Allocating Free Space on a new drive


BIT Beta Team
Jun 11, 2014
Reaction score
What is the recommended percentages for Clip folders New, Stored, and Alerts for my new D: drive as its a 4tb and has 3.63T Free?

I have a a 446Gb ssd C: drive for Windows and BlueIris and its DB and the defaults were:
old c:
10gb for c:\BlueIris\New
20gb for c:\BlueIris\Stored
1gb for c:\BlueIris\Alerts

new d:
? d:\BlueIris\New
? d:\BlueIris\Stored
? d:\BlueIris\Alerts
I changed the paths to create the folders on the new d: drive but what sizes should I make all 3 dir's??
and I unchecked Limit clip age as I want the most days to be stored as possible. Do I need to do anything else as this is a new implementation and I have not added any cameras yet.

Wish there was a button to click to optimize this but maybe its very easy?



Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Any ideas?
There can never be an optimize button because every situation is different.
Simply read what the folders do and decide for yourself.
Note that nothing is stored in the alert folder unless you select save high res alert images which is unnecessary.
In most cases you dont even need the stored folder, simply maximize the new folder and thats it.


Getting the hang of it
Jun 17, 2014
Reaction score
Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
I recently added a 4TB drive also. I left the Blue Iris database and the New folder on the C drive as is recommended by Blue Iris. I allocated 100GB for the new folder. I have no Days Limit on the New folder. Files move to the Stored folder on the new drive as space is needed in the New folder. I allocated 3000GB (3TB) for the Stored folder on the new drive. That leaves some headroom should I want to put something else on there too -- maybe archived clips that I don't want to ever delete automatically. The oldest files are deleted from the Stored folder as space is needed.