Blue Iris CPU options - Dell Optiplex i5-6600 or i7-7700 or i5-8500? Recommendations?


Getting the hang of it
Nov 14, 2021
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Hi guys -- I'm revamping my setup, and I own three old little Dell Optiplex machines I can use. Which one should I use for Blue Iris?

I'm planning on reformatting all of them, so now is the time to pick which one does what, and then I'll stick with this for a few years.

(Blue Iris was previously running on an old 4th gen Optiplex that is ready to be retired, and it only had 3-4 cameras. Now, I'm increasing to 6 cameras, eventually maybe expanding to 10 cameras.)

i5-6600 (passmark 6027)
i7-7700 (passmark 8653)
i5-8500 (passmark 9605)

I need to allocate these machines to my three use cases: 1) Blue Iris, 2) general personal/audio/work stuff, 3) family general use. I have other computers, but these are the ones available for switching around.

I have enough RAM DIMMs so that 2 of them can have 16GB RAM, and one of them 8GB RAM, I can switch around the DIMMs to optimize use cases. All the machines have NVMe or SSD boot + HDD for extra storage if needed. I might have an old nVidia card I can put in, but I don't think I need it for these use cases.

So for Blue Iris, I have 6x 1080p cameras, and will probably add more, and probably snag a 4K camera later this year or next year. Eventually maybe max 10 cameras, let's say 2 of those 4K at some point. Otherwise I'm fine with 1080p for most of them. (Actually even 720p would be fine for most of them.)

How do you think I should allocate this hardware?


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Hi guys -- I'm revamping my setup, and I own three old little Dell Optiplex machines I can use. Which one should I use for Blue Iris?

I'm planning on reformatting all of them, so now is the time to pick which one does what, and then I'll stick with this for a few years.

(Blue Iris was previously running on an old 4th gen Optiplex that is ready to be retired, and it only had 3-4 cameras. Now, I'm increasing to 6 cameras, eventually maybe expanding to 10 cameras.)

i5-6600 (passmark 6027)
i7-7700 (passmark 8653)
i5-8500 (passmark 9605)

I need to allocate these machines to my three use cases: 1) Blue Iris, 2) general personal/audio/work stuff, 3) family general use.

I have enough RAM DIMMs so that 2 of them can have 16GB RAM, and one of them 8GB RAM, I can switch around the DIMMs to optimize use cases. All the machines have NVMe or SSD boot + HDD for extra storage if needed. I might have an old nVidia card I can put in, but I don't think I need it for these use cases.

So for Blue Iris, I have 6x 1080p cameras, and will probably add more, and probably snag a 4K camera later this year or next year. Eventually maybe max 10 cameras, let's say 2 of those 4K at some point. Otherwise I'm fine with 1080p for most of them. (Actually even 720p would be fine for most of them.)

How do you think I should allocate this hardware?
iirc the 8th gen processor is preferred over th 6th and 7th now ..

still ..
I need to allocate these machines to my three use cases: 1) Blue Iris, 2) general personal/audio/work stuff, 3) family general use.

I would use the i5-8500 as my personal machine, .. and perhaps the i5-6600 for BI ..


Getting the hang of it
Nov 14, 2021
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iirc the 8th gen processor is preferred over th 6th and 7th now ..

still ..
I need to allocate these machines to my three use cases: 1) Blue Iris, 2) general personal/audio/work stuff, 3) family general use.

I would use the i5-8500 as my personal machine, .. and perhaps the i5-6600 for BI ..
Thanks, yeah, it would be preferable to give myself the better CPU for personal/audio/work stuff. And to clarify, while I DO have other computers I already use (for more demanding purposes with a decent GPU for video stuff, etc.), I would still like to give myself the better CPU of these Optiplexes if possible. I figured all three of these little Dells could technically run BI just fine... BUT whatever I decide now I don't want to mess with for a while.

So if it really makes a difference for BI, then I'd put BI on any of these three. I just don't know how much I really gain by giving BI the i5-8500 over the i7-7700 over the i5-6600, if anything.


Getting the hang of it
Nov 14, 2021
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The i5-8500 is the only one that can run Win11 if that is important to you at some point.
Good point. I don't use Win11 at this point, but the EOL for Win 10 is Oct 14, 2025, if Microsoft doesn't change anything before then. (Windows 10 Home and Pro - Microsoft Lifecycle)

So if I stick with the i5-6600 or i7-7700 for BI, then I've got a good 2+ years to cross that bridge. My goal was to stick with this new "config" for a "couple of years" so technically 2+ years qualifies.

So I guess it's okay that I can't run Win11 on the i5-6600 or i7-7700. I'd be okay staying with Win10 until Oct 2025. And maybe Blue Iris will release a Linux version by then! I can hope!

Thank you for bringing that up!
Feb 24, 2023
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I'm running blue iris on an i5-6600 8GB ram.
7x 4mp cameras. 1 24/7 record, others record on motion.
CPU usually running at 15% with plenty of ram to spare.
I'll likely add a 4k camera later this year just because I like tinkering with gadgets.


Getting comfortable
Oct 26, 2021
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One more point to consider: the newer processors tend to use less electricity (and your BI machine, as a 24/7 device, that WILL add up over time). For reference, my i5-8500 BI machine with 4 cameras uses only about 22 watts (long term average). My machine has one Nvme drive as the boot drive and one WD purple drive for storage.
I strongly suspect the previous generation processors will draw more power, but that will matter less in more typical (on/off/+sleep) general purpose computers.
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Getting the hang of it
Apr 19, 2023
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Although this doesn't directly address your choices, I recently went from a 2nd gen i7 that was consistently using 20-30% cpu to an i7-8700 that used less than 2% of my CPU.
(11 cameras, constantly recording to a wd purple drive).
So if pricing isn't much high, go with an 8th gen (more efficient, more power, can run windows 11).


Getting the hang of it
Nov 14, 2021
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Thank you all, really great feedback. I know the i5-6600 will technically cover the job, but I think there are increasing positives to using the i5-8500 for BI.

I hadn't considered power consumption 24/7, for example, which I agree the i5-8500 will ultimately be a better/smarter option. Given that I plan to add 4K cameras at some point as well, I might as well cover myself in terms of CPU headroom too. And then as for the Win11 issue, while I don't mind crossing that bridge later when Win10 is discontinued in Oct 2025, that's not a concern with the i5-8500, so I don't have to think about it again. Overall, might as well go with the i5-8500 for BI.

Now what do you guys think about 16GB RAM or 8GB RAM? Does it really make any difference for BI?


Getting the hang of it
Apr 19, 2023
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I find myself using about 8gb of ram (old system used 50% of 16gb, new system is 27% of 32gb).
I think I paid $60 for 32gb of used g.skill ram.
I would say 16gb should be more than enough for a dedicated system.