Considering Dahua


Getting the hang of it
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
Hopefully a lot of you haven't seen any of my previous posts (and sorry to the other guys who are probably sick of reading my posts!),..but I have been swearing by going with Hikvision just so I could go through Nelly's and use their awesome support.

However, after reading almost every thread (even HV threads!!) recommending Dahua 5231's,....I have finally possibly drank the cool aid and I am considering buying a Dahua system and figuring it out myself (Obviously I will be asking a lot of questions here)
I am just wondering if these 5231 cameras actually take the place of almost any other camera? I guess what I am asking is can these be placed just about anywhere a bullet could be placed and still be as functional as a bullet?

I will definitely go with a varifocal lens and was hoping you could recommend if I should stick with the 2MP or do you see a place for the 8MP model?
I am going to show pics of my house (yes again) and hopefully get some positive feedback.
So anybody,..especially fenderman,mat200, Nayr, and looney as you guys really seem to know these cameras well.:)

I added my own thought of camera placement but feel free to change it or tell me if a different camera would be better in certain areas. (1st time using photoshop so forgive me)
Please take note of the basement windows on the left and trailer/equipment and windows on the right,..definitely want them protected well even if it means I need more than 1 camera in any given spot)

Also,...going to go with a 16ch NVR so feel free to recommend a good Dahua NVR (should I go 4k etc for future camera add ons etc etc) And I KNOW I should be researching myself but this change of plans in the 9th inning screwed me up as I am hoping to order from Andy tomorrow to take advantage of any Cyber Monday deals (is there any,...I only seen BF advertised and obviously I missed the boat!)
InkedIMG_0282_LI.jpg InkedIMG_0281_LI.jpg InkedIMG_0287_LI.jpg InkedIMG_0284_LI.jpg InkedIMG_0286_LI (2).jpg InkedIMG_0282_LI.jpg

The 4th pic shows where the NVR will probably be located as it is where my office/computer and router/modem is FWIW. (upstairs window painted red)



Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
Be happy that you changed in the 9th inning, instead of setting up a Hikvision-based system then doing it over with Dahua like I did. For the NVR I'm using a 5216-4ks2, as are a lot of others on the forum. It's not bug-free, apparently none of them are, but it does what I need it to. There's a bullet version of the 5231 if you prefer that form factor (HFW-5231E-Z), as well as 2 others with longer lenses.


Pulling my weight
Mar 10, 2017
Reaction score
@CJ555, I'm not sure that you need 2 cameras on your porch. Your door location leads to an interesting issue, if someone knows the cameras are there, they can just keep their head down and turned towards the garage wall. If the goal is to get a good face shot, both of those cameras can be defeated easily. If the goal is to observe, the camera on the end would be best. If you put it on the door side, you will be fighting with IR reflections from both walls and the ceiling. Putting it on the end where you have it, makes the facial recognition a bit harder. See this thread from @just some dude about covering the front door.

Depending on what you are going for, I think I would use 1 camera on the porch (placement of your choice) and then move the front garage camera to the corner nearest the sidewalk. You can always get a camera and play around with the location to get the best compromise you are looking for, because ultimately, everything is about compromise. The vari-focals will help you out. One thing that will cause a bit of havoc for any cameras will be all the decorative lighting you have outside your house. @EMPIRETECANDY can hook you up with the best price on Dahua equipment.
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Getting the hang of it
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
Again SLC,...this thread is not about asking for advice and direction,.....I am asking for opinions -based on my pictures-on what camera to use and where to place it.

I have seen other threads asking same question with photos of their house,...and then other people give ideas of possible different cameras or placement ideas. Sometimes they even "draw" on the photo to show where they would install a certain camera as opposed to the OP's ideas. That is what I asked. I figured with drawing on the pic myself with "my own game plan" I may get better ideas so I don't go and order the wrong camera or wrong amount of cameras! It was even recommended that I do that, excuse me for trying,


IPCT Contributor
Sep 25, 2016
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Evansville, In. USA
Front of house.
Cam on right side of garage door good.
You need a 2nd cam on the left of the garage pointing back towards the right cam. Mounted above the coach light on the left.
You need something such as the mini wedge either directly above the door or to the side of the door.
Cam on left end of house, good.
The left side of the house, good.
The right side of house, if that is always the truck parking spot, Ir reflection from the truck will limit what you will see at night. You may need an additional IR illluminator for that area.

Front of house decorative might have enough light to keep the cams in color mode at night, and not have to use the IR.

Make a test rig of a 8ft 2x4, 5gal bucket, and rocks, mount cam and test locations for 24hrs.


Getting the hang of it
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
Awesome. Thanks looney2ns! I am going to order cat6 from Monoprice, Klein tool from Amazon/Homedepot, some fish tape since mine has been cut to who knows how short!,....and "for now" to start, 4 varifocal 5231's, and 1 varifocal 5231-ZE (just to see the difference), and a 16ch Dahua NVR. Still have to do some research on the NVR as I am realizing going with a PoE switch is a better idea than an NVR with the 16 ports built-in. Still a little intimidated by BI so the NVR will have to do for now so I can get this up and running ASAP!
I will be looking at NVR's right this very minute,...but if you or anyone else have a personal favorite 16ch Dahua that you would recommend I'd love to hear it.
Thanks again.
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Known around here
Feb 9, 2016
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Seattle, Wa
going with a PoE switch is a better idea than an NVR with the 16 ports built-in.
- fan noise
- makes it harder to reach the cameras directly, to configure, which is sometimes needed.
I went with a fanless poe switch.
Noise may be a consideration, depending on NVR location.

Cam location: Use a test rig, as simple as a 2x4 stuck in a 5 gal bucket of sand or rocks. Then check images both day and night. Adjust, repeat. The per-conceived locations are quite often adjusted, based on real world viewing.


Getting the hang of it
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
Reading up on these 5216 or even the "better" 58XX models now, Dahua NVR5216-4KS2 / NVR5216-16P-4KS2.... looks like with 4k and all other options, this is the NVR to get. Just hope they figured out the IVS issue with certain ones. Only on page 6 of 25 but unless there is a better option I will probably go with one of these models.
Haven't checked yet but this still seems to be Dahua's "best bang for the buck" NVR still, correct? Would hate to read 25+ pages just to realize I should of been researching/purchasing a different model LOL
And yeah it seem going the non Poe port NVR definitely is the way to go. Was gonna waste the $ and get a NVR with ports AND a PoE switch ("just in case"),...but I definitely do not want a noisy NVR! Plus I definitely don't need to make configuring any harder with my lack of skills :rolleyes:

And yeah I have decided to buy a few varifocal 5231z's and maybe a ZE and maybe 1 bullet,.and play around. Then when I have the hang of it I'll buy some more based on which one I like best. And I will definitely use the bucket and 2x4 method! Pretty much missed any Cyber Monday sales Andy may have been offering,...but need to get this "which NVR to buy" thing figured out 1st :banghead:


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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If you're buying cams from Andy, you might consider buying the mounting brackets and/or junction boxes at the same time.
See this thread;
Buying Dahua Junction Boxes locally... just DON'T do it
Especially the attachment from @mat200. It's the catalog of brackets & boxes.
If you are getting any of the starlight bullet models, I really like the PFA121 junction box.
Same with the wall mount for the turrets, PFB203W. ( not readily used with exterior conduit - for that the PFA137 for larger turrets or PFA139 for smaller turrets )

Well worth it.

Lorex currently has a cyber Monday 11/27 discount code for 25% off.. including their version of the PFA121 junction box, iirc includes free shipping still today!
FYI - Black Friday deal for PFA121 junction boxes still good Sun 11/26/2017

Philip Gonzales

Getting comfortable
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Hopefully a lot of you haven't seen any of my previous posts (and sorry to the other guys who are probably sick of reading my posts!),..but I have been swearing by going with Hikvision just so I could go through Nelly's and use their awesome support.

However, after reading almost every thread (even HV threads!!) recommending Dahua 5231's,....I have finally possibly drank the cool aid and I am considering buying a Dahua system and figuring it out myself (Obviously I will be asking a lot of questions here)
I am just wondering if these 5231 cameras actually take the place of almost any other camera? I guess what I am asking is can these be placed just about anywhere a bullet could be placed and still be as functional as a bullet?

I will definitely go with a varifocal lens and was hoping you could recommend if I should stick with the 2MP or do you see a place for the 8MP model?
I am going to show pics of my house (yes again) and hopefully get some positive feedback.
So anybody,..especially fenderman,mat200, Nayr, and looney as you guys really seem to know these cameras well.:)

I added my own thought of camera placement but feel free to change it or tell me if a different camera would be better in certain areas. (1st time using photoshop so forgive me)
Please take note of the basement windows on the left and trailer/equipment and windows on the right,..definitely want them protected well even if it means I need more than 1 camera in any given spot)

Also,...going to go with a 16ch NVR so feel free to recommend a good Dahua NVR (should I go 4k etc for future camera add ons etc etc) And I KNOW I should be researching myself but this change of plans in the 9th inning screwed me up as I am hoping to order from Andy tomorrow to take advantage of any Cyber Monday deals (is there any,...I only seen BF advertised and obviously I missed the boat!)
View attachment 23984 View attachment 23985 View attachment 23986 View attachment 23987 View attachment 23988 View attachment 23984

The 4th pic shows where the NVR will probably be located as it is where my office/computer and router/modem is FWIW. (upstairs window painted red)
I'm glad you came to your senses!! Lol you won't be dissapointed. You will be rocking and rolling in no time.


Getting the hang of it
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks for the boost of confidence Philip,....I need it!
I can not wait til I look back and think how much harder I made this than it probably really is!.
But I also know a lot of newbie's still at least have an idea about networking and computers, etc,....but unfortunately it never interested me until now,....and trust me I regret it!!


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
Reaction score
Hi CJ555,

I am using a similar NVR to tigerwillow1,.. except mine has built in PoE ports. NVR5216-16P-4KS2

Be happy that you changed in the 9th inning, instead of setting up a Hikvision-based system then doing it over with Dahua like I did. For the NVR I'm using a 5216-4ks2, as are a lot of others on the forum. It's not bug-free, apparently none of them are, but it does what I need it to. There's a bullet version of the 5231 if you prefer that form factor (HFW-5231E-Z), as well as 2 others with longer lenses.

Philip Gonzales

Getting comfortable
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks for the boost of confidence Philip,....I need it!
I can not wait til I look back and think how much harder I made this than it probably really is!.
But I also know a lot of newbie's still at least have an idea about networking and computers, etc,....but unfortunately it never interested me until now,....and trust me I regret it!!
It's a piece of cake. If you can read, write, and attempt to follow directions we can walk you through the networking stuff. Piece of cake. You got this!


Getting the hang of it
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
"I am using a similar NVR to tigerwillow1,.. except mine has built in PoE ports. NVR5216-16P-4KS2"

I am still reading the nvr5216 thread!
But since you obviously know your stuff,...if you had to purchase TODAY,....would that still be the model you chose,...or perhaps the 58xx (I forget exact #),...or maybe even a newer "better" model --if they even upgraded yet? But what would be your go to model today?
And I gotta be honest,...I am surprised you picked the one WITH the PoE ports. Fan Noise doesn't bother you? No configure issues ? (Then again you can probably breeze through any "issues")
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Known around here
Feb 9, 2016
Reaction score
Seattle, Wa
It's a piece of cake.
You have often repeated your explanation of your limitations. Stop doing that, because you're only convincing yourself that you have limitations. Don't do that.
We were all wet behind the ears at one point.
You just haven't done this tech stuff yet! As Phillip said, you can do this!
