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  • The files that I labeled for training are zipped up and you can download them by just clicking on this zip file link:
    Please let me know once you have them and I'll remove the file from my server.

    I should note that I included a few images which are NOT labeled because the plate isn't visible. I was assuming that it would be good for the model to have an example of a model that does not include the plate, but that's purely an assumption by me. If that's not valid, then it's clearly fine to ignore the few images without a corresponding text file. If you find anything about this which isn't ideal or perfect, don't hesitate to ask me to re-do any or all of the labeling.

    Thank you for all you've done for everyone!
    I just downloaded the zip so you can remove the file from my server. I will be updating the model in about a week or two.
    Saludos. Se fue la luz en mi localidad. ¿Puedes re-enviarme el código?
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