Lorex LNWDB1 Doorbell Camera


Young grasshopper
May 14, 2020
Reaction score
Leland, NC
So, I bought one of the new Lorex Doorbell cameras to give it a try as an alternative to a Ring doorbell that I recently had my mom try. It's billed as on device recording to a uSD card. Well, they have a long way to go and they better figure it out fast before their new product falls on it's face. The problem is not so much the camera, but that "Lorex Home" app that you HAVE to use with the camera.

Motion detection: if it detects motion - and it's really not that good at it - the resulting notification is the "ting, you have email" sound. Not changable, and it doesn't repeat. So, unless you hear that one sound, it's done. If you decide to see who's at the door, it's a multi-step process. Interestingly, I saw the app ask for the camera password a few times even though the phone was unlocked. You can kill the app, and restart, and not have to enter the password.

If someone walks up and actually presses the doorbell button, then it works pretty well. It's impossible to delete videos from the uSD card while it's in the camera. You have the option of formatting the whole card to kill all. It doesn't mention auto file maintenance, and filling the card with correctly name formatted directories, and filleing those with .idx and .dav files that were named so they looked old didn't prompt the camera to nuke "old" ones.

Other usability issues. I did call their tech support, and they told me that the problem lies with my iPhone for the notification setting. Oh well, back it's gonna go. I also replied back to the ticket I got in my email expressing that the need to do something. My product feedback on their - Lorex - web site of course never made it.

Oh, and interesting..... the memory card in the camera had two jpgs and two dav files showing the area where they made it. Card was had been formatted, but i hit it with photorec. Nothing real interesting, just pics of the ceiling, and also a couple of quick videos showing the masked employees, and bunches of boxes that say Lorex.

Zip has the .dav files

