So I roughly have installed a 5442 6mm birdhouse camera on lamp post 50' from my front door....with tire slashing incursion discussion


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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I had to draw the line somewhere. Considered electric barb wire on the top of the fence... but then thought of all the power these 25+ POE cameras are taking, might blow a fuse :)
Oh...reminds me. I still have to tackle my VTO and 3 VTH's. Had them setup but then Da Event happened. Kept the VTO working as I liked having a camera in the doorbell location.

Be careful on the legality but if you need a fence, highly recommend these (deisgned for non security purposes):

They really do deliver a punch. I'm scared to death of mine and I've had 3 other fence energisers that didn't bother me (they hurt but only silghtly). This one is like being hit by a truck. It can be mains or battery powered and takes little energy. I recharged a 70h battery about every 2 weeks to power it. (I have 2 batteries and swap one out when it runs out).

For it to work you will probably need some kind of metal along the top of the fence / top rung as well to act as a ground and compete the circuit when she touches the wire.

Again I suggest checking the legality as someone could be injured in a fall from an 8ft fence.

A safer alternative to that would be pricker strips. These are legal (in the UK at least) and whilst not sharp enough to injure seriously, are sharp enough to be very painful if you try and grip them. They're made specially for fence tops. I have ones similar to these:

(The link is a random search not a seller or exact product recommendation).
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May 1, 2019
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Reno, NV
Be careful on the legality but if you need a fence, highly recommend these (deisgned for non security purposes):

They really do deliver a punch. I'm scared to death of mine and I've had 3 other fence energisers that didn't bother me (they hurt but only silghtly). This one is like being hit by a truck. It can be mains or battery powered and takes little energy. I recharged a 70h battery about every 2 weeks to power it. (I have 2 batteries and swap one out when it runs out).

For it to work you will probably need some kind of metal along the top of the fence / top rung as well to act as a ground and compete the circuit when she touches the wire.

Again I suggest checking the legality as someone could be injured in a fall from an 8ft fence.

A safer alternative to that would be pricker strips. These are legal (in the UK at least) and whilst not sharp enough to injure seriously, are sharp enough to be very painful if you try and grip them. They're made specially for fence tops. I have ones similar to these:

(The link is a random search not a seller or exact product recommendation).
Ordered 7 on eBay. Should arrive in...2052!


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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And all you had was video evidence :lmao:

May 1, 2019
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Reno, NV
Update as of 8/9/2021
District Attorney called me on a Sunday (weird...but ok).
She asked if I wanted to pursue criminal charges for the destruction of property charge.
Knowing this woman has $5 to her name...I said no. She has not tried to contact me or harass me or anything since the least event from January. I do not want to rock the boat and give a reason for her to retaliate as I have moved on from the entire episode. Plus, I honestly think she needs therapist/medication more than 30 days in jail (or whatever a sentence would carry). DA said I have til Feburary to press charges if anything pops up or I change my mind.
May 1, 2019
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Reno, NV
3/24/2022 update:
Well... as I mentioned, I will keep updating this thread with pertaining events incase someone follows in my footsteps that wants to see how this ends.
While the TPO that was issued for a year did it's job (no contact, no visitations, no events), it is only issued for 365 days and then expires. So, my TPO against Lenka (tire-slasher) ended the first of this month.
The last 3 days, she has been texting me as if nothing has happened. "hay, how you doing", "what's up" etc. (nothing evil or illegal). She even tried calling me today and I flat out told her not to contact me again, goodbye. Fearing an escalation, I talked to the original detective on this. He told me to screenshot the text msg conversation and call history and make a report. Basically, keep a running record "just incase" it does escalate. More ammunition for the police & judge to have if it comes to that.
May 1, 2019
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Reno, NV
@Holbs - WOW....just WOW
I am more prepared this year than 2 years ago. I have built a security fence along the side of the house which I park my work vehicle inside. My white dodge pickup however still sits outside. I always planned to build a fence on the side of the house anyways so hit 2 birds with 1 stone for that part. I also was planning on building a fence infront of the house (can't be higher than 4' due to HOA) that encircles my property. Not so much for security purposes but just general house esthetics. But I may have to bump the front fence project up to something a bit more primary. Such a fence around the property (it's a small property, mind you) would help with security as much easier for cameras to pickup movement on the Dahua IVS camera tripwires/intrusion.


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
Wow! I enjoyed reading your adventures on this thread. It's cool to watch you progress through the learning curve of cameras, locations, lighting, settings and AI. Sorry it has cost you so much money and grief. Hopefully, the stalker will finally leave you alone and let you live your life in peace.
May 1, 2019
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Reno, NV
Wow! I enjoyed reading your adventures on this thread. It's cool to watch you progress through the learning curve of cameras, locations, lighting, settings and AI. Sorry it has cost you so much money and grief. Hopefully, the stalker will finally leave you alone and let you live your life in peace.
so far so good. no update since she last tried to text msg me earlier in the year. I am still "frosty". I set my outdoor security on yellow alert after 8pm so that any human that comes onto my property turns on my smart tv. no more audio buzzer as I think smart tv alone will do the trick for visual alert. life for me is getting back to normal because i am aware at 2am, the smart tv could flicker on but I would sleep through it. having the buzzer go off at 2am all the time due to the 5442 mistaking a cat & shadow for a human, or neighbors walking their dog because they goto work that early.... was giving me PTSD. I tried various forms on the 5442 with AI (including the Global Setup where you set vertical markers every so many feet), but a no go. I have since 100% relied on alerts from my 3 x outdoor Bosch PIR's hooked to my DSC alarm system which is networked to my Home Assistant.


Getting the hang of it
Jul 13, 2016
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York, PA
This thread was a great read! Looks like you learned a ton in the process as well. Hopefully she's left you alone in the last several months as well.