Suggestions with Camera Placement and procurement


Jan 18, 2017
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Hi guys, i just bought a country house, not so far from the town, but far enough to want to increase my security stance.

Could you give me some suggestions as to camera placement and model?

Basically, i've got about 5000sqm / 53'000sqfeet of land, with a rectangular house in the middle.
House has 4 entrances, one on each side.

I was thinking of 5 cameras, 2 per opposite angles, covering the side of the house, and 1 covering the main gate and the road to catch stragglers (anybody casing the place would have that point of access)
Does it make sense to make them darkfighter/starlight cameras? at night its pitch black - no illumination mostly, only the moon. Or should i go with IR Floodlights?

Then a doorbell with a cam, i'd love for it to be alexa / home automation compatible, so that excludes dauha doesnt it?

right now no alarm at all, so if you guys have any alarm that i can procure DIY in EUROPE or Aliexpress, i'd be glad to receive suggestions. I checked the usual brands promoted here and on reddit, but not available in european/italian amazon ... :-(


IPCT Contributor
Feb 15, 2018
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Houston Tx
For camera placement try using the calculator... IPVM Camera Calculator V3 You can do three cameras at a time.

Starlight and darkfighter use IR and work very well at night.

I have a Honeywell DIY home alarm system that i wired myself. I do not know about wiring and code requirements in the EU.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
Reaction score
Hi guys, i just bought a country house, not so far from the town, but far enough to want to increase my security stance.

Could you give me some suggestions as to camera placement and model?

Basically, i've got about 5000sqm / 53'000sqfeet of land, with a rectangular house in the middle.
House has 4 entrances, one on each side.

I was thinking of 5 cameras, 2 per opposite angles, covering the side of the house, and 1 covering the main gate and the road to catch stragglers (anybody casing the place would have that point of access)
Does it make sense to make them darkfighter/starlight cameras? at night its pitch black - no illumination mostly, only the moon. Or should i go with IR Floodlights?

Then a doorbell with a cam, i'd love for it to be alexa / home automation compatible, so that excludes dauha doesnt it?

right now no alarm at all, so if you guys have any alarm that i can procure DIY in EUROPE or Aliexpress, i'd be glad to receive suggestions. I checked the usual brands promoted here and on reddit, but not available in european/italian amazon ... :-(
Welcome @sypher

For that size of a place I would consider more cameras. Start with one good varifocal camera to test possible positions. Look for the test rig threads to see what people are doing.