Blue Iris UI3


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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Just worked out why mine didn't crash.

I can set full 4K for the group and it works fine when I have 1 4K camera setup. The moment I add the second 4K camera, then I get the problems.
When it is just a single camera in a group, Blue Iris does not treat it as a group, so the resolution is actually being limited to 1280x720.

I just don't understand why we can get Youtube, Netflix etc in 4K, I can live view my cameras directly (hikvision) in IE and get 4K, but not much better than HD in Blue Iris and UI3.
I've tried to explain this before, but it isn't easy to do in non-technical terms. Modern web browsers have good video playback capability, but it is only exposed through a few high level methods and none of those methods is suitable for UI3.

The method used by Youtube, Netflix, etc was designed for working with static files in very specific formats. Live streaming with this method is only possible with several seconds of delay. Blue Iris and UI3 actually support this to some extent (right click on a live stream and choose to open the HLS player) but you'll notice how long it takes to start up a new stream, and notice how delayed it is, and hopefully realize why this isn't the primary streaming method.

You may have also noticed some audio/video calling websites that achieve low delay via a technology called "WebRTC". This could theoretically work for us, however it would require Blue Iris to implement a WebRTC client, which would be an enormous undertaking and I just don't see that happening.

So in order to have the low video delay required for a responsive interface, I had to cobble together a video player that decodes and renders the video stream using JavaScript. I tried every JavaScript-ported video decoder I could get my hands on, but the best I found was only 40% of the speed of a "native" decoder built into a browser. And it crashes if fed 4K video, though I think that is just an issue with the way it was "compiled" rather than a bug in the code. I didn't compile it so I can't easily fix it right now.


Getting the hang of it
May 19, 2015
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Sort of understand.

On another note, I am running 25 Cameras, 19 @ 1080p and 6 at 4K. All at 12Fps and 2048 for 1080 and 4096 for the 4K.

Viewing a single camera I get 10-12Fps in UI3. but when viewing all cameras I get 1-2fps. Is there a way to improve this at all? I don't expect the full 12Fps but I must be able to get better than 1-2.

Even on a Group of 2 4K cameras I only get 3Fps.


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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The frame rate of the group view is usually limited by either your CPU speed and load, or by the value you have set here:

Lowering the resolution of the group view will allow the frame rate to get higher because each frame takes less time to create.

The frame rate can also go down if your CPU usage on the system is high. Like on my i7-8700K I have it set to 2416x1088 resolution and I only get 8.5 FPS if the local console is open and maximized on my 4K monitor because having that open increases the CPU usage by a ton. But if I close or minimize the local console then CPU usage goes way down and the group view stream will increase to about 21 FPS.


Getting the hang of it
May 19, 2015
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That groups view res isn't set, so it's the default 720, and I have the frame rate there set to 12 which is the most any of the cameras do.

It's running on a Dual Xeon E5620 and I get same result if I close local ui, I do get about 80% CPU with you open and 40% when minimising local ui. Even setting res to 640x480 I don't get better than 2 fps.

In another box, I have 9 1080p cameras at 15fps, on a i7-2600, I get 5fps on all cam view. No res set and fps for group set at 15. I get 90% CPU with GUI open and 70% with GUI minimised.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk


Getting the hang of it
May 19, 2015
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Also, I think I found a bug.

I had set group res to 640x480. Got a crappy picture and no change in fps, but I then turned it off. The Res stayed at the 640x480. I had to manually put the res to the 1280x720 to put it back. I thought turning it off was suppose to go back to whatever is the default.


Young grasshopper
May 8, 2017
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Also, I think I found a bug.

I had set group res to 640x480. Got a crappy picture and no change in fps, but I then turned it off. The Res stayed at the 640x480. I had to manually put the res to the 1280x720 to put it back. I thought turning it off was suppose to go back to whatever is the default.
You could report this to BlueIris support but I don't think its worth it given there are issues without workarounds, such as the individual camera stream resolution setting not working which I for one would really like Ken to fix (reported by at least two of us here).


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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Xeon E5620 is a pretty slow CPU, but even so I would expect better than 2 FPS for group views at 720p given that you get 10-12 FPS for single cameras at 720p. I can't think of anything else for you to change though.


Young grasshopper
Mar 5, 2018
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I installed the UI3 and have begun playing with it the last couple days. Love the look and feel! The clip preview is awesome. Thank you for your efforts.

1. Would it be possible to give us an option to reverse the mouse wheel zoom? It is opposite of the actual blue iris client.
2. Could you add a filter for length of time to the alert filter? I'd like to be able to review only clips longer than 4 seconds.
3. Please add a refresh button to the alerts, so I can pull in any new alerts that have occurred since I loaded the UI.
4. When using hot keys . and , to scroll from camera to camera, I'd vote to NOT display the all cameras view. I just want to scroll camera to camera, not see all cameras in one view when I am using these shortcuts.
5. Lastly, in UI2, I used to be able to autoplay all alert clips in order automatically when one finished it moved to the next. UI3 does not appear to be doing that. It seems to just keep playing the current video "clip". I liked this feature in UI2 because it allowed me an easy way to watch the entire day efficiently. I record continuously and motion. Hope that makes sense.



Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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1. Blue Iris has an option to switch to the universal standard mouse wheel orientation. I suggest you find that setting and flip it instead ;)
2. That is a possibility I suppose. I could stick that into the calendar popup or something (I really don't want to consume more vertical space in the side bar for more filters). I'm also pretty surprised that you have clips <= 4 seconds long. The default break time for motion detection is something like 10 seconds so I would have thought that would be the minimum.
3. The list refreshes automatically. If you're suspicious or if something broke, just click the active tab again and it will do a complete refresh.
4. Is this important enough to warrant another line in the settings window? (I hate how big it already is. LOL)
5. A lot of thought went into how UI3 was going to treat alerts, complicated by the fact that I had to implement the clip/alert streaming twice (once for the Jpeg APIs and again for the H.264 APIs). In the end I decided that UI3 should treat alerts the same way the local console and official mobile apps treat them because that required the least amount of work on Ken's part (Ken is the developer of Blue Iris). Time permitting, it may be possible to add this as an option in the future. There are other more pressing concerns right now and I'm not going to bother him with this one (again) for a while.

Matthew R

Mar 6, 2018
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Just installed the ui3 beta and it looks great.

Having issues though getting Chrome to stream the feed from the cameras unless I set it to the "JPEG Best Quality" setting. Firefox works fine, but then again it's using the same JPEG stream.

I have reduced the settings for the H264 streaming 0 to <512kbps but it's still giving me error about the stream being stuck open in the web ui, or just taking an age to stop showing the spinning loader and display the stream.

I'm running on a quad core i7 machine, connecting to the server on a local 1Gb wired Ethernet connection. Chrome is using 5% cpu.

Have I set something up wrong maybe with the streaming 0 config?

Thanks for the great UI.



Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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it's still giving me error about the stream being stuck open in the web ui, or just taking an age to stop showing the spinning loader and display the stream.
A few people have complained of similar issues before. This is most likely the result of your antivirus software intercepting the video stream. See if you can exclude your Blue Iris server's address from your antivirus software's web protection settings.

Matthew R

Mar 6, 2018
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Quick reply, you're spot on, I'm running Sophos Endpoint Protection and as a quick test I disabled all it's features and the streams 0, 1 & 2 loaded without any delay.
I'll spend a bit more time trying to work out what component of the multi level protection is blocking the traffic and I'll update you if/when I figure it out.


Matthew R

Mar 6, 2018
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It looks like it's the realtime internet scanning option.

Now I just need to figure out if I can add an exception for the servers IP address.

Matthew R

Mar 6, 2018
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I have been able to add a policy exclusion into the Threat Protection policy for the server address.
I have proved that it's working by not putting the external servers IP address into the exclusion.
If I navigate to the internal IP of the server it works, but if I try the external IP it hangs again.

Thanks for the help.


Getting the hang of it
May 19, 2015
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I have no clue if this is an issue with BI or UI3.

I have 8 2032 1080p cams set to 2048,10fps and 20 iframes.
CPU for NVR is 40% with BI minimised.
All Cameras set with 20fps limit and 1280x720
Also, have H264 decoding and its an i7-2600 with 10Gb RAM

Viewing on an i7 920, 24Gb RAM latest Chrome.

When viewing a single camera it will play at the full frame rate of 10fps. Looks great.

When viewing all cameras, I cannot get it to go hight than 5-6fps. ever. No matter what I try.


Getting the hang of it
May 19, 2015
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I have no clue if this is an issue with BI or UI3.

I have 8 2032 1080p cams set to 2048,10fps and 20 iframes.
CPU for NVR is 40% with BI minimised.
All Cameras set with 20fps limit and 1280x720
Also, have H264 decoding and its an i7-2600 with 10Gb RAM
BI Reports I am running about 178MP/s

Viewing on an i7 920, 24Gb RAM latest Chrome.

When viewing a single camera it will play at the full frame rate of 10fps. Looks great.

When viewing all cameras, I cannot get it to go hight than 5-6fps. ever. No matter what I try.
Also getting the exact same issue on another larger hardware system that is running 3 1080p cameras and a single 4K camera.


Getting the hang of it
May 19, 2015
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You can adjust the frame rate limit (and the resolution) of any camera group, here:

Already stated I have that part set. Currently set to 20fps limit and 1280x720.

I can drop the quality to 640x480 and still never get higher than 5-6fps when viewing all cameras.

Have also tried seting some of the stream quality settings too. setting the stream to 256kb and still no better frames.


Getting the hang of it
May 19, 2015
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Its been doing it for a while but I hadn't finished tweaking and setting everything up, so took no notice of it. Now that everything is setup and being optimised, as I said, no matter how crappy the stream res or bitrate is, I cannot get over 5-6fps when viewing all cameras. Its fine if viewing a single camera.