Recent content by stevenjus

  1. stevenjus

    Home Pc that also runs Blue Iris 24/7 that needs remote access without having to port forward and compromise the Pc or network.

    that means that every device in the house will be running through that vpn correct? how will that affect the rest of devices?
  2. stevenjus

    Home Pc that also runs Blue Iris 24/7 that needs remote access without having to port forward and compromise the Pc or network.

    Thats kind of what im trying to figure out. will they interfere? my router doesnt have a vpn server/option so i was wondering if i could just route everything through the pc/ private internet access. basically im trying to do everthing from the blue iris pc
  3. stevenjus

    Home Pc that also runs Blue Iris 24/7 that needs remote access without having to port forward and compromise the Pc or network.

    This pc also use Private internet access VPN (because you know, streaming) and I was wondering how I can make this work. Details of my setup Computer that runs Private internet access VPN with Two NICs installed First Nic connects to router that gives me access to the internet Second NIC that...
  4. stevenjus

    Trying to connect to the video steams on a HeimVision HM241 Security System with out their "Eseecloud" Windows application.

    Hey drwatson32.exe, glad to have been helpful, though i really didnt do much, all I did was research hahaha. The people who really deserved to be thanked would be the ones in the other forum. I did get to change the camera network before, but with the help of their eseecloud app. In there one...
  5. stevenjus

    Low fps when viewing through Webpage

    Yeah, Im dumb and didnt even realized, I fixed it.default max fps was set to 5. Thanks.
  6. stevenjus

    Low fps when viewing through Webpage

    were you ever able to fix this?
  7. stevenjus

    Trying to connect to the video steams on a HeimVision HM241 Security System with out their "Eseecloud" Windows application.

    Okay people, I was able to get a stream of the camera to the PC. Basically what I did was to use the following command (Had to install FFmpeg) ffplay -headers "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46" -i "" (use 12 instead of 11 if you want the substream, ALSO, forum...
  8. stevenjus

    Trying to connect to the video steams on a HeimVision HM241 Security System with out their "Eseecloud" Windows application.

    if anyone comes across this post, I believe the solution can be found here: the thing is, I am not smart enough haha for this, and was extremely confused as to what the solution is or was(around the end of the page). If anyone that understands any of this could explain it to me as if I was a...
  9. stevenjus

    Trying to connect to the video steams on a HeimVision HM241 Security System with out their "Eseecloud" Windows application.

    I dont know much about telnet, but could I telnet into these cameras and make a miracle/change things?
  10. stevenjus

    What is N1 Protocol? HI3536D based NVR

    Hey, the hm243 and hm241 are the same system from what i know. Did you ever get rtsp out of it or the cameras?
  11. stevenjus

    Trying to connect to the video steams on a HeimVision HM241 Security System with out their "Eseecloud" Windows application.

    ive also tried such url in blue iris and ispy and it doesnt work.