BI DB rebuild issue/question?


Getting the hang of it
Jun 15, 2020
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So I recently made some changes to storage locations I decided to make some use of some of my SSD's. So I started storing alerts and up to 2hrs or of new recording on my SSD along with the DB, (not sure why it was not there to begin with).
Issues/Things I have noticed, my wife does not like the way the playback works for everything older then 2 hours. Click on the alert it shows the alert pic but does not play the video for the alert if the alert is older then 2 hours. I noticed in the UI3 in the live normal users view you can not select the "stored" location and if you go to the clips view you have to scroll looking for the recordings because the alerts are not linking to the video. Its a pain for her, so I going back to the way I used to do it but on a new drive. Does BI intentional break the recording links for alerts when it shuffles the recording to a new location?

I am going to drop in a 2 TB nvme SSD, and relocate storage yet again, What I have noticed in the past is that BI DB does not rebuild everything you have recorded. My "new" folder is set to migrate data to "stored" based either on size or timeframe, normally, 1.5TB or 30 days. When I rebuilt the DB after the last move it only rebuilt everything for that day forward it did not re-add any of the older data residing in the "new" or "stored" locations. "Stored" is emptied limited to 30 days or limited by size. If we Flagg something to keep I usually manually export it.

So that has me wondering if I am doing my DB rebuild wrong or if I should just shuffle all the current data into a temp folder to be delete in say 6 months and start fresh with the DB, new, alerts, and stored on the new drive?


Getting the hang of it
Jun 15, 2020
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Hm I just noticed that the recent update has something to do with finding triggers in clips. Ill have to test this to see if it resolves the issue for my wife.


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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I'm not sure exactly what is wrong on your system. The clip database has gotten broken on every system I update to 5.6.x, forcing me to right click in the clip list and choose "Database" > "Repair/Regenerate". But as far as I have noticed that has fixed all the clip db issues I was having after the update.