Dahua 2MP 25x Starlight IR PTZ Network Camera (SD49225T-HN)


Pulling my weight
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
Southern United States
At least @nayr helps fix issues, even with his I don't give a fuck attitude....

You on the other hand... complain... and whine, like a child... you talk in circles and it's annoying as fuck... if you bought the camera from Andy, I'm sure you can get a refund if you are crying half as much to him as you are here. If you got it from another seller. That's on you.... your moot complaint has been noted.. move the fuck on and sell your camera so u can go away.
I'm sorry that my receiving a defective unit and requesting support here bothers you so much. If I'm that annoying, the ignore button works for you too. Use it and quit your own "complaining and whining like a child" because my problem seems moot to you. One day you may have a problem that's important to you but seems moot to me. I would try to help you, despite your attitude because that's what we're supposed to be here for. To help each other with issues related to IP cams!


Getting comfortable
Nov 18, 2016
Reaction score
Phoenix, az
No one here writes dahua firmware or designs these cameras....if I had the problem you did, it would of been resolved already.


Pulling my weight
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
Southern United States
You're entitled to an opinion and I don't owe Dahua anything but believe you shouldn't condemn a brand because it doesn't fit YOUR specific needs.
I'm not condemning the brand because it doesn't fit my needs. I knew going into the deal that it may not fit my specific needs, but I bought it anyway because I wouldn't know unless I tried it. Had everything been as described and it still not fit my needs, then I would have tossed it up as a lesson learned. That's not where my rub is, though. My condemning the brand is over false advertising / untrustworthy specs. That's why I have concerns over recommending the brand. The fact is, I don't know always know what specs are and are not important to someone else. What's important for you may not be important to me. I also don't know what specs I can and cannot trust when a brand is giving false specs. I can't tell someone "this camera will do what you want" when I can't trust the specs on that camera. For example, someone with a professional project says "I need to mount a fixed lens camera on a pole X meters from a row of parking spaces and need it to cover Y number of parking spaces which are Z meters wide and need it zoomed as close as possible.....I do the math and determine they need a 52 degree coverage angle. If a camera says it covers a 60 degree angle (which would be an almost prefect match) but in reality only covers a 45 degree angle (which would not work), then I've misled them by recommending that camera. I need to know that a brand has trustworthy specs in order to properly inform someone if the camera will work for them or not. When I see a brand giving inaccurate specs multiple times, I lose trust in that brand's listed specs and thus cannot recommend that brand in a professional environment where exact specs are required. For the average home security cam, it will probably work fine...but in my work, I typically don't deal with the average Joe Blow that wants to catch criminals roaming in his backyard. I mostly deal with more complex commercial situations where exact specs are needed

I understand you are frustrated because the specifications don't line up with what you testing has discovered, perhaps your research and findings are better directed at Dahua directly instead of these forums. Plenty of people out there who would be more than satisfied with this PTZ.
Definitely, I agree 100%. I've tried this, but thus far have not gotten anyone at Dahua familiar enough with English to understand what my problem is and give a response. I'm trying to explain my problem and then they tell me to talk to someone else...That someone else they forward me to is just a distributor that sells the products and has no control over firmware bugs or anything like that. I need a manufacturer technical support, but after weeks of trying, still have not been able to get in touch with one. I've also been waiting weeks to hear back from Andy, but no response. I don't expect anyone here to be able to solve my problem; I'm just sharing my experience here so that others that may have a specific interest in specs may be able to avoid the hassle that I've gone through. Most of the time when I even bring up these issues is only when someone responds to my earlier posts trying to help and seem to be misunderstanding where my issue is. Thus, I respond to their post reiterating my issues to them specifically. I realize others on the board that have been following along the whole time already know what my problem is..That's why I typically quote the person that I'm speaking to directly instead of posting a generic post. If someone doesn't want to rehear my problem, they don't have to read my clarification replies to another poster...or they don't have to read any of my posts at all, for that matter. I don't see where me talking to other posters about issues I'm having is such a big deal.

I have a string of issues with Dahua at the moment. Does it stop me from recommending Dahua or using it myself, no. It would be nice to get these problems resolved but it's no deal breaker.
Doesn't stop me from using it either. I use mine everyday and honestly am mostly satisfied, believe it or not! It's just a few issues that I'm having that are frustrating me. More frustrating than the actual problems themselves is the apparent lack of concern by the company and seller and the belittling of my problem by a certain few "dahua fanboy" posters on here. If I had complained about these exact same issues on a Huisun thread, these same posters would be right along with me trashing the brand...but when it's Dahua, they take issue and belittle the problem as something irrelevant.

Best of luck with whatever you decide to do but if it's frustrating you might be best to move onto an alternative brand if it does what you need.
That's the million dollar question! I don't know if another brand makes a unit that will serve the purpose or not. That's a research in progress. In the meantime, I'm trying to give this one every benefit of the doubt.
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Pulling my weight
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
Southern United States
No one here writes dahua firmware or designs these cameras....if I had the problem you did, it would of been resolved already.
I realize that. I'm not asking for someone to write me a new firmware. I'm simply explaining the issues I've had to others who seem to be interested and are trying to help....As well as hopefully saving others the hassle I've gone through if they're interested in this cam for similar purposes to mine. I don't see what the harm is in that. If you don't care about my problems, then don't read my replies to others that are concerned about my issues. No need to start a flame war because you're not interested in the problem I'm discussing with someone else. Skip over it and move on to a post that does interest you.


Getting the hang of it
Mar 23, 2015
Reaction score
Anyone? Which junction box for this cam?


Getting comfortable
Nov 18, 2016
Reaction score
Phoenix, az
I realize that. I'm not asking for someone to write me a new firmware. I'm simply explaining the issues I've had to others who seem to be interested and are trying to help....As well as hopefully saving others the hassle I've gone through if they're interested in this cam for similar purposes to mine. I don't see what the harm is in that. If you don't care about my problems, then don't read my replies to others that are concerned about my issues. No need to start a flame war because you're not interested in the problem I'm discussing with someone else. Skip over it and move on to a post that does interest you.
You saying "
It's just a horribly advertised/designed unit."

Is not you addressing issues for other people to know about.... that is you bashing an awesome product that people are potentially wanting to buy for security purposes. 99% of the people are here for security... and then there is you... I understand you are frustrated.. you know and I know that your issues can't be fixed on this forum. So stop whining and find a solution to your problem.


Pulling my weight
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
Southern United States
You saying "
It's just a horribly advertised/designed unit."

Is not you addressing issues for other people to know about.... that is you bashing an awesome product that people are potentially wanting to buy for security purposes. 99% of the people are here for security... and then there is you... I understand you are frustrated.. you know and I know that your issues can't be fixed on this forum. So stop whining and find a solution to your problem.
Sure, for basic security, it's great and will get the job done. I've said that time and time again...but I stand by my statement that it's horribly advertised and designed. When the item you receive is markedly different from the specs in the advertisement, that's horrible advertising. When the software and/or firmware does not match the hardware and is full of bugs, it's a horrible design. If you don't agree with those statements, that's your right...but I do and that is my right. Where I come from, if I pull up to a fast food restaurant and order a burger and fries and instead they open the window and hand me a hotdog and a potato salad, I have the right to complain. Sure it'll get the job done of filling my stomach, but it's not what I ordered....and I have every right to warn others that they may not get exactly what they ordered.

The fact is, the listed specs are untrustworthy and it's my right (and in my opinion, my duty) to warn others to not expect to receive what is listed in the specs. If they're ok with that, then so be it. If they're not ok with that, then I've saved them from the same hassle I've gone through (and saved you from having to read them complain about their unit not being as described). Most consumers are thankful for an honest review.


Known around here
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
North Florida
Sounds like someone needs to mount a DSLR onto something that will let it pan/tilt/zoom, it's a security camera, and there is no practical need in a security camera situation to do what you want. Did they lie? Make a mistake? Maybe, but nobody cares because it does what it's made for, it's not for photography, christ it's only 2mp, if you want something for photography get a camera made for photography and it will do what it's made for. This is NOT the right tool for the job you are trying to do and you will be bitching and crying for the rest of eternity, you will not find a security camera that will make you happy that is for sure.

-- Joining the ignore club, godamn, I've never even seen a little kid who whines so much.


Getting comfortable
Nov 18, 2016
Reaction score
Phoenix, az
Sure, for basic security, it's great and will get the job done. I've said that time and time again...but I stand by my statement that it's horribly advertised and designed. When the item you receive is markedly different from the specs in the advertisement, that's horrible advertising. When the software and/or firmware does not match the hardware and is full of bugs, it's a horrible design. If you don't agree with those statements, that's your right...but I do and that is my right. Where I come from, if I pull up to a fast food restaurant and order a burger and fries and instead they open the window and hand me a hotdog and a potato salad, I have the right to complain. Sure it'll get the job done of filling my stomach, but it's not what I ordered....and I have every right to warn others that they may not get exactly what they ordered.

The fact is, the listed specs are untrustworthy and it's my right (and in my opinion, my duty) to warn others to not expect to receive what is listed in the specs. If they're ok with that, then so be it. If they're not ok with that, then I've saved them from the same hassle I've gone through (and saved you from having to read them complain about their unit not being as described). Most consumers are thankful for an honest review.
Keep talking in circles.... I can tell you are the person that always has to have the last word... I feel you are gonna be waiting a long time to hear people to say thank you... I'm sure people are skipping right over your bullshit.


Pulling my weight
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
Southern United States
Sounds like someone needs to mount a DSLR onto something that will let it pan/tilt/zoom, it's a security camera, and there is no practical need in a security camera situation to do what you want. Did they lie? Make a mistake? Maybe, but nobody cares because it does what it's made for, it's not for photography, christ it's only 2mp, if you want something for photography get a camera made for photography and it will do what it's made for. This is NOT the right tool for the job you are trying to do and you will be bitching and crying for the rest of eternity, you will not find a security camera that will make you happy that is for sure.

-- Joining the ignore club, godamn, I've never even seen a little kid who whines so much.
No one is whining about anything except for a few of you that don't think I deserve the right to my own opinion. Specs are there for a reason. They weren't invented just for me. They're there because most people want to know what they're buying. If you don't care if a product has accurate specs, then fine, buy the product and be happy with it. Doesn't mean everyone else feels that way and the many that do care about specs deserve to know if they're accurate or not.

There's plenty of "security cameras" that I've been perfectly satisfied with. They do exactly as they're advertised. Only time I'm not satisfied is when it doesn't do what it says it will do. If you can't handle a negative review, then by all means, click the ignore. My reviews are for those concerned about specs, not for those who want a mystery camera to show up at their door.


Pulling my weight
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
Southern United States
Keep talking in circles.... I can tell you are the person that always has to have the last word... I feel you are gonna be waiting a long time to hear people to say thank you... I'm sure people are skipping right over your bullshit.
The only "bullshit" going on is people trying to harass me because I voiced my opinions on a product. When I review a product, I'm going to be honest. If you don't like it, then you're free to ignore it...but I'm not going to lie and say a product is perfect when it has a number of flaws, just to satisfy a couple bullies on here. I've heard of other IP Cam forums that forced bias toward certain brands. This board is supposed to be different and allow unbiased discussion and review.

By the way, already had several "thank you's" from people interested in this as a weather cam that appreciated the unbiased review. I think you fail to realize the popularity of IP cams as weather/nature cams. Or maybe you just don't care...Anyway, there's many on this board that use them for that purpose with differing requirements and they are most interested.


Pulling my weight
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
Southern United States
Now that that's over, to those who have tried to offer help and been respectful, I sincerely thank you and want to apologize for the disturbance today. I typically ignore the insults, but there comes a time when you have to stand up for your rights. There were a few things that were overdue to be addressed. Now that what needed to be said has been said, I'm going back to ignoring the insults. If I'm that annoying to you, then please put me on ignore. For the rest, I hope we can return to a constructive conversation without anymore silly, useless flame wars.


Mar 22, 2017
Reaction score
I'm new to ordering anything out of China. I just received my SD49225T-HN via EmpireCandy and was amazed at how quickly it came. Haven't had chance to test it yet, I need to order a POE adaptor and some cables etc.
I originally tried to order via the EmpireCandy store on AlieExpress where the camera clearly showed as Dahua branded. My card didn't go through so Andy fixed it so I could pay via PayPal.
However the camera that I received is completely unbranded both on the unit and the box.

My question, should I be concerned about receiving an unbranded unit?


IPCT Contributor
Dec 5, 2016
Reaction score
I originally tried to order via the EmpireCandy store on AlieExpress where the camera clearly showed as Dahua branded. My card didn't go through so Andy fixed it so I could pay via PayPal.
However the camera that I received is completely unbranded both on the unit and the box.
AFAIK, it's the same device, minus the branding. In Andy's listings, under the specs (and in red font) should be this:

1. For retail DAHUA products, they will be without DAHUA logo by default. If you require DAHUA logo, please leave message to us when you place order. Please note that the delivery time of the products with DAHUA logo will take much longer(normally 20-30 working days) as the products we have in stock are all without DAHUA logo;

2. All the DAHUA products(except our own products) are with English version only; Most cameras on the market are Chinese not English.


Mar 22, 2017
Reaction score
OK, thanks for putting my mind at rest. I'm certainly looking forward to getting this camera up and running.