Why am I not getting hi-res alert images?

Mike A.

Known around here
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
Was working fine up until the point (I think) that I started to set up CodeProject. Never did anything with it waiting until things shake out a little more from the 2.0 release. I've been using Plate Recognizer and that's worked fine. Up to the same point since I have no images being sent to it now.

When triggered > Add to alerts list is set to: Hi-res JPEG files.
I have an alert folder at \BlueIris\Alerts on my storage drive set to 10Gb and lots of space.
No profiles/schedules that should affect it.
CodeProject is installed and running but I do not have it selected under AI.

Any ideas?

Edit to add:
After rebooting the server, I'm now getting images from one of the cams (LPR2). None from the other (LPR1) set up in the same way. Facing opposite directions on the same street, they should and always have triggered sequentially depending on which way traffic comes.
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