I made a better remote-live-view page [OLD]

Hey bp - is there a way to pass a username and password along in the URL line for a direct connection (wanted to setup an IPTV URL Feed for my nVidia Shield TV). Will it work with STunnel?
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Yes, there is a way to pass username and password in the URL, though I never use it so I don't remember it. It is something built in to Blue Iris, and I believe it requires "Secure Only" authentication to be disabled.

Should work with stunnel.
Yes I think I found it - and even though secure only is disabled - as long as it's using the stunnel port, it should be ok, no?


Your user name and password will be encrypted as long as the URL is using https. The "Secure Only" option in the web server merely determines which authentication methods are available to you.

Is it possible to use UI2.htm as standard page after login?

Yes, you can set the homepage for each user with Blue Iris Options > Users tab > Edit user, and this way when you connect to your Blue Iris server without specifying a page name, it will redirect to your homepage.
UI2 typically has higher image quality than the ActiveX plugin, actually, because Blue Iris's H.264 streams are mostly capped around 1 megapixel while jpeg streaming has no resolution limit. The frame rate is where UI2 is limited and the ActiveX plugin shines.
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Thank you so much for this great and hard work! Awesome!
I've one question and maybe I didn't found the already existing feature.
Is it possible, that the function "Click a camera to maximize its size. Click again to go back" could be done automatically by a triggered motion?
So normally the overview of all cameras is shown and the camera which is actually triggered by motion will automatically maximized. Maximized view of this camera should be stay for a definable period of time (p.e. 300 seconds), or will be replaced by another triggered cameras view.
I just started getting this error this morning: Snaggy - easy screenshots

jpegpull still works fine
Thats strange. Mine is still running fine and I installed the latest BI update this morning.

You probably changed some setting in Blue Iris ... if you figure out what is wrong let me know.

Was your test done using CAMERA GROUPS ? I don't recall changing anything... This was just after latest BI update...

Strange that jpegpull works...
