Break in, sort of


Getting the hang of it
Mar 22, 2014
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I probably should apologize- not for my opinion, but having said it. Note to self- don't post when you're in a crappy mood. This isn't really the forum to debate gun carry, per say. And everyone has a story about why they have cameras in the home. Mine is that I am my own central station over night, looking over my property for my wife while I'm working all night. It gives both of us a sense of being that much more safe and able to respond should there be a crisis or even a medical emergency she may have while I'm away. I have questioned my level of paranoia many times along the way though. You do get caught up in this. It gets spurred on at those times when you do catch something or nearly catch something or worst of all robbed- like a grand cat and mouse game that you MUST be better and better prepared to win. So you get better cameras, more cameras, door alarms, window alarms, ptz's, dogs, cats, guns, on and on. It seems to me that we put ourselves in a perpetual state of readiness, and it can be all consuming and down right tiring. And in our thing with cameras- expensive too. It is fun though. If it weren't rewarding I wouldn't be on forums shooting the breeze about it. It's fun. And if it can be useful, all the better. But it's a high probability that no amount of readiness or gun toting is going to make the right outcome. Criminals have the best thing on their side- the element of surprise. If you have yourself a canon in your closet but they hit you while your dozing off in your recliner- you have a problem. Cameras may or may not be of any use at all, mega pixels be damned. You do what you can though, but at a certain point you just have to live and let it go. I made it 47 years never having CCTV cameras or guns as part of my world. Now I get the shakes if even ONE of my cameras are down. If I have internet interruption, I all but freak because I can't see the CAMERAS. I just try and keep things in perspective now, that's all. And to this day, I'm gunless. I've often wanted one, but I've made the choice not to have one. My wife surely would have shot me by now anyway! :rapture:
Nothing to apologise for, imho. Opinion and information go hand-in-hand, and I agree there are a myriad of reasons why cams are an interest. Security is a totally understandable reason (and for those larger companies, liability) but I agree some may indeed live in a state of fear or paranoia of becoming victims, and see pics or vid as a security blanket, but I too question its overall value versus panacea. Amusingly, it reminds me of Kevin Rose's vid:
This was likely set up to monitor/record some future intruder...but instead it simply became a tool in a viral vid moment, much like the recent supercat to the rescue viral vid. If we all had vid cams, it's just a matter of time before America's Funniest Home Videos needs its own tv channel! :p


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
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No, but if you buy the one I'm selling, I'll glue some on, lol.


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
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OMG! I keep going back and watch that raccoon fly down those stairs! I haven't cried while laughing in a long time!!! LMFAO!!!


Getting the hang of it
Mar 22, 2014
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Me too..I suspect there are actually only 200,000 views, but many repeats! :p


May 11, 2014
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Baaahahahaahaa! That's amazing!! The glowing eyes floating away absolutely slays me :D
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Known around here
Mar 13, 2014
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New York
I know the guy was in a panic and that's when you think the least and act the most, but he was seriously lucky he was unscathed. Raccoons are fierce man. He's lucky the thing didn't tear HIM apart at that point. That thing could have been all over him- lucky.


Getting the hang of it
Apr 14, 2014
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FL <~> ME
" Live Action Baby ! "

Thank you turtle man!!!

Bare hands. No wonder he tossed it! That's just reflex. No thinking. Just separate them. I don't blame him for anything. It counts as self defense of a family member.

Having dealt with a little bit of wildlife and stray animals, I'm really surprised he didn't get hurt. Just try to grab a stray cat or dog ... wow zee. Then thinking about some wildlife interactions, and some of the critters I've dealt with. Those things are fight or die.

I've actually had my own cat rip my hand & arm open in a moment of anger & frustration, when we were trying to get a couple knots out of her fur. The pain from the claws ripping was so sharp tears were running and my arm felt like it was on fire. I still have some scars. Now instead of shorts and t-shirt, I put on a sweater, winter coat and leather motorcycle gloves ;) LOL


Known around here
Mar 30, 2014
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North Florida
Been off the internets for a while, lost my job the other day so dunno if I'll be getting anymore cams anytime soon. I will say being robbed has kind of consumed my life. The more time that passes the better it gets though, and the dog and cameras help me feel a little better. Of course now I have bigger problems to worry about. Who knows, maybe one day I will just have some cams recording 24/7 and try not to think about it. It really does suck and sucks the joy out of life being scared all the time. I do hope whoever robbed me rots in hell because they really didn't get all that much stuff, but you can't put a price on the damage they've done to my mind. It'll get better though, it has to.


Getting the hang of it
Apr 14, 2014
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FL <~> ME
Initially it is hard not to dwell on the incident, items lost, money spent on replacement, etc. feeling less secure, but things will balance out. It just takes some time to get through the worst part and let go off some anger & frustration. Things happen. We all are victims of something or another throughout our lives. On the bright side, it was just stuff. Things get more permanently engrained when there was a physical component to whatever crime. Time heals things.

All you can do is have a good door & window locking practice. Setup a small alarm system - or get a dog. Record some movement with a few cams. And try to stay under the radar. Crime is pretty random but there's often a connection to something that was seen or heard ... And if it's just some folks going through the street, try to not look interesting / easy, avoid them finding your house as the weak one without protection and an unlocked door or window somewhere.

I'm very sorry to hear about your job. Hopefully all will be well again soon.


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Sorry to hear about your job. Hopefully you find something soon.