Old nearly useless Vet here, with blonde, beautiful, young energetic wife. You might know the we sent several email with our brilliant low cost, theft/vandal hardened "Crocodile" LPR system. After 3 months of dealing with 3 previous faulty or one misrepresented company, your Store sold me HIKVision LPR and 2 ptz Minidomes, that have performed perfectly until after a 2.34" rain last nite. Our roof line ptz went out after several hours of Rain. This is the camera we mounted hi above the elderly hard-headed ex-Marine who refuses to sell his motorhome that prevents me from covering him and his 3 elderly neighbors on one side of the culdesac next to him. He recently told us that due to age and health he will travel very little and relented for us mounting a camera to cover my four neighbors blocked by his beloved motorhome. (Poor old Jarhead thinks that Good Sam Club is related to Uncle Sam and despite his annual promises he will sell the darned thing. But, God Bless him he is a Marine vet and we love him). We are still in shock that he relented to placing a camera at top of his roof ladder saving us from erecting street light pole, conduit lines and days of work and expense, which of course has to be done by my hot, young, blonde, beautiful wife who I'm cajoling to build a sun-room or me on the back of the house. HERE ARE THE QUESTIONS. Do I eat the $250 for the cord and camera that clearly had smoked connections on the ptz, or will Store/Manufacturer help me on the costs? In any event, what type of Camera do I put up on top his motorhome? I have enclosed a picture of the Q-tips of the smoke residue we took from connection. There was clearly water in the back of the mount kit where we stuffed the camera wires with little protective tape around the wires. We thought the camera isself was weather resistant and we did read the instructions that said dont mount directly under stream of water. Note: our genius SampleNHold had warned me once about taping a loose wire on a perch camera riding on the LPR. Can you other smart guys help this old Vet solve his last obstacle to spending his final years protecting my elderly neighbors from property theft and violent home invasions?