VTO2111d-wp - Push Notification Setup with just a mobile?


Sep 26, 2018
Hi Guys,

Newb here...

I'm having trouble setting up push notifications for this intercom. I have only purchased the intercom and not the VTHxxx indoor screen.
It's connected via Wifi and I can login externally via dyndns account.

Can my Synology Diskstation be setup as a NVR for this to work properly?

Cheers for any help.
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This has now been fixed. I'm using gDMSS Plus (Android).
I port forwarded 37777, 37778 and 443. I used 443 so my Dyndns address works when i'm away from the house (or not on Wifi).

Synology Surveillance Station can be used as a NVR for the intercom. I will hook this up in the near future and report back.
This has now been fixed. I'm using gDMSS Plus (Android).
I port forwarded 37777, 37778 and 443. I used 443 so my Dyndns address works when i'm away from the house (or not on Wifi).

Synology Surveillance Station can be used as a NVR for the intercom. I will hook this up in the near future and report back.

Please remove these port forwards... Unless you want everybody whacking around on your fully exposed cams. Work with VPN or some kind of additional network security.
Yeah, +1 for what catcamstar said.

Anyway, I bought one VTO2111D-WP myself and what I noticed is that when you cut off the doorbell from the internet (leaving full local network connectivity with an android phone), all works fine except calling to gDMSS app. I checked the network traffic being generated when button is pushed and VTO is knocking to fcm.googleapis.com (it's something called Firebase Cloud Messaging - found this link for docs: REST Resource: projects.messages | Firebase ). (Un)fortunately it talks over SSL, so couldn't get into the data which are being exchanged.
Once you open this traffic, calling to the mobile phone works just fine (even on VPN in my case). Any ideas about the purpose of that?

By the way, I read through the topics about VTO2111D-WP here and I've got an impression to not touch firmware on the unit. Is it really not recommended to update the firmware?

I think this communication is for ringing the gDMSS app via Dahua service. When P2P is not enabled, VTO2111D-WP calls dahua infra via Google API and this infra is calling gDMSS app. Then, gDMSS app initializes communication to the doorbell. Thanks to that, you don't need to open up firewall both ways, it just needs to be opened from gDMSS to VTO2111D-WP. Of course this is just my assumption, but after checking the network traffic to and from VTO this scenario comes to my mind.
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Yeah, +1 for what catcamstar said.

Anyway, I bought one VTO2111D-WP myself and what I noticed is that when you cut off the doorbell from the internet (leaving full local network connectivity with an android phone), all works fine except calling to gDMSS app. I checked the network traffic being generated when button is pushed and VTO is knocking to fcm.googleapis.com (it's something called Firebase Cloud Messaging - found this link for docs: REST Resource: projects.messages | Firebase ). (Un)fortunately it talks over SSL, so couldn't get into the data which are being exchanged.
Once you open this traffic, calling to the mobile phone works just fine (even on VPN in my case). Any ideas about the purpose of that?

By the way, I read through the topics about VTO2111D-WP here and I've got an impression to not touch firmware on the unit. Is it really not recommended to update the firmware?

I think this communication is for ringing the gDMSS app via Dahua service. When P2P is not enabled, VTO2111D-WP calls dahua infra via Google API and this infra is calling gDMSS app. Then, gDMSS app initializes communication to the doorbell. Thanks to that, you don't need to open up firewall both ways, it just needs to be opened from gDMSS to VTO2111D-WP. Of course this is just my assumption, but after checking the network traffic to and from VTO this scenario comes to my mind.

The purpose of that communicationis indeed that on your LAN, you don't need port farting from outside to inside, neither you don't need to be on your LAN all the time (eg through constant VPN tunnel). HOWEVER the only drawback you can run into: if someone rings at the bell, port 443 outbound is used to tickle these googleapi's (or port 2195 for iOS), YOU receive an gDMSS/iDMSS ring signal. So YOU know someone's at the door. If you are on your LAN, you can toggle video and start talking. However you still need to open a VPN tunnel to actually talk if you are NOT at home. Which means that there is no "inbound communcation leg" possible through g/iDMSS (which is good in the light of security).

Hope this helps!
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The purpose of that communicationis indeed that on your LAN, you don't need port farting from outside to inside, neither you don't need to be on your LAN all the time (eg through constant VPN tunnel). HOWEVER the only drawback you can run into: if someone rings at the bell, port 443 outbound is used to tickle these googleapi's (or port 2195 for iOS), YOU receive an gDMSS/iDMSS ring signal. So YOU know someone's at the door. If you are on your LAN, you can toggle video and start talking. However you still need to open a VPN tunnel to actually talk if you are NOT at home. Which means that there is no "inbound communcation leg" possible through g/iDMSS (which is good in the light of security).

Hope this helps!
Exactly that :)
In my case this is fine, as I have a VPN tunnel up and running most of the times.
I am trying to run this using WIFI. I have it all setup and there is no notification coming up on the phone. Can someone help me please.
I am trying to run this using WIFI. I have it all setup and there is no notification coming up on the phone. Can someone help me please.

I'd like to know a bit "more" about the "I have it all setup". We can shout "there's something wrong with your firewall rules", but that wouldn't make any sense if you don't have a firewall deployed :rofl:

So start with the beginning:
- how are your devices connected (wired/wireless): at least draw your ISP connectivity (modem / router / .. ) and indicate the IP subnets
- how are your devices configured (router: dhcp, dmz, firewall, portforwardings (I hope not), VTO/VTH: P2P, Upnp etc)

A nice diagram would help!

And I'm pretty sure when you are enlisting these things, you find the root cause yourself :slap:

Good luck!

I'm trying to connect my samsung Galaxy note 4 to VTO2111D-WP. I am able to connect to its webserver, changed ip and gateway, everything seems fine à this side.
VTO is wired connected and ppoe powered.
Smartphone is wifi connected
I added a door device to the smartphone with gdmss plus , scanned code, added wifi code, success.
No I am able to see camera contents and open the door from the smartphone but when I try to call from VTO I get "Calling now, please wait a moement, the call is not (did not understand))"
So I don't understand why smartphone is not riging.
Thanks for your help,
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My old tablet for notification. I think I added the device to it locally. But notifications only as INVISIBLE BANNER and rings! Can i fix that!?
On my iphone, master account, there is no way I can enable notifications! Is enabled, but no working! The port is open. Shared on ios tablet and another mobile phone - no notifications anywhere. Only android. DMSS.