Clips and archiving within Blue Iris Options

Oct 4, 2014
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so as we all know when you install Blue Iris. the defult location of the Clips and archiving is "C:\BlueIris"
I really don't want to use my C drive I have an SSD drive. so my D:\ drive is a 4tb
when I change the path to D:\BlueIris\db it does not recored upon motion

setting up a or changing the path of the Clips and archiving is what I need to do and working



Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
The db folder should be on your SSD. This is what the help file recommends. The db folder is very small so it doesn't matter much. It should still work even if you put it on the D drive...try compacting the database after you change your settings....

The Clip Database
New at version 3.33, this feature will offer huge savings in CPU and memory utilization, and the possibility for the management of 100,000's of clips now exists. The database will be created by default at C:\BlueIris\db. This location may be altered on the Options/Clips page but should be set for your fastest local storage or SSD if available. You may repair or regenerate the db at anytime by right-clicking in the clip view and selecting Database->Repair/Regenerate. The Database->Compact action removes deleted records and resets the recording status if the system was shutdown unexpectedly. The Compact action may be ran automatically once per day according to a setting on the Options/Clips page. When Compact or Repair/Regenerate is running, database updates must be suspended, so all camera recordings will be closed. If you have 24 hr mission critical recording, you can disable this automatic Compact and perform it manually at your convenience, however the database will continue to grow with deleted records during that time.