Purchased new BI server and cameras keep dropping out


Young grasshopper
Jan 19, 2020
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Hi All,
I had me BI installation working perfectly on a demo version. This morning, I finally set up my new server with registered version of BI and added the cameras. I keep getting a substantial rate of camera drop outs as per the image attached. All I did was take a new Cat6 ethernet cable through the roof to the new server and I'm stumped. Any suggestions appreciated. You will note that CPU usage is minimal and I have set each camera to record direct to disk. ONLY 5 cams! All these 'No Signals" were over a period of 10-15 minutes



Young grasshopper
Jan 19, 2020
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Thanks Mike,
All cameras were working perfectly connected to an older PC. All I did was change the ethernet cable from the POE switch to the new dedicated PC which has a full license of BI installed on it and started setting everything up again. I am slowly making my way through it. One aspect was I deleted the camera with the most errors and re-installed it. Fingers crossed, it's working at the moment. Not all cameras are triggering correctly at the moment, but that's just fine tuning I hope.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Thanks Mike,
All cameras were working perfectly connected to an older PC. All I did was change the ethernet cable from the POE switch to the new dedicated PC which has a full license of BI installed on it and started setting everything up again. I am slowly making my way through it. One aspect was I deleted the camera with the most errors and re-installed it. Fingers crossed, it's working at the moment. Not all cameras are triggering correctly at the moment, but that's just fine tuning I hope.
I am having a similar issue with the demo version. Camera is fine thru camera interface but keeps no signal in BI - I have another cam close by so switched cables and the one that was no signal is still no signal - it appears to be like quick blips you don't even notice a change on the screen - do you lose your pic momentarily because mine doesn't - it wasn't until I found in status all these drops.
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Young grasshopper
Jan 19, 2020
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
So you have not tried another, known "good" cable as @mikeynags suggested?
My bad :) Yep checked cables by changing etc. Now been a few hours and zero drop outs after re-installing camera. Whatever happened, it caused all cameras to drop out frequently. I will now change all the network buffers back to default 6Mb. All your comments much appreciated. Thanks. Great community.


Young grasshopper
Jan 19, 2020
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Camera is fine thru camera interface but keeps no signal in BI -
If the camera is fine through camera interface and no signal in BI, have you checked that your camera and computer NIC (or however you are connected to BI ) are in the same sub-net? EG. My server has wifi on the 192.168.x.x range and all my cameras are connected to the 10.10.x.x sub-net range, so I have changed my NIC in the server to be a static IP in the range 10.10.x.x with NO GATEWAY IP. Hope this puts you a step in the right direction...


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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My bad :) Yep checked cables by changing etc. Now been a few hours and zero drop outs after re-installing camera. Whatever happened, it caused all cameras to drop out frequently. I will now change all the network buffers back to default 6Mb. All your comments much appreciated. Thanks. Great community.
Have you checked the ethernet cable as that's the one you have disturbed and that carries ALL the signals from the POE Switch to the new server. The other suspect for me would be the POE Switch as both the POE to Server Ethernet Cable and POE Switch have commonality with all the cameras.

Final check for me would be the new servers network card. When I built my last PC I had no less than 4 Motherboards from different brands go bad with networking within hours of installing them and in the end after testing everything and finding nothing wrong on the network cable (it was a fully armoured external cable designed for external use on North Sea oil rigs - I went over the top after previous cables didn't like being routed outdoors!!), I decided there were some bad network components in the market place and bought a cheap (less than $10) PCIE networking card. That was 8 years ago and had no LAN issues since. So always worth checking your networking card (or installing one if you don't have one) as a last resort. Never assume you brand new MB is good.
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