Search results

  1. chopperface

    One site page covers all?

    I have an Asus rt-ac88u router and have no idea how to use it. I mean yes I am on the internet obviously but is there somewhere I can go to learn all the lingo and meanings to "Networking" ? like what are ports, subnet masks, 1pv6 and ipv4 ddns asuswrt vpns the list goes on forever it seems...
  2. chopperface

    Viewing NVR on tvs through out house

    My current installation in progress is a single 4k NVR and 4K tv in a central closet in my house. I want to view the nvr on 3 possibly 4 wall hung tv's (not 4k but maybe someday) through out house. I have already ran cat6 to all the tv's and my thought process was beings all the tv's are smart...
  3. chopperface

    Looking for opinions on Laview kit

    I have found this kit at a local pawn shop and its all new in box. They are asking 850 bucks for it. I am leaning towards buying it but im not real sure about the NVR performance. I called and asked laview about the bitrate because I couldn't find any specs anywhere on their web page about it...
  4. chopperface

    Hello, and thanks in advance.

    I followed mat2000 from slick deals here. I have 1000 foot of cat6 that is about to magically install itself throughout my house and to an undetermined amount of camera locations. I will try not to ask the same ole which camera for me questions but not gonna make any promises. What I know...