WD Purple new -> Dead


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
Reaction score
Amazon's Prime Membership is absolutely useless now. They had some of my orders pushed out up to July 11 which wasn't acceptable by any means. It had a wide delivery date window (June 15 - July 11). I immediately cancelled all of my orders and was able to get these items for about the same price from another online retailer; shipped promptly and well-packaged, including hard-drives which came with the proper padding and bubble wrap where necessary. :)

That's just not acceptable...I'd make some photos, send it back and tell them why.

I've bought probably 80-90 drives from amazon since 1997 and they were always either in a purpose-built hard drive box (with a cast plastic holder on each end that suspends the drive in the middle) or wrapped with 2 layers of good bubble wrap and then air-cell packed tightly in the middle of a suitably-sized cardboard box.

I haven't bought any HDD's in the last year but I can imagine what you got because they're not doing a good job on anything lately. Recently I got from amazon 2 bags of gluten-free granola cereal (wife has Celiac Disease, hence no gluten) and a smartphone case. They threw all 3 in a H-U-G-E box with like maybe 3 tiny air bags that did absolutely nothing. The 3 flew around inside the box during handling and the phone case further pulverized the cereal into dust. You don't have to have a PhD in physics have a basic and working understanding of mass, inertia and box size to realize what poor packing can and will do to its contents.

And IMO, they have used COVID-19 as an excuse to delay shipping on items listed as Prime and pocket the savings. Items I received in 2 days now take a week. I'm still paying for Prime but I'll wager they are not paying UPS, FedEx and USPS what they did before.

I like amazon's selection and prices and the quick shipping used to put them over the top...one more episode and I figure I drop the hammer and drop Prime. Yeah, I know....Bezos won't miss me, but I was doing fine before amazon, I'll be OK without them. I bought over $25K from newegg from 2006 to 2013 so I might just go back to them for my electronic items anyway.
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Young grasshopper
Nov 18, 2014
Reaction score
I started buying Seagate Skyhawk drives since I've had some more issues recently with WD Purple. People seem to think that you may be getting refurbs or similar from Amazon and I'm inclined to agree.