2nd Amendment thread

Aug 3, 2015
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Oh, I'm an MVE, all right. Majorly Valid Example.

My crime? Having a bit too much to think. Often.
Worse? Daring to share it with others. How dare I?
Worst? I encourage others to think for themselves.
A group of informed citizens is the most dangerous weapon in the entire world.


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Bwahaha! Got to love his ingenuity...

The Local News here is funny to watch, people are bringing old beat up unusable guns, this is a very laughable event here...I think it is a numbers game, yet their numbers are ridiculously low...what a joke...
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
Several things wrong with this article.
First-- why show an old pic of ammo on a wal mart shelf when the story is about online sales deliveries going missing?


Second: The article talks about a shipment of 18,000 rounds, of which "only 1/3 was actually delivered". The author seems to imply that is a massive amount of ammo missing-- as though it was a huge security concern for the whole country. It might be a lot of ammo for ONE person-- but it likely is a fraction of a percent of the customer orders from an average online ammo store. The author is playing on the ignorance of non-shooters. It reminds me of articles showing police busts where "several guns and 3 THOUSAND rounds of ammo were confiscated" BFD. <yawn>

LASTLY, Glen Beck lays down the idea that this is some intentional act by ????? to disrupt ammunition supply. It's theft Glen.


Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
It's all part of the plan to create hysteria...
I think the article is designed to create hysteria-- via ignorance.

It's backdoor gun control. You can have your guns as stated by the 2A, but there is nothing in the Constitution about having the rights to bullets.
I don't think there is a conspiracy to disrupt ammo shipments, and the evidence is 12 cases missing from one shipper. 12,000 rounds is nothing-- think of the tens of THOUSANDS of CASES of ammo (not ind. boxes-- but CASES) that are sold all over the country. Conspiracy??--Call me when it's in the hundreds of millions of rounds.

Ammo is expensive. This is theft by opportunistic UPS employees who know the value of what's in the box. I would bet they are tipping off a thief about where and when to be a porch pirate for a portion of the "booty"...


Getting comfortable
Dec 3, 2021
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It's backdoor gun control. You can have your guns as stated by the 2A, but there is nothing in the Constitution about having the rights to bullets.
I’ve said this for years. I don’t believe I’ll ever live to see the day where they will be walking in my house to look for firearms. But I do believe they will legislate ammo and make it harder and harder to buy, and price it so high that I can’t go out and shoot.

Parents then won’t take their kids out shooting as much and often, then the children will not value their firearms like most of us do.
If someone has some firearms and they only shoot once a year or less, they’ll be more likely to “give them up” down the road.
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
I’ve said this for years. I don’t believe I’ll ever live to see the day where they will be walking in my house to look for firearms. But I do believe they will legislate ammo and make it harder and harder to buy, and price it so high that I can’t go out and shoot.

Parents then won’t take their kids out shooting as much and often, then the children will not value their firearms like most of us do.
If someone has some firearms and they only shoot once a year or less, they’ll be more likely to “give them up” down the road.
YES! That is the REAL long-term threat to 2A and shooting. When kids can't go shooting, ignorance sets in and irrational illogical laws based on emotion follows.


Getting comfortable
Oct 18, 2021
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Straight Outta Mayberry
I think the article is designed to create hysteria-- via ignorance.

I don't think there is a conspiracy to disrupt ammo shipments, and the evidence is 12 cases missing from one shipper. 12,000 rounds is nothing-- think of the tens of THOUSANDS of CASES of ammo (not ind. boxes-- but CASES) that are sold all over the country. Conspiracy??--Call me when it's in the hundreds of millions of rounds.

Ammo is expensive. This is theft by opportunistic UPS employees who know the value of what's in the box. I would bet they are tipping off a thief about where and when to be a porch pirate for a portion of the "booty"...
Time to place a cell GPS tracker in the boxes and see where it ends up.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Rising "Constitutional Carry" Is a Sign of Failing Trust in Government | Ryan McMaken

Come next January, Alabama will be the twenty-fifth state to allow concealed carry without a permit. Alabama will soon join Indiana, which in March of this year passed a new statute allowing permitless concealed carry—sometimes called "constitutional carry." In 2021 alone, at least six states passed their own provisions legalizing permitless concealed carry: Arkansas, Iowa, Montana, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah. Essentially, any law-abiding citizen over a certain age (usually eighteen or twenty-one) can now carry a concealed firearm in these states. Twenty years ago, only Vermont allowed unrestricted concealed carry. Over the last ten years, however, more than twenty states have adopted new laws deregulating the carrying of firearms.

Why is this happening now? On the most simple level, these laws have passed because lawmakers and constituents at the state level have advocated for them. Moreover, whatever opposition exists among interest groups and the public has been insufficient to block their passage.

On a deeper ideological level, increased ease of concealed carrying is likely the result of a growing feeling among much of the public that they need increased access to firearms for self-protection. In other words, the spread of constitutional carry points to a growing sentiment that state and local authorities are insufficient to provide a reasonable expectation of safety from violent crime and that private self-defense is therefore more necessary now than in the past.

Moreover, many of these laws expanding concealed carry have been passed over local law enforcement's objections. Police organizations have been among the most vocal of opponents of new constitutional carry measures, yet Republican lawmakers—a group often happy to fall all over themselves announcing how much they "back the blue"—have passed these laws anyway. The continued spread of constitutional carry suggests that even among conservatives there are limits to supporting law enforcement on a vague philosophical level. Rather, the passage of these laws suggests a growing lack of faith that even well-meaning law enforcement can or will provide meaningful defense from violent criminals when the need arises.

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