Need help setting up time-lapse + continuous

Feb 9, 2015
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Ive been playing around with BI for a little while now and I need some assistance setting up recording schedules.

Let me start out by explaining my use case in case in case anyone has a better way to accomplish what I am trying to do.

I have a couple cameras in my back yard and I want to see if any wildlife is moving through the areas. I have found that motion detection is not always super reliable in my case. What I would like is to set up the cameras to record a time lapse video to quickly review anywhere from 8-24 hours. I would also like the cameras to record continuously in the case that I see something in the time-lapse that I want to go back and review in high quality (hd+20fps).

I have done a bit of searching here and when I set up the alt/timelapse it seems to override my continuous recording. I've tried playing around with the profiles but haven't had success. I don't fully understand the profiles though so I am likely doing something wrong here.

In a perfect setup, I would like to have a timelapse at night taking pictures every ~10 seconds, a timelapse during the day taking pictures every couple minutes, and continuous recording when I need to take a closer look.

Any guidance would be appreciated!


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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You can make a duplicate of the camera in Blue Iris (just add it again, or export, then import and give it a different name) and this will let you set different recording options for each one.

Alternatively, you could just do continuous recording, combine/cut every 8 hours or whatever, and play back the clips at an accelerated rate. Blue Iris lets you go up to 256x real time speed I think.
Feb 9, 2015
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Thanks! I will give this a shot.

I have had issues with playing back at high speeds. Usually it just skips chunks of time instead of seamlessly playing back the video at high speed. The system is actually at my brothers house and I am accessing it either through the app, remote web interface, or through TeamViewer. I understand that accessing it remotely could cause this behavior but it was also occurring when I was on the machine running BI.

The machine is an early i5 .. cant recall the exact model but I believe it scored around 3800 on cpu benchmarks.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Simply record 24/7 but leave motion detection on...this will result in motion alert icons on the you can skip ahead to them..Also if you have issues with motion detection its likely a settings your motion tab settings.
Make sure object detect/reject is NOT checked.