CPU maxing out most of the time...14 cams

Will Daly

Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
I've seen older posts on this subject but wondering if there's a newer fix. Computer is I5 core at 3.9ghz, 16gig ram, Asus maximus hero vii moboard, Nvidea gtx260. The cpu stays up between 97% and 99%....it is warm at 145 farenheit but not overheating. Live view and recording are fine. It only affects things when trying to do something else on the computer, like a browser, which freezes for awhile or takes a long time to open.

Tried frame rates down to 10 on all the HD cams ( 14 of them ). No pre-record. Tried raw recording to disk ( no encoding ) on all cams except the 4 1080p's because it distorted the playback. On those encodings I lowered the quality to 50% which is sad when you're trying to do HD. Turned off jpeg snapshots. Tried lowering the bit rate to 2000 on these cams which are various Dahuas. Tried unclicking the motion record and used the camera's motion, but then it doesn't record at all. You'd think you could offload motion to the camera - which would reduce cpu load a lot. Am I missing something? The Dahuas are setup as an RTSP feed as there's no manu's listing.

Would an I7 make a big difference ? The dahua smartPSS software runs at around 50% cpu but that entirely uses cam's built-in motion. ( It's a shame the smartPSS doesn't playback or record reliably, compared to BI ).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Welcome to the forum..What processor do you have..there are tons of i5's...based on your mobo and clock speed i will guess you are using a i5-4690k http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i5-4690K+@+3.50GHz
You will get about a 25% boost with a i7-4770k a bit more with a 4790khttp://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i7-4790K+%40+4.00GHz
Or almost double with an i7-5820k but that will require a new board. http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i7-5820K+@+3.30GHz&id=2340
At this time blue iris cannot use in camera motion detection except for the pir sensor on the indoor hik 2432 cube...
First lets isolate the distorted playback that is causing you to have issues with dahua...Do you get distortion when an object moves through the view? Try this,
1) lower your I-frames to match your frame rates...
2) try changing the encoding in the camera interface from h.264b or h.264h to just h.264....
3) in camera properties >video tab> configure> receive buffer...increase to 10mb....
4) blue iris options >cameras limit live preview rate...set it to 10fps....this will not effect recording...


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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Where did you reduce the frame rate? It is of the utmost importance that you reduce the frame rate in the camera's web interface, not just in Blue Iris.

You may also need to reduce the frame rates further. You should try to keep CPU usage below 90% at the very highest. Bit rate does not matter much to CPU performance, believe it or not. Mostly affects network and disk usage. And image quality, of course.

i7-5820k would also require new DDR4 RAM I believe.