Accessing nvr remotely using smart pss and internet explorer


Apr 15, 2015
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I just got my first camera and duhua nvr up and running without issue.

I would like to manage this nvr remotely as it will be located away from my general residence.

I downloaded the duhua toolkit and installed smartpss without issue.

When off my local network I can log into my NVR using the smartpss application and view cameras and see several settings. All ok so far.

If I then try to log into the nvr through the web link the app presents (for example to set tripwires) I'm forwarded to internet explorer and asked to download some plugins. Still fine it seems....

From there, I get a "failed to log in, 4 attempts left" message. No matter how many times I try logging in the "4 attempts left" message never decreases.

I know my login info is correct as I can in fact log in via chrome without issue (although I obviously don't see feeds of the cameras).

I'm using IE (not edge) and have tried a few alternative browsers like pale moon. Same problems with all of them.

I tried this on three separate windows PC's so I don't think it is me.

Anyone encounter this?.

Is there another way to set and effort IVS tripwires remotely?

Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
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