2nd Amendment thread


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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FWIW .. while watching this video I am reminded how critical the 2nd amendment is ..

Wagner's Mutiny - what it means for Putin's Russia (and Coups 101)


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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ah, the corrupt Congress Critter ..

When Gun Laws Are Proposed by Idiots
Washington Gun Law

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the Safe Storage Saves Lives Act, proposed by Second Amendment expert, Rep Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. This legislation would amend 18 USC Sec. 922(z) to require all retailers of all firearms sold anywhere in the nation to require a trigger or safety lock with every firearm. But will any of this make a difference? Learn all of this and arm yourself with education today.



Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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ah, the corrupt Congress Critter ..

When Gun Laws Are Proposed by Idiots
Washington Gun Law

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the Safe Storage Saves Lives Act, proposed by Second Amendment expert, Rep Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. This legislation would amend 18 USC Sec. 922(z) to require all retailers of all firearms sold anywhere in the nation to require a trigger or safety lock with every firearm. But will any of this make a difference? Learn all of this and arm yourself with education today.

I can understand why in the US with armed house invasions, many would want instant access to a firearm. However, equally in the interests oif stopping school shootings by disaffected teens, there's a lot to be said for having firearms safely stored. I'm sure there are guns safes, that could be developed that use finger prints recognition and only take a second to open. I have seen a firearm holster that attaches to furniture that has this function. No good if someone has already entered the room maybe, but the question then is why weren't your doors locked and security systems in place to alert you beofer they got in. With those in place there should be plenty of time to access a firearm and with many US householders have guns in most rooms, even if someone is in your home, access should be possible unless the 1st you know is when someone is in the very room you're in. An answer to that might be a knfie concealed on your person and wait for a close quarter opportunity or to have a silent panic button that flashes red lights in the other rooms of the hosue and hoepfully alerts another member of the household who still has access to a gun of your situation. There's also the other possibility of having a firearm on your person at all times and putting it away into a gun safe when it's not physically on you.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Stupid liberals that think we dont need firearms... wonder why you never here about these on the "progressive" liberal shithead media?

Suck it liberals
Armed Las Vegas worker stopped likely mass shooter in his tracks but received little attention: expert

The Israeli's get it


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
" .. uh why y'all shoot me man .. "

" .. I promise to God I wasn't gonna do nothing .. "

FYI - posting .. as often videos seem to get removed from youtube ..

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video provides some still images ..

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" .. I promise to God I wasn't gonna do nothing .. "

yeah and he came real close to actually having to take the matter up with God himself