Setting up a new system. Hikvison/BI

Oct 26, 2016
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Hello everyone,

So i'm looking to build a system for a small business.
The system will have some specific requirements.
I believe that I am headed in the right direction but I am here with hat-in-hand for you to tell me how wrong I really am.

With that being said the setup that I am looking at will be...

18x Hikvision 4MP Cameras - Amazon

with BlueIris on a custom built PC.

Parts I am/was looking at are...

AMD FX 8-Core
2x 500GB SSD for OS/Program (RAID 1)
4x 4TB WD Purple 5400 (Raid 5)
GTX 960

Now the idea anyway was to use this setup as a dedicated NVR that could also be used for viewing and printing still images. (So some ability to multitask / maybe used for web browsing)

The requirements I need to meet are at least 1080p at 15fps with ~60 days of storage before auto-deletion.

I suppose to start, is this even possible?

The cameras do not need to be recording 24/7, only on motion would be perfect.
I'm very new to this so I apologize in advance for my ignorance but I do not understand how h.264 / record on motion / direct-to-disk is going to work with one another.

If i am heading the absolute wrong direction or if you have any advise for me it is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for looking!
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Mar 9, 2014
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@ipcamnoobie DO NOT BUY AMD. They are power hogs and more importantly do not support intel hardware acceleration...for your load you will need at least an i7-6700....use intel hd not a discrete card...You can buy an optiplex or elitedesk i7-6500 for about the forum for optiplex and elitedesk
Oct 26, 2016
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Hey @fenderman

Thank you for the reply!

I'm disappointed to hear that but I can't say it is a surprise either.
Maybe I'm living in the past but I remember a time when AMD compared to Intel was near equal performance but half the cost.

Is what it is though, I'm not going to build the system to fail.

Alright so I need to go 6700+ I got that but when you say "use intel hd not a discrete card" is that due to it not being strictly required or more of a cost thing?

Again sorry in advance for my ignorance here but i'm going off of the "
nVIDIA graphics adaptor for efficient screen display" recommendation from BlueIris's website.

I'm going to build the PC as I already have a few components that need to be used somewhere before they are out of date (PSU, Case, SSD's)

Also if you have one, what is your opinion on my storage requirements? (1080p H.264 Cameras on ~20% of the time with 4x 4TB WD 5400 on raid 5)

Do you think that I will have a speed or capacity issue with the drives or is there something else you would recommend?

Thanks again!
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Mar 9, 2014
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Hey @fenderman

Alright so I need to go 6700+ I got that but when you say "use intel hd not a discrete card" is that due to it not being strictly required or more of a cost thing?

Again sorry in advance for my ignorance here but i'm going off of the "
nVIDIA graphics adaptor for efficient screen display" recommendation from BlueIris's website.

I'm going to build the PC as I already have a few components that need to be used somewhere before they are out of date (PSU, Case, SSD's)

Also if you have one, what is your opinion on my storage requirements? (1080p H.264 Cameras on ~20% of the time with 4x 4TB WD 5400 on raid 5)

Do you think that I will have a speed or capacity issue with the drives or is there something else you would recommend?

Thanks again!
Blue iris uses intel hd with quicksync for hardware need to enable it in the software, blue iris does not support any other hardware acceleration. Its reduces the cpu consumption tremendously. If you intend to run the 4mp cameras at 1080p then buy 1080p cameras, they will be better in low light. The website reference is to nvidia only helps for live display of the video and depending on the cams not very much...some motherboards allow the use of intel hd AND nvideo together but i would advise against it. The power cost alone, let alone the extra heat and point of failure is not worth while. Storage requirements depend only on bitrate x the length of recording..
Oct 26, 2016
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Thank you for your recommendations, I'm going to take that and run with it.

Cameras - Amazon
Mobo - Newegg
CPU - Newegg

To my knowledge from what you are saying, this setup would be good as it has Intel HD Graphics with the 6700 processor.

Due to no GPU being needed (Wonderful point btw which I will steal when explaining to the boss about the extra heat and extra point of failure) i'm going to save a bit of money initially and going forward.

This is a big learning curve as far as size of the storage goes for me here so thank you again for the soft touch.

From this website and it's calculator i came up with the 12TB as being a safe bet as 8TB would likely get it but would be cutting it close.

If that is in the ballpark than I'll be fine but if i'm way off i'd appreciate a heads up.

Your comments are again extremely helpful, thank you for everything!

Edit: As well to answer your question on the 4MP vs 1080p cameras. I was looking at that particular model because I was able to get it cheaper than any other, even some that are inferior. Again, if I am missing something else, please feel free to set me straight.
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Mar 9, 2014
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Thank you for your recommendations, I'm going to take that and run with it.

Cameras - Amazon
Mobo - Newegg
CPU - Newegg

To my knowledge from what you are saying, this setup would be good as it has Intel HD Graphics with the 6700 processor.

Due to no GPU being needed (Wonderful point btw which I will steal when explaining to the boss about the extra heat and extra point of failure) i'm going to save a bit of money initially and going forward.

This is a big learning curve as far as size of the storage goes for me here so thank you again for the soft touch.

From this website and it's calculator i came up with the 12TB as being a safe bet as 8TB would likely get it but would be cutting it close.

If that is in the ballpark than I'll be fine but if i'm way off i'd appreciate a heads up.

Your comments are again extremely helpful, thank you for everything!
1) dont buy domes....look at turret cameras (search the forum for ir reflection). 2) understand that china region cameras sold on amazon are not firmware upgradeable or warrantied by hikvision. While the listing says it is, there are many sellers, who knows what is accurate... 3) look at this camera from dahua.. its a bit more, but has lots of great features and excellent night vision..while this particular camera has not been tested by folks here, dahua has been proven reliable...
if you are recording on motion only and each camera will record only 5 hours a day, then you will need about 5TB if you use a 4096 constant bitrate and 18 cameras...
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Oct 26, 2016
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Yea, I was looking at that IR thread earlier.

I'm going to look more into Dahua for the next bit.

Thank you for your breakdown on the sizing as well.

As with everything else you have been really helpful, thanks again!