Dashcam - How do you not see a full-size pickup?

Philip Gonzales

Getting comfortable
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Dashcam is a Viofo A129 Duo. This was on the way home to pick up my daughter from school. I do not believe they hit or I would have stopped and offered up the footage. Regretted not stopping to verify as soon as I pulled into the house but my main concern at the time was getting my daughter home safely.

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Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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I've noticed people often don't check their blind spots, especially when they're intending to pass a slower driver on a 2-lane road. Because they never expect someone to be occupying the left lane in their blind spot (trying to pass them), they never look.


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
It's worth changing the side mirrors as Looney alluded to...saved my bacon many times. Now the new cars have cameras :D
And thanks for sharing the video!
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Getting comfortable
Oct 25, 2016
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Owings Mills, MD
Probably don't have their rear-view mirrors adjusted correctly either as most people don't. But then again, they probably never looked. ;)
Years ago, I had a friend who adjusted his mirrors so far in that he could see himself. He never felt comfortable adjusting the mirrors to minimize the blind spot.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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How hard is it?
People are depending too much on technology these days. Instead of Blind-spot technology get bigger sized side mirrors


Getting comfortable
Apr 27, 2017
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I have to shake me head when I see these car commercials that advertise a new safety feature to avoid collisions, but the only way they can demonstrate it is is by showing a very stupid and terrible driver that should not be behind the wheel in the first place.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Consumer minds are more vulnerable than hardware-based Firewalls, :lol:

I have to shake me head when I see these car commercials that advertise a new safety feature to avoid collisions, but the only way they can demonstrate it is is by showing a very stupid and terrible driver that should not be behind the wheel in the first place.


Pulling my weight
Apr 18, 2019
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Not Here
Maybe we should lobby congress to have bluetooth connectivity for car mirrors so that the mirror can also display your phone screen so you don't miss that text while changing lanes?


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Good idea, but the overwhelmingly majority of folks in congress are not too tech-savvy it seems; very conservative and not too well-informed, influenced heavily by big corporate energy giants / lobbyists that still think fossil fuels is the way to go. :p Yes, change does not come overnight, but there needs to be momentum; look at cities like Dubai and its CCTV Surveillance setup; its way ahead of parts of UK and US, :lol:
Maybe we should lobby congress to have bluetooth connectivity for car mirrors so that the mirror can also display your phone screen so you don't miss that text while changing lanes?


Getting comfortable
Jul 24, 2018
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OMG - There's actually a demand and they actually create how-to videos to teach you how to look before turning???

.... we're screwed.
It really doesn't matter anymore. They are giving out drivers license to non US citizens in New Jersey. And guess what?, my auto insurance will probably go up to cover this.


Getting comfortable
Apr 27, 2017
Reaction score
It really doesn't matter anymore. They are giving out drivers license to non US citizens in New Jersey. And guess what?, my auto insurance will probably go up to cover this.
What's probably even worse, if one of those people hits you, your insurance will probably have to pay to repair their car and not yours.


Young grasshopper
Mar 24, 2018
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Kitsap WA
The SUV on the right looked to have been following the red car too closely and swerved left (into the pickup's lane) when the red car slowed to pull into the store driveway. Rush move, they probably never even looked left.
Jul 31, 2018
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Everyone is right in their observation. Being a DJ i travel all the time and peoples driving has gradually gone down hill. Phones, makeup, food, other people in the car, big info tainment screens you name it. All distracting, aside from not having the mirrors adjusted correctly. I do not ride with anyone anymore, if i go somewhere i drive myself or i tell the person i have to drive their car if they want me to ride with them. I refuse to ride with any one again. They tailgate, they don't leave space when they stop at a red light, in case they have to make a get away. They drive in blind spots, they drive side by side. They do not check intersections as they approach. Drive too fast for the conditions. I see it every day and i point it out to whomever is riding with me. SMH


Pulling my weight
Apr 23, 2018
Reaction score
Everyone is right in their observation. Being a DJ i travel all the time and peoples driving has gradually gone down hill. Phones, makeup, food, other people in the car, big info tainment screens you name it. All distracting, aside from not having the mirrors adjusted correctly. I do not ride with anyone anymore, if i go somewhere i drive myself or i tell the person i have to drive their car if they want me to ride with them. I refuse to ride with any one again. They tailgate, they don't leave space when they stop at a red light, in case they have to make a get away. They drive in blind spots, they drive side by side. They do not check intersections as they approach. Drive too fast for the conditions. I see it every day and i point it out to whomever is riding with me. SMH
Unfortunately the driving test in the US is way way too easy to pass. I passed it first time, not once but twice. I passed my test in the UK at my 3rd attempt and spent 24 years driving there without ever having an accident that was my fault. I recall having 7 accidents in total.

I had 3 hit and runs against me (one was caught), one woman who was driving too fast to stop and rammed into the back of me at a red light and another guy coming off the freeway who piled into the back of me at a red light. I actually heard his brakes lockup maybe around 3 to 5 seconds before he hit me. I had another driver who ran into the back of me because I had to slam my brakes on due to an idiot coming the wrong way down a one way street that I was turning into. I had a guy hit the side of my car while parked up as I was waiting for my wife to return from shopping.

Within 5 months of moving to Canada I had a woman run into the back of me because it was snowing and she was driving like an arse. She threw a piece of paper out of her window with false details on it and drove off. I was going to an event at my daughter's school and when I pulled into the parking lot, guess who was there. That's right, it was this idiot. She drove over to where I was and then threatened to call the police because I was "harassing" her.

I escorted my family into the school and told the teachers to keep this nutcase away from them, while I called the police. This woman saw me and tried to approach me to sort things out and I made it clear in a really loud voice so that everyone around could hear me tell her to stay away from me. She started crying as she was talking to someone on the phone. When the cop was taking a report from me she was harassing me in front of him. I complained to the chief of police about the cop as he didn't stop her from harassing me.

I think it was a couple of days later that I was taking my daughter to school and I just happened to see this woman. She saw me and started laughing and waving at me while jumping up and down like an old over excited friend. The cop came to my house to give me the accident report and he explained to me that she was trying to play the lone woman feeling threatened victim. He said he could see that this was not the case. Anyway, I had the last laugh because when I checked her details against the police report she had given me a false driving licence number. I made sure that charges were laid against her for that stunt.

Finally there was the guy that tried to beat a red light, t-boned a car, sending the driver of that car to hospital. After hitting that car, he crossed 2 lanes onto the opposite side of the road hitting me head on. First thing he did when he got out of his car was get on his phone and he spent most of the 90 minutes I was there, talking on it. Unfortunately for me, I got another useless cop. I believe that this guy was using his phone while driving, but the cop couldn't be bothered to check. I had to go court because this piece of garbage refused to admit he'd blown through a red even though there were numerous witnesses. In court he pleaded guilty. They gave him a $130 fine and the judge asked how he'd like to pay. His response..."cash". What a complete and utter joke that was. They may as well have given him a $1 fine because he didn't even flinch when they said $130.
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