camera countermeasures, but a little bit late


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
I use checks to pay for campsites; most dont have hosts anymore so its just a steel tube concreted into the ground with a slit for money..

thats the only thing I use em for; wife still pays bills w/em from time to time I think.. and we usually hand money between family in checks but those are given in person and rarely mailed.

they are still nice to have, carrying alot of cash is not always a good idea.


Getting comfortable
Nov 24, 2014
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Mail theft has become a huge problem in the rural community I live in. Unfortunately there are many community mail boxes in the middle of nowhere on dirt roads. Difficult to secure and usually no power around for cams. The local Post Office just had one of their delivery jeeps stolen out of the back lot and the thieves got 5 sets of master keys. I had a client call me not long ago and tell me a check he sent me had apparently been stolen. He received a call from a detective at a local PD who had the check. Bad guy got caught this time. Detective said little will come of it as the guy was illegal.

The other really popular scam around here is stealing cc data at gas stations. When you "pay at the pump" they stick devices over the cc mag strip reader that steals the data. I started paying inside!


Known around here
Nov 18, 2014
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I bet the guy will argue after being caught that he didn't do anything besides tape the camera because he's a bit paranoid. "I didn't steal nothing! Honest!" Douchebag.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
his plan was surely plausible deniability, but the dumbass flashed a master key before obscuring the camera and all plausibility goes out the window.

Marshalls will probably show up with a warrant and take the door off the hinges, if they find that key and a single piece of stolen mail he'll be toast.. but these guys usually always have enough shit laying around the house to send em away for a while even if they dont find em.. he's supposedly a jail bird so there is also likely probation he has to worry about.


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2014
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There are still a number of services that require postal service. Getting the state to send your medical license renewal- USPS. Vehicle registration/tags - USPS. Nearly all official government-issued documents that you can't pick up at local centers come by USPS.

I agree that 90% or more is junk mail (that's a separate issue), but to claim that mail theft isn't a big deal because it's not being used for anything valuable - that's a stretch.

Whether someone has a master key an is able to empty 30 boxes at once, or someone drives around the hood and helps themselves to unsecured mailboxes one at a time... theft is theft. It's no different than those punks that snatch packages off your doorstep. The efforts taken by LE should be the same on this as it is for any type of theft.