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  1. T

    Reloaded my PC now BI stuck in eval?

    Before reloading my PC i unregistered BI now i entered my BI 5 key it takes it and all goes well but my support ended 9/1/2020 so then i click on upgrade/renew and then entered my Extended Maintenance and Support key and it's still in eval mode. It tells me this key has already been added to...
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    export clip not exporting the entire clip?

    I have a recording i want to save and every time i do the export i only get part of the clip, as you can see it says the clip is 4hr 59min. All i am doing is right clicking on it convert/export and i only get a few min of the video. What am i doing wrong?
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    direct burial cable or put it into a conduit?

    About 10-12 years ago i used direct burial cat5e in the past year or so i have had intermittent issues. I have been wanting to re-do the cameras i have on a pole outside it is a long run at around 250ft. Should i put the cable in a conduit or should i just use direct burial cable again?
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    Camera goes on/off on hot days.

    I have this one ip camera that goes on/off on hot days 85+ Fahrenheit. I can unplug it’s cable from my poe switch plug it back in and it works again for a little while… so a heat issue. I switched it out with another camera of the same model that I know works fine located in the same building...
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    Anyone ever install on a doublewide?

    My co-worked has a doublewide with no attic and a small crawl space. He wants a few cameras installed but does not want any holes drilled into his doublewide so i am looking for ideas. He lives in the country in a big field with nothing around him. His ideas are to drill them to the gutters run...
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    Are there any complete battery powered front/rear cams?

    Topic says all just looking for something simple with no wires to run. I don't mind charging a battery ever few days. I drive 99% of the time in the daylight. have multiple cars would be nice to switch camera in and out.
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    Ring stick up cams frost/rain?

    My buddy has Ring stick up cams, i am looking for ideas on how to stop them from frosting up in the winter and when it rains you can't really see much but water on the lens.
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    Is the 5442 series still the best?

    I need to buy more of these are they still the best for low light eye/turrent style cameras? I have been very happy with the ones i bought last year.
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    Looking to replace my Dahua 2MP 30x IR PTZ

    I've had Dahua 2MP 30x IR PTZ since 2015 and it's been giving me issues with the PTZ in cold weather not working. Any suggestions on a newer model with better image and maybe more zoom range? I've been pretty happy with the camera over the last 7 years. I have this one...
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    BI5 alerts to phone by txt delayed?

    I'm using gmail to get alerts sent to my phone but lately the txt are delayed by as much as a few hours. Is there a better option?
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    BI5 and Windows 11 startup run as a service?

    In BI5 under the tab startup if i click on run as a windows service it ask me for a user and password. I'm using a pin # to login in on boot if i enter my pin and user name it says it is wrong. Do i need to remove the pin # on boot in order to run bi as a windows service?
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    Anyone using AMD for BI?

    I know that intel is suggested for its quick sync but it leads me to wonder how a AMD cpu would do if you had a powerful enough cpu and didn’t need to off load.
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    Once your support ends can you still update?

    BI says my support ended with a date in red. I noticed that the install new updates tab is now greyed out Can you still install updates manually?
  14. T

    Suggest a indoor POE PTZ?

    Looking for one to watch a basement that likes to take on water. Needs audio. Only thing i can find is foscams.
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    BI new edit layout?

    So i'm on 5.5 and i can't get my cam windows the way i want. There is a new edit layout button that does not work well for me. I usually keep one large camera window on half my screen with all the other windows smaller and drag over one to the larger one to see what is going on now it will not...
  16. T

    Anyone using smartthings and hate it?

    I've been using it for years and am tired of the issues. The one that bothers me the most is sometimes when i use the app over LTE i get the error " no network connection, checking status" so i can not control a device. I have been getting that error for a year or two ever since they got rid of...
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    Best current low light eyeball/Turret for $100

    Who has the best low light 2.8mm eyeball/Turret POE with IR for around $100 right now? Hikvision or dahua.
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    Network Cable Testers

    Wondering what you guys use? I have been using a klein tools tester and it has let me down sometimes it shows pins are open when they are not. Use another tester and the cable is fine. Reset cable does not matter port is clean on the tester. Looking for a new one be great if it did POE.
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    How do you guys keep track of your IP cams, passwords etc?

    All my IP cams are assigned static IP's and each have a different password. I have been crating a CSS table to organize them. Wondering what you guys do when you have a large network of devices to keep up with, i have 75 devices. I use a CSS table because it's free and uses no software, no cloud.
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    What email service are you guys using for alerts?

    I was using gmail but ever since i started using google authenticator it wont let BI use it.
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    Remote network using a bridge for cameras?

    I use ubiquiti gear so i got the idea of setting up a bridge to a distant building that no longer has internet but already has POE IP cameras setup around it. I would like to setup two ubiquiti locos as a bridge so i can put the video feed to BI at my house that is 2,000 feet away the way the...
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    Driveway alarm? 1,200 feet.

    Anyone have any luck with a long range driveway alarm? I have tired one or two but they never work very alarm at all or false alarms. I bought cheap models $40. I wonder if the more costly models would be any better.
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    Baby cam?

    I 'm looking for a baby cam with it's on LCD that a homecare worker can view and hear and one that i can also view remotely on my phone? Does such a thing exist? Need it for a elder.
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    convert/export not exporting entire video?

    I have a video that is over a hour long when i click on convert/export it is only exporting 30 min of the video when the video is over a hour long. Is there a setting i am missing? I am not triming the video.
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    Can you use a poe hub with swann camera system?

    If you buy a swann 16 channel dvr system can you power the 16 cameras with a Poe hub and then run a single cat6 cable to the swann dvr? asking for a friend.
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    CAT5e or 6 for outdoor run?

    I'm out of CAT5e outdoor cable is there any use to buy CAT6 instead? It cost a little bit more but will it ever matter for IP Cams over a distance since CAT6 can't do it's higher speeds at a distance.
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    Any issues with joining cat5e and 6?

    joining together 5e and cat6, i have a bunch of cat5e cable that is underground that i need to extend. 5e Direct Burial seems to be out of stock in a pull box, i do not want the wood spool i find it a pain to move around in tight places.
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    Any good rj45 couplers?

    I don’t like to have splits in my cables but I have a few that are underground that need to be extended in the crawl space. they don’t need to be waterproof but it would be nice if they where for protection as they are under a house and should not get wet. there are a ton of them on Amazon.
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    crawl space Getting wire into house?

    I have a crawl space and no attic, I’m trying to figure out how to run Cat6 cable into a closet where i will have a Poe switch, modem etc doing the least amount of damage to the floor drilling a big hole for 17 ip cams cat6 cable plus coax cable and other cables supplying internet to other...
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    What router are you guys using?

    I'm using a Synology RT2600ac but looking to move on to something else that has OpenVPN, a good firewall with logs, and AP's i can spread around the house. Been thinking about Ubiquiti but they lack two of the things i want, wondering what you guys are using. My Synology 2.4 Ghz radio is dead...