Can anyone recognise this camera?


Mar 8, 2024
Reaction score
The camera is 4K, it has SONY IMX415 sensor and SSC338Q main chip (according to the seller). It presents such interface:
Screenshot from 2024-03-20 09-51-42.pngScreenshot from 2024-03-20 09-52-27.png

The seller claims it supports ONVIF 2.4, but I'm having trouble with receiving alerts (in software as well as my own scripts). ONVIF device manager is not getting any events on any settings as well as Blue Iris (The response to CreatePullPointSubscription is ""Not Implemented"), but it does reply to GetCapabilities that it supports PullPoint. Watching ODM with Wireshark, it appears ODM skips the CreatePullPointSubscription call, and immediately sends Renew to /onvif/Subscription?Idx=0 and it does get appropriate response, but trying to send a pull events then results in a crash of the onvif stack (it never replies and further renew calls don;t get a response).

Somewhere on the internet I found someone managed to get information about alerts on a similar camera by going to /web/tmpfs/push_record.log and this contains the last time of a push alert. But I believe this requires connecting the kamera to the internet to work. There is a multitude of cgi commands this camera supports all on /cgi-bin/hi3510/param.cgi?cmd= path, but none shows the current alert status..... Insane!

I also discovered some logs in /web/tmpfs/proc.tmp that lookm like this:
2024_03_19 16:11:13 862 ipc_server mainproc start
2024_03_19 16:11:13 877 ipc_server workproc start
2024_03_19 16:11:13 878 timer start
2024_03_19 16:11:14 881 ntp start
2024_03_19 16:11:14 882 tmallsvr start
2024_03_19 16:11:14 884 amazonudpsvr start
2024_03_19 16:11:14 883 amazontcpsvr start
2024_03_19 16:11:14 885 cloudsvr start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 938 rtsp listen start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 939 rtsp tls listen start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 941 cloud recrb start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 942 cloud recsvr start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 940 cloud recupload start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 943 record ctrl start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 952 record snap start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 953 record main start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 954 record ftp start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 955 record email start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 957 record relay start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 959 record diskspace start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 960 record sd start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 958 record alarmsvr start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 956 record cloud start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 961 vctrl start
2024_03_19 16:11:16 962 webserver master start

but they are not of much use. I need to find out the type and model of this camera to hopefully find out how to enable telnet or any other way to mess with the camera remotely to get the alarm state. I can get the information about alarms starting via builtin FTP/SMTP notification, but there is no way to get information when the alarm ends as far as I know.

The modern web interface doesn't show the information about alerts. The old activeX interface does, but after capturing lots of traffic it seems it has to be doing its own detection of the red marker as I can't see any traffic telling it about the alerts. If anyone has any information that would be great. The seller tries to be helpful, but they are just a reseller.


Mar 8, 2024
Reaction score
OK, I'll reply to myself in case someone lookinh for this info finds this thread. The camera is a generic SSC338Q+IMX415 like this one
It seems to be a newer model of the Sigmastar+IMX415 camera module sold in few places on Aliexpress and it supports loading custom firmware through the method described here: wiki/en/ at master · OpenIPC/wiki Which makes me very happy, because it means there is a simple way to dump nand and hack the firmware, or run Open IPC on it.

BTW, do we have any OpenIPC users here? If so, what do you use for a web interface for a quick check of a camera? Or an onvif server? The stock firmware has all of it of course, but the lack of exposure control in this otherwise nice camera made me look for a custom FW.


Mar 8, 2024
Reaction score
I did manage to get root on that camera by dumping nand flash and replacing root's password in /etc/shadow. Also one can enable telnet by sending the camera this command via the web: tlctrl (so the entire path is ).

But, the main reason for why I'm doing it is not really getting much closer. I'd like to be able to set manual exposure on it and I still haven't found a way. I did try running openIPC on it, but the "motion detection" available in OpenIPC is extremely basic and decades behind human/vahicle detection in the stock firmware. So I'd prefer to keep the stock firmware, but to override the auto exposure somehow. If anyone has any ideas let me know.

Here is the boot sequence of this camera for the curious:
~ # dmesg
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 0
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 1
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 2
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 3
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 4
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 5
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 6
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 7
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 8
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 9
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 10
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 11
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 12
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 13
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 14
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 15
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 16
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 17
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 18
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 19
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 20
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 21
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 22
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 23
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 24
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 25
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 26
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 27
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 28
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 29
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 30
mdio_bus mdio-bus@emac0: scan phy ethernet-phy at address 31
[emac_phy_connect][3328] connected mac emac0 to PHY at mdio-bus@emac0:00 [uid=11112222, driver=SStar 10/100 Ethernet Phy]
ms_rtcpwc 1f006800.rtcpwc: rtc core: registered 1f006800.rtcpwc as rtc0
MSYS: DMEM request: [AESDMA_ENG]:0x00001000
cma: cma_alloc(cma c03e1378, count 1, align 0)
cma: cma_alloc(): returned c64cc8c0
MSYS: DMEM request: [AESDMA_ENG]:0x00001000 success, CPU phy:@0x26646000, virt:@0xC6646000
MSYS: DMEM request: [AESDMA_ENG1]:0x00001000
cma: cma_alloc(cma c03e1378, count 1, align 0)
cma: cma_alloc(): returned c64cc8e0
MSYS: DMEM request: [AESDMA_ENG1]:0x00001000 success, CPU phy:@0x26647000, virt:@0xC6647000
[ms_cpufreq_init] Current clk=796917760
[i6e][pwm] use ms_pwm->group_data
[NOTICE]Each grp bit0 must be enabled!
[NOTICE]pwm-isr(62) success. If not i6e or i6b0, pls confirm it on .dtsi
mstar_spinand_probe: mstar_spinand enableClock
MSYS: DMEM request: [BDMA]:0x00000840
cma: cma_alloc(cma c03e1378, count 1, align 0)
cma: cma_alloc(): returned c64cc900
MSYS: DMEM request: [BDMA]:0x00000840 success, CPU phy:@0x26648000, virt:@0xC6648000
MDrv_SPINAND_Init: Detected ID: MID =c8, DID =51
_dumpNandInformation:warning, Bytes / Page :  2048
_dumpNandInformation:warning, Pages / Block:  64
_dumpNandInformation:warning, Sector/ Page :  512
_dumpNandInformation:warning, Spare / Page :  64
_dumpNandInformation:warning, Current config r:1 w:1 drv:1
mstar_spinand_probe: Magic memcmp pass
mstar_spinand_probe: Get partition (Block 0 : page 1)
mstar_spinand_probe: CIS contains part info
mstar_spinand_probe: Before nand_scan()...
11 cmdlinepart partitions found on MTD device nand0
mstar_spinand_probe: Mtd parts parse
Creating 11 MTD partitions on "nand0":
0x000000140000-0x000000200000 : "IPL0"
0x000000200000-0x000000260000 : "IPL_CUST0"
0x000000260000-0x0000002c0000 : "IPL_CUST1"
0x0000002c0000-0x000000320000 : "UBOOT0"
0x000000320000-0x000000380000 : "UBOOT1"
0x000000380000-0x0000003c0000 : "ENV0"
0x0000003c0000-0x0000008c0000 : "KERNEL"
0x0000008c0000-0x000000dc0000 : "RECOVERY"
0x000000dc0000-0x0000013c0000 : "rootfs"
0x0000013c0000-0x000001420000 : "MISC"
0x000001420000-0x000008000000 : "UBI"
mstar notify driver install successfully
NET: Registered protocol family 17
lib80211: common routines for IEEE802.11 drivers
lib80211_crypt: registered algorithm 'NULL'
lib80211_crypt: registered algorithm 'WEP'
lib80211_crypt: registered algorithm 'CCMP'
lib80211_crypt: registered algorithm 'TKIP'
[mstar_pm_init] resume_pbase=0x200114B5, suspend_imi_vbase=0xD0057000
ThumbEE CPU extension supported.
Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler
ubi0: attaching mtd10
ubi0: scanning is finished
ubi0: attached mtd10 (name "UBI", size 107 MiB)
ubi0: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
ubi0: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
ubi0: good PEBs: 863, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
ubi0: user volume: 2, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 3/2, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 0
ubi0: available PEBs: 95, total reserved PEBs: 768, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 20
ubi0: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 438
Please set rtc timer (hwclock -w)
ms_rtcpwc 1f006800.rtcpwc: setting system clock to 1970-01-01 00:00:01 UTC (1)
OF: fdt:not creating '/sys/firmware/fdt': CRC check failed
VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:8.
devtmpfs: mounted
This architecture does not have kernel memory protection.
[emac_phy_link_adjust] EMAC Link Up
UBIFS (ubi0:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt0_0" started, PID 455
UBIFS (ubi0:0): recovery needed
UBIFS (ubi0:0): recovery completed
UBIFS (ubi0:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 0, name "miservice"
UBIFS (ubi0:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
UBIFS (ubi0:0): FS size: 9269248 bytes (8 MiB, 73 LEBs), journal size 1650688 bytes (1 MiB, 13 LEBs)
UBIFS (ubi0:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
UBIFS (ubi0:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 07BD1086-29CE-46A8-9259-7D10FE6561FF, small LPT model
UBIFS (ubi0:1): background thread "ubifs_bgt0_1" started, PID 459
UBIFS (ubi0:1): recovery needed
UBIFS (ubi0:1): recovery completed
UBIFS (ubi0:1): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 1, name "customer"
UBIFS (ubi0:1): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
UBIFS (ubi0:1): FS size: 79740928 bytes (76 MiB, 628 LEBs), journal size 9023488 bytes (8 MiB, 72 LEBs)
UBIFS (ubi0:1): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
UBIFS (ubi0:1): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 52410A3A-3D27-4DB8-9A6A-7159F66772B6, small LPT model
rled: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
rled driver init successful!
wifien driver init successful!
>> [sdmmc] ms_sdmmc_probe
cma: cma_alloc(cma c03e1378, count 1, align 0)
cma: cma_alloc(): returned c64cc920
>> [sdmmc_0] Probe Platform Devices
cma: cma_alloc(cma c03e1378, count 1, align 0)
cma: cma_alloc(): returned c64cc940
>> [sdmmc_1] Probe Platform Devices
[emac_phy_link_adjust] EMAC Link Up
watchdog: watchdog0: watchdog did not stop!
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
usbcore: registered new device driver usb
ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
Mstar_ehc_init version:20180309
ehci monitor start running
Sstar-ehci-1 H.W init
Get power-enable-pad from DTS GPIO(107)
[Padmux]reset PAD107(reg 0x103c00:65; mask0x7) t0 GPIO (org: PWM0_MODE_1)
[Enable_USB_VBUS] Enable USB VBUS GPIO(107)
Titania3_series_start_ehc start
[USB] config miu select [70] [e8] [ef] [ef]
[USB] enable miu lower bound address subtraction
[USB] init squelch level 0x2
[USB] no platform_data, device tree coming
[USB][EHC] dma coherent_mask 0xffffffffffffffff mask 0xffffffffffffffff
BC disable
[USB] soc:Sstar-ehci-1 irq --> 69
Sstar-ehci-1 soc:Sstar-ehci-1: EHCI Host Controller
Sstar-ehci-1 soc:Sstar-ehci-1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
cma: cma_alloc(cma c03e1378, count 1, align 0)
cma: cma_alloc(): returned c64cc960
cma: cma_alloc(cma c03e1378, count 1, align 0)
cma: cma_alloc(): returned c64cc980
cma: cma_alloc(cma c03e1378, count 1, align 0)
cma: cma_alloc(): returned c64cc9a0
Sstar-ehci-1 soc:Sstar-ehci-1: irq 69, io mem 0xfd284800
usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
usb usb1: Product: EHCI Host Controller
usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 4.9.84 ehci_hcd
usb usb1: SerialNumber: mstar
hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
SCSI subsystem initialized
usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module.
RPC: Registered udp transport module.
RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.
==20180309==> hub_port_init 1 #0
Plug in USB Port1
usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using Sstar-ehci-1
mhal: module license 'PROPRIETARY' taints kernel.
Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
mhal driver init
[CSI] probe
Request CSI IRQ[0]#30
CSI interrupt registered
vif driver probe
Create device file. vif_ints,0
venc_probe:890 venc driver is probed.
jpe driver probed
[DRV_LDC_Init_KernelModule @ 105]

[DRV_SCL_MODULE] [_DrvSclVpeModuleInit @ 142]

[s32CurClkIdx] = 0
[ISP] Request IRQ: 29, 57
 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Mload Inside init module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
DivpProcInit 526
CHRDEV "mi" major number 232 goes below the dynamic allocation range
module [sys] init
MI_SYSCFG_SetupMmapLoader default_config_path:/config/config_tool, argv1:/config/load_mmap,argv2:/config/mmap.ini
Function = init_glob_miu_kranges, Line = 728, Insert KProtect for LX @ MIU: 0
Function = init_glob_miu_kranges, Line = 737, [INIT] for LX0 kprotect: from 0x20000000 to 0x2FFE0000, using block 0
config...... cmdpath:/config/config_tool, argv0:load_config
config...... cmdpath:/config/config_tool, argv1:/misc/config.ini
config...... cmdpath:/config/config_tool, argv2:/misc/PQConfig.ini
config...... cmdpath:/config/config_tool, argv3:(null)
usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=148f, idProduct=7601
usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
usb 1-1: Product: 802.11 n WLAN
usb 1-1: SerialNumber: 1.0
    miu=0,sz=949c000  reserved_start=26b44000
mi_sys_mma_allocator_create success, heap_base_addr=26b80000 length=9440000
    miu=0,sz=164000  reserved_start=269e0000
mi_sys_mma_allocator_create success, heap_base_addr=269e0000 length=164000
Kernel CONFIG_HZ = 100
Sigmastar Module mi_sys version: project_commit.e06ed406 sdk_commit.ef2f530 build_time.20210120160821
CHRDEV "mi_poll" major number 231 goes below the dynamic allocation range
module [sensor] init
module [mipitx] init
module [ao] init
module [rgn] init
module [ldc] init
module [vpe] init
module [shadow] init
module [gyro] init
module [vif] init
module [venc] init Jan 20 2021 16:08:47
module [panel] init
module [disp] init
module [ipu] init
module [divp] init
module [ai] init
module [vdisp] init
Connect IMX415_HDR_init_driver linear to sensor pad 0
CamOsMutexInit already inited, LR:0xBF98D297
Connect IMX415_HDR_init_driver SEF to vif sensor pad 0
CamOsMutexInit already inited, LR:0xBF98D297
Connect IMX415_HDR_init_driver LEF to sensor pad 0
audioout driver init successful!
extalarm driver init successful  !
ircut driver init successful!
relay driver init successful!
reset driver init successful!
rs485 driver init successful!
wled driver init successful!
==>[0]:PreBuff:0xc4a50000, DmaAddr:0x24a50000
==>[1]:PreBuff:0xc4a58000, DmaAddr:0x24a58000
==>[2]:PreBuff:0xc4a5c000, DmaAddr:0x24a5c000
==>[3]:PreBuff:0xc4a60000, DmaAddr:0x24a60000
==>[4]:PreBuff:0xc4a64000, DmaAddr:0x24a64000
==>[5]:PreBuff:0xc4a68000, DmaAddr:0x24a68000
==>[6]:PreBuff:0xc4a6c000, DmaAddr:0x24a6c000
==>[7]:PreBuff:0xc4a70000, DmaAddr:0x24a70000
==>[8]:PreBuff:0xc4a74000, DmaAddr:0x24a74000
==>[9]:PreBuff:0xc4a78000, DmaAddr:0x24a78000
==>[10]:PreBuff:0xc4a7c000, DmaAddr:0x24a7c000
==>[11]:PreBuff:0xc4a80000, DmaAddr:0x24a80000
==>[12]:PreBuff:0xc4a84000, DmaAddr:0x24a84000
==>[13]:PreBuff:0xc4a88000, DmaAddr:0x24a88000
==>[14]:PreBuff:0xc4a8c000, DmaAddr:0x24a8c000
==>[15]:PreBuff:0xc4a90000, DmaAddr:0x24a90000
==>[16]:PreBuff:0xc4a94000, DmaAddr:0x24a94000
==>[17]:PreBuff:0xc4a98000, DmaAddr:0x24a98000
==>[18]:PreBuff:0xc4a9c000, DmaAddr:0x24a9c000
==>[19]:PreBuff:0xc4aa0000, DmaAddr:0x24aa0000
==>[20]:PreBuff:0xc4aa4000, DmaAddr:0x24aa4000
==>[21]:PreBuff:0xc4aa8000, DmaAddr:0x24aa8000
==>[22]:PreBuff:0xc4ab0000, DmaAddr:0x24ab0000
==>[23]:PreBuff:0xc4ab4000, DmaAddr:0x24ab4000
==>[24]:PreBuff:0xc4ab8000, DmaAddr:0x24ab8000
==>[25]:PreBuff:0xc4abc000, DmaAddr:0x24abc000
==>[26]:PreBuff:0xc4ac0000, DmaAddr:0x24ac0000
==>[27]:PreBuff:0xc4ac4000, DmaAddr:0x24ac4000
==>[28]:PreBuff:0xc4ac8000, DmaAddr:0x24ac8000
==>[29]:PreBuff:0xc4acc000, DmaAddr:0x24acc000
==>[30]:PreBuff:0xc4ad0000, DmaAddr:0x24ad0000
==>[31]:PreBuff:0xc4ad4000, DmaAddr:0x24ad4000
==>[32]:PreBuff:0xc4ad8000, DmaAddr:0x24ad8000
==>[33]:PreBuff:0xc4adc000, DmaAddr:0x24adc000
==>[34]:PreBuff:0xc4ae0000, DmaAddr:0x24ae0000
==>[35]:PreBuff:0xc4ae4000, DmaAddr:0x24ae4000
==>[36]:PreBuff:0xc4ae8000, DmaAddr:0x24ae8000
==>[37]:PreBuff:0xc4aec000, DmaAddr:0x24aec000
==>[38]:PreBuff:0xc4af0000, DmaAddr:0x24af0000
==>[39]:PreBuff:0xc4af4000, DmaAddr:0x24af4000
==>[40]:PreBuff:0xc4af8000, DmaAddr:0x24af8000
==>[41]:PreBuff:0xc4afc000, DmaAddr:0x24afc000
==>[42]:PreBuff:0xc4b00000, DmaAddr:0x24b00000
==>[43]:PreBuff:0xc4b04000, DmaAddr:0x24b04000
==>[44]:PreBuff:0xc4b08000, DmaAddr:0x24b08000
==>[45]:PreBuff:0xc4b0c000, DmaAddr:0x24b0c000
==>[46]:PreBuff:0xc4b10000, DmaAddr:0x24b10000
==>[47]:PreBuff:0xc4b14000, DmaAddr:0x24b14000
==>[48]:PreBuff:0xc4b18000, DmaAddr:0x24b18000
==>[49]:PreBuff:0xc4b1c000, DmaAddr:0x24b1c000
==>[50]:PreBuff:0xc4b20000, DmaAddr:0x24b20000
==>[51]:PreBuff:0xc4b24000, DmaAddr:0x24b24000
==>[52]:PreBuff:0xc4b28000, DmaAddr:0x24b28000
==>[53]:PreBuff:0xc4b2c000, DmaAddr:0x24b2c000
==>[54]:PreBuff:0xc4b30000, DmaAddr:0x24b30000
==>[55]:PreBuff:0xc4b34000, DmaAddr:0x24b34000
==>[56]:PreBuff:0xc4b38000, DmaAddr:0x24b38000
==>[57]:PreBuff:0xc4b3c000, DmaAddr:0x24b3c000
==>[58]:PreBuff:0xc4b40000, DmaAddr:0x24b40000
==>[59]:PreBuff:0xc4b44000, DmaAddr:0x24b44000
==>[60]:PreBuff:0xc4b48000, DmaAddr:0x24b48000
==>[61]:PreBuff:0xc4b4c000, DmaAddr:0x24b4c000
==>[62]:PreBuff:0xc4b50000, DmaAddr:0x24b50000
==>[63]:PreBuff:0xc4b54000, DmaAddr:0x24b54000
==>[64]:PreBuff:0xc4b58000, DmaAddr:0x24b58000
==>[65]:PreBuff:0xc4b5c000, DmaAddr:0x24b5c000
==>[66]:PreBuff:0xc4b60000, DmaAddr:0x24b60000
==>[67]:PreBuff:0xc4b64000, DmaAddr:0x24b64000
==>[68]:PreBuff:0xc4b68000, DmaAddr:0x24b68000
==>[69]:PreBuff:0xc4b6c000, DmaAddr:0x24b6c000
==>[70]:PreBuff:0xc5395000, DmaAddr:0x25395000
==>[71]:PreBuff:0xc5396000, DmaAddr:0x25396000
==>[72]:PreBuff:0xc4b70000, DmaAddr:0x24b70000
==>[73]:PreBuff:0xc4b78000, DmaAddr:0x24b78000
==>[74]:PreBuff:0xc4b80000, DmaAddr:0x24b80000
==>[75]:PreBuff:0xc4b88000, DmaAddr:0x24b88000
==>[76]:PreBuff:0xc4b90000, DmaAddr:0x24b90000
==>[77]:PreBuff:0xc4b98000, DmaAddr:0x24b98000
==>[78]:PreBuff:0xc4ba0000, DmaAddr:0x24ba0000
==>[79]:PreBuff:0xc4ba8000, DmaAddr:0x24ba8000
==>[80]:PreBuff:0xc4a40800, DmaAddr:0x24a40800
install prealloc ok
rtusb init rt2870 --->
allocate tx ringidx 0
allocate tx ringidx 1
allocate tx ringidx 2
allocate tx ringidx 3
allocate tx ringidx 4
allocate tx ringidx 5
allocate tx ringidx 6
allocate tx ringidx 7
allocate tx ringidx 8
allocate tx ringidx 9
allocate tx ringidx 10
allocate tx ringidx 11
allocate tx ringidx 12
allocate tx ringidx 13
allocate tx ringidx 0
allocate tx ringidx 1
allocate tx ringidx 2
allocate tx ringidx 3
allocate tx ringidx 4
allocate tx ringidx 5
allocate tx ringidx 6
allocate tx ringidx 7
allocate tx ringidx 8
allocate tx ringidx 9
allocate tx ringidx 10
allocate tx ringidx 11
allocate tx ringidx 12
allocate tx ringidx 13
allocate tx ringidx 0
allocate tx ringidx 1
allocate tx ringidx 2
allocate tx ringidx 3
allocate tx ringidx 4
allocate tx ringidx 5
allocate tx ringidx 6
allocate tx ringidx 7
allocate tx ringidx 8
allocate tx ringidx 9
allocate tx ringidx 10
allocate tx ringidx 11
allocate tx ringidx 12
allocate tx ringidx 13
allocate tx ringidx 0
allocate tx ringidx 1
allocate tx ringidx 2
allocate tx ringidx 3
allocate tx ringidx 4
allocate tx ringidx 5
allocate tx ringidx 6
allocate tx ringidx 7
allocate tx ringidx 8
allocate tx ringidx 9
allocate tx ringidx 10
allocate tx ringidx 11
allocate tx ringidx 12
allocate tx ringidx 13
==>WaitForAsicReady MAC_CSR0=0x76010500
==>WaitForAsicReady MAC_CSR0=0x76010500
NumOfChan ===> 58
usbcore: registered new interface driver rt2870
1. LDO_CTR0(6c) = a64799, PMU_OCLEVEL c
2. LDO_CTR0(6c) = a6478d, PMU_OCLEVEL 6
==>WaitForAsicReady MAC_CSR0=0x76010500
==>WaitForAsicReady MAC_CSR0=0x76010500
random: fast init done
NumOfChan ===> 14
0x1300 = 00064300
client [864] connected, module:sys
client [864] connected, module:sensor
client [864] connected, module:vif
HDN_sample 0, extheight 0
client [864] connected, module:vpe
chipidx 3, revision 2
[DRV_SCL_MODULE] [DrvSclModuleClkInit @ 316] Use Default Clk [345000000]

CmdqProcInit 821
[CMDQ0] Virtual IRQ: 34
CmdQ Free ID = 0, IspLocalCmdQHnd = 0xbfa8d138
ioc eRunningMode=24
CamOsMutexInit already inited, LR:0xBF9A05F5
[0] AE=1, AWB=0, AF=0, nFlagCus3A = 0x02
[0] AE=1, AWB=1, AF=0, nFlagCus3A = 0x0A
[0] AE=1, AWB=1, AF=1, nFlagCus3A = 0x1A
client [864] connected, module:divp
[DIP] Virtual IRQ: 27

client [864] connected, module:shadow
[CMDQ1] Virtual IRQ: 34

client [864] connected, module:shadow
[CMDQ1] Virtual IRQ: 34

===== [MhalCameraOpen] begin ===== VifMask : 0
Ch= 0, SNR ID: 0x0, VifCh = 0x0, PreOpen = 0
3DNR = 2, Rotation = 0, AckTie : 0
(W, H): (3840, 2160)
PixelFmt: 1, BayerID: 3, YuvOrder: 0
Mode: 0, HdrType: 0
GroupID: 0, Sync3A Type: 0
[CameraReadIqData] isp root is /config/iqfile, nCh = 0
client [864] connected, module:rgn
CamOsTsemInit already inited, LR:0xBF9B3D43
client [864] connected, module:ai
[AUDIO ERROR]DrvAudApiDtsInit, Failed to gpio_request amp-gpio !
[_MI_AI_IMPL_AllocTmpBuffer:3844] tmp buffer addr[c4462000].
client [864] connected, module:ao
[_MI_AO_Init:1248] Init Ao Gain.
client [864] connected, module:venc
Create mi dev0
Create mi dev0
[[1;33m[MI WRN ]: _MI_VENC_CreateMiDevice[7850]: mi device:0 has been inited
Create mi dev1
Create mhal DEV0.
[ven-w][wrap] illegal width and height. will use default value (3840 2176)
[ven-m][wrap] venc_dev_preset:1406 GetMMaHeapName s32Ret=0xa009201f, u8MMAHeapName=.
[ven-m][wrap] fw_path /config/venc_fw/chagall.bin
Create mhal DEV1.
[ven-w][wrap] venc MMA callback function duplicate registration Force OverWrite!!
[ven-w][wrap] venc dev created, not support set E_MHAL_VENC_MAX_ENCODE_RESOLUTION, pls set before createdev
Create mhal DEV2.
client [864] connected, module:ipu
_hal_to_cpu_isr invalid isr 1
[[1;33m[MI WRN ]: MI_SYS_IMPL_ConfigPrivateMMAPool[5594]: The current project supports MMU, and the private pool is disabled by default
[0] AE=1, AWB=1, AF=1, nFlagCus3A = 0x1A
ERROR: Bus[2] in ms_i2c_xfer_write: Slave dev NAK, Addr: 0x20, Data: 0x0 0x0  M
ERROR: Bus[2] in ms_i2c_xfer_write: Slave dev NAK, Addr: 0x20, Data: 0x0 0x1  M
ERROR: Bus[2] in ms_i2c_xfer_write: Slave dev NAK, Addr: 0x20, Data: 0x0  M
hrtimer: interrupt took 525000 ns
random: crng init done