Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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A new game of who can BullShip who or is that whom?

Announcement! Announcement! Announcement!
IPCCAMTALK Forum Special!

Be the first on your block maybe on earth, to own the 1ST edition of............................

Super Fachio Brothers

A new game copied from the one we all grew up with.
But this time 1-ups are know as Variant-Ups.
You will learn how to turn toad stools into spore flinging harbingers of death that
could, possibly, maybe , might, just cause, well follow the science. Be the the one to inject
LOVE into those that will follow!
Fun for the whole family with equity, equality for all races,genders, religions or beliefs.
Free tattoos either in the hand or forehead.

Just like agent Scully and Mulder from X-Files, I want YOU to believe.

Attach files


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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White House Quietly Delays Vaccine Mandate As Another Federal Judge Objects | ZeroHedge

Yet another federal court has decided to block the Biden White House's COVID mandate, only this time the judge focused on a requirement for health-care workers to either get the jab, or say goodbye to their jobs.

Earlier this month, a judge in Texas blocked the White House from enforcing some of its mandate by way of large corporations. Now, a different federal district judge, this time in Missouri, is blocking the Biden administration from enforcing a vaccine mandate for health-care workers in some 10 states.

Meanwhile, as more courts object to the mandate, the White House is quietly telling federal agencies they can hold off on firing federal workers for not complying with the vaccine mandate until after the holidays, according to a memo obtained by the press on Monday. The decision was sourced to OMB, the White House's Office of Management and Budget, according to the report.
JUST IN: White House is telling federal agencies they can hold off on suspending or firing federal workers for not complying with the vaccine mandate until after the holidays, according to a memo obtained by @ABC News. COVID-19 live updates: Omicron variant will 'spread widely,' Fauci warns


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Hard Data Shows the Covid Vaccines Don’t Work

We have seen again and again record case counts in countries and regions with high vaccination rates. This shows that high vaccine uptake does not reduce the incidence of Covid 19.
Not only do the vaccines not lower the incidence of this disease, but they also tend to correlate with its increase. As we have seen above, a number of countries have experienced record-breaking surges right after achieving high inoculation rates.

Countries with vaccination rates of 65 percent or more should definitely not be in the pandemic or suffer surges. Yet they do because “breakthrough” infections in the vaccinated are now very common and frequent. We do know for a fact that the vaccines do not prevent people from getting infected. This was confirmed in August by CDC Director Rochelle Walensky who openly admitted in a CNN interview that the vaccines can longer “prevent transmission.”

With winter coming there is every reason to be deeply concerned, since the high vaccination rates and accompanying explosion in cases were, for the most part, achieved in the summer and early fall when the virus is weak. As countries in the northern hemisphere are entering the winter season and the death counts keep going up quickly, we seem to stand on the brink of an extremely difficult period in the months ahead.

This situation exists despite the fact that many countries have achieved vaccination rates of close to 70 percent. Europe’s average rate of full vaccination, for example, currently stands at 65.5 percent while 69.9 percent of Europeans have received at least one injection.
Europe’s high vaccine uptake falls well within the herd immunity range specified earlier this year by Dr. Fauci and other experts. With such an inoculation rate the pandemic should be if not over, then definitely under control. Instead, it is out of control.

Many European nations, as well as countries in other parts of the globe, are sounding the alarm and imposing a new wave of lockdowns.
If the vaccines were even remotely effective, this could have never happened in highly vaxxed territories. The vaccines have not only failed to live up to their promise, but the data indicates that in a number of places they have made the situation worse by bringing about surges. The data clearly demonstrates that the vaccines do not have the effect they were supposed to have. The figures and graphs above provide hard evidence of vaccine failure.

For governments to pursue high vaccination rates with the obviously ineffective vaccines is misguided and counterproductive. It is also highly irresponsible and dangerous because of the vaccines’ extensive and severe side effects.
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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And just like that, as the scary Omicron variant is said to be not so scary, as more vaxxed are getting infected and dying, as the world begins to wake up that they’ve been played, the evil monsters at CDC promote clot shots to everyone right away! (They have a lot of that ineffective goop hanging around and need to monetize it before switching to the wonder pills..)



Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Okay, I don't know if anyone here noticed, but YouTube literally removed the dislike button on this video

It will show the number of likes, but not the number of dislikes :eek: