you can do some research on iframe rate and play with that. What is your recording schedule? Are you recording 24/7 continuous at a low frame rate and motion at a higher frame rate?


Getting the hang of it
Jul 21, 2015
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Just curious: Did changing from getting email alerts from your NVR rather than the individual cameras correct the problem?
I disabled motion on the camera direct, and added my email settings into the NVR and enabled motion in the NVR. I am NOT getting any snapshot emails at all now. I am getting the "start" and "stop" emails, but zero snapshot emails from the NVR. I am not sure what is up yet, working on to figure that out. It seems strangely that my dahua NVR isn't working together with my dahua cameras. It seems like it syncs the settings between the 2 on certain things, and other things it doesn't. Very confusing, not sure what is up with the snapshot emails not working no through the NVR. Maybe I don't have a setting correct in the NVR to send snapshot pictures, but it is sending "start" and "stop" emails through the NVR.

See if you can do some research on iframe rate and play with that. What is your recording schedule? Are you recording 24/7 continuous at a low frame rate and motion at a higher frame rate?
I am recording at the same specs listed above, 24/7. I am not doing any separate "motion" recording to SD Card or anything else. I just have motion enabled to send me an email snapshot.


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
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So, in the record section, only continuous is checked? Sometimes, I record 24/7 at 5fps and record motion events at 15fps so there is no way of missing anything. But, I've noticed sometimes there is a skip or a hiccup when the frame rate gets kicked up.


Getting the hang of it
Jul 21, 2015
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Yes, only continuous. I've looked for a way to have "motion" events show up on the timeline on the NVR, and what you describe may be what I was looking for, but that would maybe make my current issue worse.

But as of now, yes. Only continuous recording is what is checked. Motion detection is only buzzer on the NVR (audible alert) and email snapshots being emailed.


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
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If you want to try what I am talking about, in the schedule, you check both continuous and mottion. Than in encoding, you set the fps for each. That won't fix your problem though. See if you can look into iframe and what it is. I've seen some guys play with it and helped what you are explaining.


Getting the hang of it
Jul 21, 2015
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I will do some testing with the iframe, I had read before that on dahua's matching the iframe to your FPS sorted out some issues, maybe it is causing my issue currently.
I'll mess with that in the next day and see what happens and more testing, thanks

edit*going and looking at my settings on the recording schedule, earlier I did enable the continuous and motion. I forgot I had done that, so I'll see if it does the timeline thing or not. I have turned off motion as of the last couple hours since I had enabled that, so I will test that also in a bit. I will then turn it off either way if it works or not, and then work on the iframe to see if that fixes the freezing.


Getting the hang of it
Jul 21, 2015
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I'm not getting yellow motion markings on the timeline on the NVR no matter what I do. I have some "snapshots" listed separately which I'm not sure if it's from triggering motion, or what exactly. I'm still trying to track down what the "snapshots" are being triggered by.


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
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Snapshots are supposed to be manually triggered when you click the camera icon? I might have been right about that little hiccup between frame rates since you had motion and constant enabled previously? Set it to either constant only or motion only and kick up the frame rate and do some testing.


Getting the hang of it
Jul 21, 2015
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Snapshots are supposed to be manually triggered when you click the camera icon? I might have been right about that little hiccup between frame rates since you had motion and constant enabled previously? Set it to either constant only or motion only and kick up the frame rate and do some testing.
Both being on had only been on for about 45 minutes, right before I made my edit. It hadn't been on for days or anything. I'm having other issues now, I'm noticing cameras are dropping out more often than I had thought.

On the System tab under BPS: I have some cameras dropping to 0Kb/s and recovering after about 4 or so minutes, and sometimes not recovering at all until I do a reboot of the NVR (sometimes fixes) or a reboot of the POE switch.

It's not like the cameras are going completely offline, because the substream is still working, just the mainstream drops. wtf
I've currently turned off EVERYTHING, motion alerts, emails, everything. Just normal 24/7 recording to see what happens, which I'm sure it's going to drop out again for some reason. 4 cameras, 1 or 2 will drop out randomly to 0Kb/s


Getting the hang of it
Jul 21, 2015
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Tell me this, I've narrowed it down to my network being bogged down or whatever.. 16ch Dahua NVR
Okay, Set at 1792 CBR bitrate on 4 cameras at 1080p 15FPS on the NVR it shows a total of 7.18 Mb/S, which records fine with maybe 3 dropouts in 24 hours.
BUT, if you turn on motion detect it drops out many times a day.

Okay, Set at 1792 VBR bitrate on 4 cameras at 1080p 15FPS on the NVR is shows a total of 4.27 Mbp/S, which records fine, with motion on, no issues.

What the heck? I have a gigabit router, granted my POE switch isn't gigabit, but it's plugged directly into the router, and the NVR is plugged directly into the router.
How is this going to work with more cameras?


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
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Do you have cat5 or cat6 run to the cameras? If you have cat6, do you have cat6 rj45's crimped onto it?


Getting the hang of it
Jul 21, 2015
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Do you have cat5 or cat6 run to the cameras? If you have cat6, do you have cat6 rj45's crimped onto it?
It's cat5e cable and they're just regular rj45 ethernet connectors.
I'm quite confused about how it's performing right now.

The longest cable is 100foot max, the shortest is 35foot. It's not a long run, but as of now the cameras are doing fine at the lower bitrate. I've noticed oddly that the BPS shoots up to 10,000 on the camera that has motion detection on, when there is motion. Very weird? or not

I'll post some pictures in a few of the BPS screen with the cameras.

STUPID QUESTION: Should multicast be turned on in the NVR or the cameras?
(I turned off almost everything from day 1 that I don't see to be needed)

How should my POE switch be hooked up and the NVR? Like I said before, POE switch directly into router, and NVR directly into router... OR should the NVR be plugged into the POE switch?
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Getting the hang of it
Jul 21, 2015
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PLEASE help, somehow If I can't get this sorted, I would almost have to go back to my analog cameras, alot of work to swap back out and that's just crazy thinking.

DROPPED on it's own for "no reason" earlier in the day.

GAPS where the cameras lost connection/dropped/whatever

These next serieis of images are all from the same event right now, this happened over a 5 minute span, from dropping out, to waiting for them to come back, and then rebooting router, to rebooting POE powered switch...
REMEMBER: What is odd, is that the substream continues to work no problem while the page shows 0Kb/S for the recording "mainstream"

All 4 Cameras work no problem on this page, showing what is normal before the drop out happened.
VBR 1792 bitrate, 15FPS, motion detection enabled only on camera 1

Working Normal, no issues

Camera Channel 1 is a spike from motion on camera 1, see how it jumped from 1124 to 7507
Notice Camera 3 dropped out (camera 1 is the only one with motion detection enabled right now)

More motion still from the vehicle on camera 1, person got out of the vehicle so the Kb/s isn't as high

Now, before the person got back into the vehicle, as you can see the truck is still there in the top left of this picture, Camera 1,3, and 4 dropped out.

The page showing where only 1 camera is working and it's at 1.59Mb/S

I unplugged camera 1 from the POE powered switch, so it rebooted camera 1 (you see it started working again)

Camera dropped back out, I reset my router to see if the 3 cameras would come back. They did not. So I unplugged the power on the POE powered switch and then they came back
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Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Take the router out of the equation by plugging both the NVR and cameras into the switch. What model switch are you using what router are you using.

Sent via Taptalk


Getting the hang of it
Jul 21, 2015
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Linksys E4200 router with DDWRT

I have a home theater PC setup with streaming with ROKU/PLEX and other things and have zero issues with streaming 1080p HD video, no lags, no buffering, zero issues.

Just odd, this lower 1792 bitrate is more stable than the 2800 or whatever I was running the other day. But this 1792 is still dropping out, and I'm confused of the spike in Kb/S when motion is detected, when I'm set at VBR and 1792, why does it go over 10,000 (But regardless, without problems that shouldn't be an issue with it going over 10,000) I guess we'll see.

Thanks, will try that, didn't think of that.

EDIT: I unplugged the router, plugged the NVR directly into the POE powered switch into the up link on the POE switch, which previously was plugged into the router. I tested camera 1 motion and it still dropped out. I went outside in front of the camera and you see me walk in, the video kinda gets stuttered for a second, then jumpy, then as I walk back, I disappear (the camera dropped out at that time) I came back in the house, it was at 0Kb/S but about 3 seconds later it came back. So about 45 seconds the camera dropped out..

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Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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If that doesnt resolve the problem you can further isolate the issue by using dahua pss to record and dertermine if its the nvr or the cams. When the cameras are down, can you log into them using the web interface? Do the cameras go out when IR is on? or when off as well?
What model switch?


Getting the hang of it
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
If that doesnt resolve the problem you can further isolate the issue by using dahua pss to record and dertermine if its the nvr or the cams. When the cameras are down, can you log into them using the web interface? Do the cameras go out when IR is on? or when off as well?
What model switch?
The cameras do not go out when the IR is on, I don't believe it's a power problem here. I can log into the cameras when they drop. The MAINSTREAM drops, the SUBSTREAM still plays just fine. See on my NVR if I split the screen by only 4 cameras, it's the MAINSTREAM, if I split it by 8/9/16 splits, it shows the SUBSTREAM. So if the cameras drop while split 8/9/16 I don't even know it unless I am looking at the BPS page, or if I look at the recordings and see it drop and jump around time.

But, if I have it split by only 4 cameras and a camera drops out, it goes black, because again it's using the MAINSTREAM when split by 4. It's not like the cameras are dropping out and not responding, it's the mainstream dropping out, but substream still plays just fine and smooth.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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The cameras do not go out when the IR is on, I don't believe it's a power problem here. I can log into the cameras when they drop. The MAINSTREAM drops, the SUBSTREAM still plays just fine. See on my NVR if I split the screen by only 4 cameras, it's the MAINSTREAM, if I split it by 8/9/16 splits, it shows the SUBSTREAM. So if the cameras drop while split 8/9/16 I don't even know it unless I am looking at the BPS page, or if I look at the recordings and see it drop and jump around time.

But, if I have it split by only 4 cameras and a camera drops out, it goes black, because again it's using the MAINSTREAM when split by 4. It's not like the cameras are dropping out and not responding, it's the mainstream dropping out, but substream still plays just fine and smooth.
What model switch? A bad switch can cause this problem. There was a post describing this issue on cctvforum...let me see if i can find it. A new switch resolved it.
Have you tried running the cameras at CBR?