New RCA HSDB2A 3MP Doorbell IP Camera


Nov 13, 2020
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Im confused at what you mean. Let me explain a little better. I have the ezviz db1 and it is using the ezviz app on my phone. I added the mainstream from the doorbell to my blue iris5 (per many instructions found on the internet). However anytime the doorbell does its own motion capture, which shows in the ezviz app, seperate of anything to do with blue iris, the main stream is gone in blue iris. I then get a distorted (3 or so of the feed stacked on top of each other) feed of the looping 2-3 second motion clip that the doorbell saved in in app to view. if I hit "restart" camera via the BI web interface it then goes back to normal live feed.


Nov 2, 2020
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I looked at the Modernizr's docs and pics, and it looks like the board is using GPIO0 (zero) as the input. I've circled that in blue on the attached pic.
I can't quite read the value of the resistor in the pic, but the docs skirt around the 10k resistor value and Fietspomp also mentions 10K. If you want to follow his direction, then that is the resistor to change. He doesn't mention whether he replaced or added a 3.3K resistor. It may not make a difference if he added (which makes total resistance ~2.5k) or replaced (which makes total resistance 3.3k). It's a small difference. You might be ok with hand soldering the resistor across that SMD resistor (the one circled in blue) as SMD soldering can be tricky.

What I would do first would be to check the voltages across that GPIO0 and ground before and after you press the doorbell. That way you'll know for sure if GPIO0 is the correct pin.

I'm wondering why you're thinking about doing this mod? Is something not working? Did it used to work? If it just stopped working, then what's more concerning is that in the pic you've got something that looks like rust/oxidation or blown part (circled in green). I would be testing that optocoupler chip before worrying about adding resistors. Test the voltages before and after that chip.

Hi thank you I upload a better picture here. I don´t know about the oxidation the unit arrived with it. I'm need to do some kind of mod because it now allways show as the doorbell is pressed. I checked with multimeter and when idle it is 5 volt and when pressed it bumps to 7,5 volt.


David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Im confused at what you mean. Let me explain a little better. I have the ezviz db1 and it is using the ezviz app on my phone. I added the mainstream from the doorbell to my blue iris5 (per many instructions found on the internet). However anytime the doorbell does its own motion capture, which shows in the ezviz app, seperate of anything to do with blue iris, the main stream is gone in blue iris. I then get a distorted (3 or so of the feed stacked on top of each other) feed of the looping 2-3 second motion clip that the doorbell saved in in app to view. if I hit "restart" camera via the BI web interface it then goes back to normal live feed.
So as I said I do not have an answer but just suggesting try two streams in BI

Stream 1:

Stream 2:


Nov 13, 2020
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I have motion dectection off in blue iris for the doorbell, all i want is a stream to watch when I am in my office at the computer that runs BI. What i im trying to find out is why the rtsp main stream from the camera goes into a looping stream of any motion clip that the pir on the doorbell picks up. Shouldnt the main stream from the doorbell remain constant as a live view? It doesnt, once the doorbell pir makes an alert(that goes to the cloud) it streams that alert to BI dropping the main live stream. When I had motion alerts in blue iris set they worked fine. blue iris would record them and continue the live feed. Its the doorbell that is somehow messing it up as it only happens when the doorbell itself does its own pir motion alert. The main rstp feed is gone, the doorbell loops the last alert clip over and over then until you rest the doorbell.
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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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I have motion dectection off in blue iris for the doorbell, all i want is a stream to watch when I am in my office at the computer that runs BI. What i im trying to find out is why the rtsp main stream from the camera goes into a looping stream of any motion clip that the pir on the doorbell picks up. Shouldnt the main stream from the doorbell remain constant as a live view? It doesnt, once the doorbell pir makes an alert(that goes to the cloud) it streams that alert to BI dropping the main live stream. When I had motion alerts in blue iris set they worked fine. blue iris would record them and continue the live feed. Its the doorbell that is somehow messing it up as it only happens when the doorbell itself does its own pir motion alert. The main rstp feed is gone, the doorbell loops the last alert clip over and over then until you rest the doorbell.
The DB RSTP stream does remain constant, many, many here have 2 to 3 main streams running from their DB. I have 2 feeds myself with no problems and had up to 3, with VLC. I get PIR alerts all day long, no drop of any of the streams, have had this Door Bell since July of last year 2019. Only thing we found out is if you have more than 3 streams then it is too much for DB Proc the to handle. Maybe try streaming to VLC and stop the BI stream and see if PIR alerts interrupt your stream, then you can for sure illuminate BI.

⦁ RTSP Streaming for VLC (VideoLAN Media Player) Under Media/Open Network Stream (Ctrl+N)...Enter your RTSP Link/Info for Live Video Stream

I would search our Forums for BI help:

Let us know what you find...


Jan 23, 2020
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Im a long time lurker on this post, eagerly waiting to see someone pop up with a solution to intercept the doorbell push in openhab.
Then i can use my google home speakers to play a sound when the doorbell has been pressed.
I just wanted to share my current workaround of doing this.

I have openhab running on a windows server. I installed the DNS services on my server en changed the DNS address on my Ezviz DB1 trough Batch Configuration to point to my DNS server.
I Enabled logging on my DNS server and it writes the log to c:\temp\log.txt I then have a powershell looping trough the log sending a http request to my openhab.
Here is an example of the DNS request that is been made everytime the doorbell is pressed:
12/11/2020 11:01:58 0C04 PACKET 00000231F06CBFF0 UDP Rcv 0030 Q [0001 D NOERROR] A (5)alarm(2)eu(2)s3(9)amazonaws(3)com(0)
Here is an example of how to use this trough powershell:

Get-Content -Path C:\temp\log.txt -Tail 3 -Wait | where { $_ -match "alarm" } |

In the example above the everytime a dns request in the log containts the word alarm, powershell will echo Doorbell Pressed.
You can switch this to a http request answering to a virtual switch in openhab. I hope to find a better solution in the future.
This is very cool, unfortunately I am unable to replicate. Is your doorbell blocked from the internet? I have mine locked down pretty tight, and I do see periodic requests to, but nothing specifically when I press the doorbell, so I'm wondering if it needs to be connected to the cloud service before it will make this request?
I am using the Nelly v5.2.4 190625 firmware.


Getting the hang of it
Mar 25, 2019
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Hi thank you I upload a better picture here. I don´t know about the oxidation the unit arrived with it. I'm need to do some kind of mod because it now allways show as the doorbell is pressed. I checked with multimeter and when idle it is 5 volt and when pressed it bumps to 7,5 volt.
If you have some isopropyl alcohol (the 99+% type) use that with some cotton buds/cue-tips to clean the area circled in green. It's not going to fix anything, but it'll tidy things up and perhaps indicate a problem if it becomes oxidized again.

Where were your test points when you measured 5V and 7.5V?

If you are going to add a 3.3k resistor, add it at points E + F, or E + G as marked in pic1.

Check if your multimeter has option to measure diode. The symbol looks like a triangle, like that circled in pic2.
With the Modernizr OFF, put your multimeter in diode mode and use the positive lead to point A and negative lead to point B, you should get a reading greater than zero...about 0.6 thereabouts. If it is showing zero, then it's faulty.
With the Modernizr ON, put your multimeter in DC volts mode and put positive lead to point A and negative to point B. Measure voltage when doorbell not pressed and when doorbell pressed.
With the Modernizr ON, put your multimeter in DC volts mode and put positive lead to point C and negative to point D. Measure voltage when doorbell not pressed and when doorbell pressed.

Can you take a photo of the underside of the board too.


Nov 13, 2020
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It seems to be a blue iris problem. I opened vlc player with bi running side by side ,same main stream. Once a pir event on the doorbell happens vlc remains showing the main stream feed, but blue iris does the pir clip looping of the pir event. I have tryed every setting possible in BI but cant stop what its doing.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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It seems to be a blue iris problem. I opened vlc player with bi running side by side ,same main stream. Once a pir event on the doorbell happens vlc remains showing the main stream feed, but blue iris does the pir clip looping of the pir event. I have tryed every setting possible in BI but cant stop what its doing.
So for give me on my bad memory lately, but I seemed to have read someone else with a similar problem, all my memory serves me as it was a Blue Iris update/version issue, but don't hold me to that. This Thread is hugely out of control :), in a good way, but just way, way too much for this old guy to remember, we try to put most issues in the 101 but I am thinking the reason this would not of been added was it was a BI issue that would be resolved with a new update. But again, I am not certain and I never experienced this problem, my present version of BI is:

Jan 3, 2019
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Chicago, IL
I looked at the Modernizr's docs and pics, and it looks like the board is using GPIO0 (zero) as the input. I've circled that in blue on the attached pic.
I can't quite read the value of the resistor in the pic, but the docs skirt around the 10k resistor value and Fietspomp also mentions 10K. If you want to follow his direction, then that is the resistor to change. He doesn't mention whether he replaced or added a 3.3K resistor. It may not make a difference if he added (which makes total resistance ~2.5k) or replaced (which makes total resistance 3.3k). It's a small difference. You might be ok with hand soldering the resistor across that SMD resistor (the one circled in blue) as SMD soldering can be tricky.

What I would do first would be to check the voltages across that GPIO0 and ground before and after you press the doorbell. That way you'll know for sure if GPIO0 is the correct pin.

I'm wondering why you're thinking about doing this mod? Is something not working? Did it used to work? If it just stopped working, then what's more concerning is that in the pic you've got something that looks like rust/oxidation or blown part (circled in green). I would be testing that optocoupler chip before worrying about adding resistors. Test the voltages before and after that chip.
View attachment 75366
I am looking to notify my Alexa HA system of a doorbell press. I currently have two of these doorbells and am not using a mechanical chime (just relying on HikConnect notifications). My goal is to use Alexa to ring through our whole home audio system that Alexa powers. Does the Modernizr 2 work well for this need and do I hook through IFTTT webhooks to make it happen? I assume I would need two of these devices, one for each doorbell. It looks like the Firefly Doorbell sensor could also do the trick, but I don’t like that it runs on batteries instead of direct A/C power.


Sep 22, 2020
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Utah, USA
This is very cool, unfortunately I am unable to replicate. Is your doorbell blocked from the internet? I have mine locked down pretty tight, and I do see periodic requests to, but nothing specifically when I press the doorbell, so I'm wondering if it needs to be connected to the cloud service before it will make this request?
I am using the Nelly v5.2.4 190625 firmware.
I can confirm... found the same thing (Hikvision HW/FW), my doorbell is not sending packets on press either, and it is NOT activated for the cloud service. So either we need to activate the service (and then potentially block it via firewall?) or hope for a more mod-able firmware that will allow manual setting of an IP address to send a packet to. Or obviously go with various mechanical/electrical sensing options to act as a bridge, but boy this shouldn't be that hard...
Jan 3, 2019
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Chicago, IL
It seems to be a blue iris problem. I opened vlc player with bi running side by side ,same main stream. Once a pir event on the doorbell happens vlc remains showing the main stream feed, but blue iris does the pir clip looping of the pir event. I have tryed every setting possible in BI but cant stop what its doing.
Did you try doing a factory reset on the doorbell? That fixed a similar issue for me and some other users in this forum.
Jan 3, 2019
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
I can confirm... found the same thing (Hikvision HW/FW), my doorbell is not sending packets on press either, and it is NOT activated for the cloud service. So either we need to activate the service (and then potentially block it via firewall?) or hope for a more mod-able firmware that will allow manual setting of an IP address to send a packet to. Or obviously go with various mechanical/electrical sensing options to act as a bridge, but boy this shouldn't be that hard...
I just tried this and I actually see the DNS request. I am using dnsmasq on Linux and I see the following request when the doorbell is pressed:

Nov 21 11:58:37 dnsmasq[2924]: query[A] from <my doorbell IP>

I am using the Nelly doorbell running v5.2.4 build 200321. I am going to see if I can write a quick script to intercept this request and trigger an IFTTT web hook.


Nov 14, 2020
Reaction score
I see your message now...Enjoy your DB
Thanks David. The newest hikvision firmware seems to be a tad quicker. Maybe wifi connection has been improved. Not sure but I'm liking this firwmare. My 2 way audio works perfectly also.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
Reaction score
I just tried this and I actually see the DNS request. I am using dnsmasq on Linux and I see the following request when the doorbell is pressed:

Nov 21 11:58:37 dnsmasq[2924]: query[A] from <my doorbell IP>

I am using the Nelly doorbell running v5.2.4 build 200321. I am going to see if I can write a quick script to intercept this request and trigger an IFTTT web hook.
Wow, nice find/thinking...If it works, would you consider doing a small writeup/instructional and sharing your script?

Thank You...
Jan 3, 2019
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Wow, nice find/thinking...If it works, would you consider doing a small writeup/instructional and sharing your script?

Thank You...
I will definitely do so once I get this working. This should be an easy solution for anyone running Linux or willing to buy a Raspberry Pi.
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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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So we finally upgraded our S7 phones :), I know, I know, 4 years old...but one main reason for the upgrade is the battery life on our phones were deteriorating, reason we did not upgrade was the outrageous cost of phones now a days, so we were pretty much forced to. Plus my wife's phone back popped up, not sure if her battery started to swell or just the waterproof adhesive gave way. Anyway, we ended up with two S20+ phones. So far we are very happy with them.
So, I now have another phone to test the DB Apps with, also running Android 10 now instead of 8 :) from our S7.