Motion Detection - Sun/Clouds - Ambient light driving me CRAZY


Apr 20, 2016
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So, I had blue iris 3, and everything worked fine. I don't really ever remember getting alerts for major lighting scenes (sun, clouds, etc).
Upgraded to BI 4, and I am just about ready to rip all my cameras off the house and have nothing. I can't stand the constant alerts, and everything I try does not work.

I have tried:
-reducing the sensitivity (all the way down)
-reducing the contrast (all the way down)
-Increasing the MAKE time to 2.0 seconds, which is more than I want it to be, but I wanted to see if it would work. It didn't.
-Turning on Object Detection (tried both on and off)
-Turning Object travels (pixels) to 150 (tried 75 and 150)
-Turning Reset detector when object size exceeds to 25% (was originally 67%, set down to 25%, still didn't work)
NOTE: To make sure I wasn't thinking about this incorrectly, I set it to 1% and danced in front of the camera. It did not trigger.
-Turning on Black & White (tried on and off)
-Turning on cancel shadows (tried on and off)
-Changing algorithm to Gaussian (tried simple also)
-Turning on High definition (tried on and off)

I also turned highlighting on just to see, even though I knew what it was. It's very clear to see from watching the recorded event, when it goes from full sun to full shade, bing bing my phone goes nuts.
I just don't know what else to do. If I had started with BI 4, I'd just say yea well, this is how it works, damn you sun and clouds. But I didn't. I started with BI 3, and BI 3 did NOT do this!

Please, somebody help me. There must be something I can do. I tried setting up motion detection on the cameras directly, but I'm not sure if they all actually support it, and how to get the info over to BI to trigger (I like the text alerts).

I have:
(4) Hikvision DS-2CD2132-I (firmware 5.2)
(4) Hikvision DS-2CD2132F-IS (firmware 5.2.5)

On a side note: how long should it take to receive a text alert once motion is triggered? I know this probably depends on carrier, but what do others see? Sometimes I see upwards of like 15 seconds, which I don't like. I swear it used to be like 5.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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If you want instant alerts send push notifications to the app.
Likely in BI3 you had object detection enable which reduced false alerts but you certainly missed LOTS of valid motion.
Are you using hotspot? if so disable it.
Also you can set special criteria for alerts in the alert tab.


Apr 20, 2016
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Push app doesn't support sending a screenshot of the motion. Or does it now? When I tested that, it didn't, which stinks.
I did have object detection enabled in BI 3, and even if I did miss valid motion, I'll take that over what I have now. This is just horrible. Where's the middle ground?
I am not using hotspot. I just have 1 zone on the cameras that covers my property, and removes the street so I don't catch cars going by. (headlights are still an issue at night)
Not sure special criteria is really going to help me here, although I'm not totally familiar with the options. Suggestions?


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Push app doesn't support sending a screenshot of the motion. Or does it now? When I tested that, it didn't, which stinks.
I did have object detection enabled in BI 3, and even if I did miss valid motion, I'll take that over what I have now. This is just horrible. Where's the middle ground?
I am not using hotspot. I just have 1 zone on the cameras that covers my property, and removes the street so I don't catch cars going by. (headlights are still an issue at night)
Not sure special criteria is really going to help me here, although I'm not totally familiar with the options. Suggestions?
IF you are not cloning your cameras and setting one to record any event, its silly to miss motion recording just to avoid alerts. You simply had it set incorrectly in BI3, you were missing valid events. Whats the point of cams if you miss motion?
Again, you can avoid alerts by settings parameters in the alert tab or using multiple zones with zone cross requirements.
My suggestion is to read the help file thoroughly.


Apr 20, 2016
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I don't have cloned cameras, but if the option is to miss 1 or 2 valid events OR to have my phone dinging every 5 seconds because a cloud passes by which just makes me ignore every event because now I just assume they're all false positives, I'll take the former. Excessive alerts just makes me think they're all nothing. There must be a middle ground here. What was BI3 doing by having object detection enabled? Is there a way to mimic that in BI4?

The alert parameters don't really apply, and it's a wide open area so zone cross requirements don't help me much either.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I don't have cloned cameras, but if the option is to miss 1 or 2 valid events OR to have my phone dinging every 5 seconds because a cloud passes by which just makes me ignore every event because now I just assume they're all false positives, I'll take the former. Excessive alerts just makes me think they're all nothing. There must be a middle ground here. What was BI3 doing by having object detection enabled? Is there a way to mimic that in BI4?

The alert parameters don't really apply, and it's a wide open area so zone cross requirements don't help me much either.
You were missing WAY more than one or two events. You were likely missing more than half. That is silly. The cameras become pointless if you miss half of the events. This is basic. Murphys law always wins. All you need to to is increase the thresholds like number of pixels traveled or use multiple zones. Or setup cloned cameras, one with a low threashold for recording, one high for alerts.
You can set alerts to only occur when zones are crossed but record regardless.
You likely also have a settings error if your cams triggered with a 2 second make time. Its time to sit down and READ the help file THOROUGHLY.


Apr 20, 2016
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I have read through the manual and all about triggering, it's nothing I haven't tried. As I mentioned, even setting the bars to the least sensitive for size and contrast with a 2s make time, they are still going off a ton whenever there is a lighting change. The lighting also affects the entire driveway, backyard, etc. so I dont even think setting crossing zones would help, since it would still be sensing motion in both zones.

I'm really at a loss. At this point I have just disabled alerts because the frequency is ridiculous.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I have read through the manual and all about triggering, it's nothing I haven't tried. As I mentioned, even setting the bars to the least sensitive for size and contrast with a 2s make time, they are still going off a ton whenever there is a lighting change. The lighting also affects the entire driveway, backyard, etc. so I dont even think setting crossing zones would help, since it would still be sensing motion in both zones.

I'm really at a loss. At this point I have just disabled alerts because the frequency is ridiculous.
delete the camera and start over. You have a settings error.


Apr 20, 2016
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That doesn't make any sense. I have 8 cameras all exhibiting the same behavior.


Apr 20, 2016
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Sorry, but your reponses just aren't very helpful. First you said this is how BI4 works, and I was missing half of my valid alerts on BI3 because it worked differently. Now I have 8 cameras with a secret setting somewhere that's setup improperly even though I outlined what I've done on each one? And the only way to resolve it is to delete them? That's just not going to work. I'd try any sensible suggestion, but that's not one. I suppose I will look for help elsewhere.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Sorry, but your reponses just aren't very helpful. First you said this is how BI4 works, and I was missing half of my valid alerts on BI3 because it worked differently. Now I have 8 cameras with a secret setting somewhere that's setup improperly even though I outlined what I've done on each one? And the only way to resolve it is to delete them? That's just not going to work. I'd try any sensible suggestion, but that's not one. I suppose I will look for help elsewhere.
That because you are not listening. You CAN set BI4 to avoid most false alerts. You have not read the help file (despite claiming you did, I dont believe you) nor posted actual photos of your settings. You keep going on and on about BI3 working when IT WAS NEVER WORKING properly since you had object detection on and therefore WERE MISSING TONS OF ALERTS. Foolishly, that is ok with you. Better to miss valid important alerts than to actually LEARN how to use blue iris. Have you tried zones and cloning cameras for alerts? nope. I suggest you hire a professional to install another vms for you if you are to lazy to take the time to learn how it works.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
he's right, your wrong.. delete one camera and reset it back up, or dont and good luck getting help elsewhere.. the'll tell you the same thing if they know wtf they are talking about.

but I digress, you cant help people unwilling to participate.. so refuse to listen, and we will refuse to help.. you clearly cant get it working on your own, so what does your opinion on if something makes sense or not hold? if you dont understand, of course they dont make sense.