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  1. S

    Demo to Full

    Sorry bp I have been busy. The CPU is an AMD 2400 with 8 gigs ram, ATI card so nothing spectacular but all that is on that system is is the TrackRCAM, and a couple other softwares I was trying, virus protect, win 7 etc. A little over my pay grade on the multi zone but I did pass a request for...
  2. S

    Demo to Full

    Thanks bp2008 but I did bite the bullet and got the full version. First complaint, your right no web interface, I knew that though, can live without it myself but have been informed its already in the works in a near release so bonus there and we will see. Do like is the motion detection, its...
  3. S

    Demo to Full

    Hey all, not sure if this should be here or not. I am wondering if anyone has used Trackrcam. I found it on Google from here, and have been using the demo version for awhile and it seems cool, has tracking and promises better frame rates, recordings etc when registered and for...
  4. S

    Multiple Tabs

    In the main BI window would it be possible for multiple tabs for Cameras almost like a channel. Have multiple "gridable" tabs or channels that are nameable. You could have a "channel" called "Inside" with all your inside cams, a "channel" named "Outside" with all your outside cams etc. Instead...
  5. S

    Motion Tracking

    That is to bad on both accounts. Saw it in other software, no its not perfect, nothing is but very useful still the same, and the return home after x seconds seemed to solve any mis triggers, thanks
  6. S

    Motion Tracking

    There used to be a program available called Trackit that made Blue Iris use the ptz of the camera and track movement. Does anyone know where this went or is available or is this feature in the plans for Blue Iris in the future maybe, thanks
  7. S

    Trigger Images

    Is it possible to send trigger images via ftp for backup. First 5 seconds of captures or the trigger movie.