CPU Usage Query


Getting the hang of it
Aug 25, 2015
Reaction score
I run BI5 as a Service, on Windows 10. My machine has nothing else on it. It is headless, and I connect via RDP.

If I RDP in, open the BI GUI, close the BI gui and then logoff Windows, my CPU usage is roughly 10-15% higher than that of a clean boot, as if something additional is left open/running. The amount of additional CPU being used, suggests it's almost like two copies of BI are running... Perhaps the Service and the spawned UI?

I average around 20% usage, from a reboot, with no logged on user. This is made up of about 14% BI and 6% Windows. You can then see the spike to 28-34% when I'm logged on.

I logged on this morning to adjust some profiles, and logged out after about an hour. After rebooting at around 9PM UTC, you can see the CPU cycles drop off again.


I don't really want to be rebooting after each change I make. And whilst the CPU will happily run at 34%, it's a little annoyance that has got me intrigued!


Known around here
Mar 14, 2017
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I think what you are seeing is just normal behavior. There is a lot of user environment that starts up when you log in locally or via RDP. You are seeing a spike to 34% CPU which doesn't seem very high to me. Can you describe your camera setup?


Getting the hang of it
Aug 25, 2015
Reaction score
But surely on RDP log off (signing out of Win), that user env goes away.

One test I have not done is a simple RDP login, and log off straight away. I guess if the spike exists it’s nothing to do with BI UI.

Mike A.

Known around here
May 6, 2017
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Pretty sure that it will. Numbers are a little different but I see roughly see the same with mine. Just tried it now and without logging into BI it goes from sitting at a steady state of ~27% up to ~41% for a short time, then drops back down again to mid-30-ish. Logging into BI looks about the same but stays a little higher for as long as I'm in the console then drops back down again over time after log-off. Logging off also causes it to bounce up quite a bit I suppose as it closes things down.

Windows 10 has so much stuff going on in the background that it's really tough to know WTF it's doing at any given point. Watching the resource monitor there's all kinds of things bouncing up and down as it does whatever it does.


Getting the hang of it
Aug 25, 2015
Reaction score
I've found the culprit.

I'd converted the monitoring app I use (HWinfo64) from an executable that is set to "Run at Logon" via Sched Task, to a Service, but I'd left the Sched Task active, meaning it was running as a service (no logon) but then for a second time when I logged in via RDP.

FWIW, my setup is an i7-7600, a stripped bare Win10 install and 6x 8MP Hikvision cameras (h.264), with the BlueIris "best practice for reducing CPU" tweaks made.


Getting the hang of it
Aug 25, 2015
Reaction score
Looking at it more closely it was;

- Idle with BI 14%-18%
- Idle with BI & HWinfo64 (svc) 20%-25%
- Idle with BI & HWinfo64 (svc) & HWinfo64 (exe) 26%-32%

I do also run a couple of VM's in Hyper-V on here (PiHole, Unifi, LetsEncrypt), but as they're resource limited to only 10% of the CPU, I didn't feel the need to mention them.

I also write a lot of data out of HWinfo to mysql, which when it was running twice, could be the explanation for the +6%.
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