Let's see what today holds


Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba
Late on the update. Going to be a TL;DR.

Wife went to see the investigators. The cops and prosecutors are under some pressure because they "lost" this case in all the paperwork and the principal defender was able to leave the country. Someone higher up is really putting some pressure on them. They took new copies of the videos, her statement (again) and basically looked nervous, she told me.

The poor sidekick who was the other half of the chair robbery will likely be prosecuted and sent to Clown College for a bit. His buddy, now in Italy, will be tried in absentia and should he ever be foolish enough to return to the country would be arrested at the airport.

So it was a waste of her morning and I don't have any more hot gossip.


Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba
Just a quick update on cases for which I've provided video:

1) Violent robbery of electric bike. That bike and other stolen electric vehicles were found in a chop shop downtown a week after the robbery. The thieves in this case were located, arrested and are awaiting trial.

2) Robbery of government repair shop for electromedical devices (EKGs, etc). Suspect was located, arrested and awaiting trial. He wouldn't say he gave the stolen items (computer, tools, specialized light bulbs, etc) to in exchange for crack cocaine. I guess going to prison is better than being killed.

3) Robbery of my downstairs neighbour's patio chairs. My wife told the cops she's provided all the information and won't be going to any more interviews. They have the video and the one suspect still in the country is under house arrest pending trial.

Last night, an electric scooter (these things are wildly popular here) was stolen. I just gave the cops videos off four different cameras of the three kids (maybe 20, if that) pushing it down the street like it was nothing. All wearing flipflops so they couldn't have gone far. Going to scan the face captures from yesterday to see if they made an earlier appearance.

This is both fun and rewarding. What a neat little hobby.


Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba
Just a quick update on cases for which I've provided video:

1) Violent robbery of electric bike. That bike and other stolen electric vehicles were found in a chop shop downtown a week after the robbery. The thieves in this case were located, arrested and are awaiting trial.

2) Robbery of government repair shop for electromedical devices (EKGs, etc). Suspect was located, arrested and awaiting trial. He wouldn't say he gave the stolen items (computer, tools, specialized light bulbs, etc) to in exchange for crack cocaine. I guess going to prison is better than being killed.

3) Robbery of my downstairs neighbour's patio chairs. My wife told the cops she's provided all the information and won't be going to any more interviews. They have the video and the one suspect still in the country is under house arrest pending trial.

Last night, an electric scooter (these things are wildly popular here) was stolen. I just gave the cops videos off four different cameras of the three kids (maybe 20, if that) pushing it down the street like it was nothing. All wearing flipflops so they couldn't have gone far. Going to scan the face captures from yesterday to see if they made an earlier appearance.

This is both fun and rewarding. What a neat little hobby.
Got a call from the cop today. They busted the three kids who stole the scooter on Monday and recovered the stolen scooter. Told me the owner is both surprised and happy to have his form of transportation back.


Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba
When reviewing the footage yesterday, two suspicious characters walked by at 4:20am and unwisely looked directly into all the cameras. When they doubled the corner my house sits on then went into a passageway between my house and next door. Peeked around and left.

When I took out the dogs later in the day, the cops were on the block where the passageway is. Told them if they needed footage, I had it. An hour later a police major (highest ranking officer we've dealt with this far) came by to have a chat.

He asked that I pass by today with everything on a memory stick so they can copy it. Not sure what was stolen across the street but if they sent a major, it must be a bigger deal than usual.

Updates as they become available.


Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba
So went over and they copied what I had. One cop remembered me from one of the stolen electric bike incidents. Judging by his epaulette, he may have gotten a promotion as apparently one of the thieves was wanted for a while but they didn't have enough to make it stick. My daytime video at 1/1000 shutter got the identification features they needed.

And I still don't have my eggs!


Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba
So, the robbery...these two climbed up to the second story and managed to get into an apartment WHILE THE PEOPLE WERE INSIDE SLEEPING. Word is they stole a bunch of cash someone had saved to travel to Mexico. Quite the score, if true, as that would be at least $5K.

These folks were in la-la-land but a neighbour in an adjacent apartment heard something. So she called a neighbour on the other side of the apartment being robbed. When the suspects heard this, they left. But didn't exit to the same street they entered on. The went out through the back of the building.

But the neighbour that made the call saw them and the description she gave matched perfectly the two I had recorded on several cameras.

Let's see if the cops can put together who it was.


Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba
Traditionally, there's always an uptick in crime in the last few months of the year. More people spending money, etc.

Perhaps due to the increased diligence of the neighbours and myself, as well as maybe word getting around that I have an entire intersection monitored, it's been much quieter this year. When I review the night's activity, there's very few suspicious actors.

Also, virtually all members of the youth gang a couple blocks away are currently in jail for theft and/or drug crimes.

But then I came across this a couple nights ago. He has a baseball cap on backwards with a motorcycle helmet over top. His face is covered with a bandana and he's openly carrying a pair of bolt cutters.

Nothing to see here, folks!

I sent this to the cop I normally deal with and he's looking into if an electric scooter was stolen. This is probably the most commonly stolen item. Haven't heard anything back yet.

Just a quick pic of the TV with my phone. Because I know that @looney2ns loves these shots so!

Merry Christmas!



Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
Reaction score
Havana, Cuba
When reviewing the footage yesterday, two suspicious characters walked by at 4:20am and unwisely looked directly into all the cameras. When they doubled the corner my house sits on then went into a passageway between my house and next door. Peeked around and left.

When I took out the dogs later in the day, the cops were on the block where the passageway is. Told them if they needed footage, I had it. An hour later a police major (highest ranking officer we've dealt with this far) came by to have a chat.

He asked that I pass by today with everything on a memory stick so they can copy it. Not sure what was stolen across the street but if they sent a major, it must be a bigger deal than usual.

Updates as they become available.
Ran into a cop we know and he said they caught these two. Off to clown college for them!

Didn't even need my videos as they left fingerprints and hair behind. Stupid is as stupid does.

Forgive the poor pics. I need to readjust my light in this area. Oh, and one of the 5449s will be replacing this 2431 variant.

These are he suspects as they headed into the passageway beside my house before crossing the street to rob the apartment.



Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba
So, on Monday someone claiming to be from the electrical company came to collect payment. This was normal until they went all electronic payment a year or so ago. Of course, I'd already paid my bill and sent him on his way.

Yesterday, the woman who takes care of the property below me said she was without electricity. She found that the main breaker on the outside of the house was turned off. Flipped it on and everything was good.

But what a coincidence. So I started reviewing footage. This kid came straight to my place and when I sent him away, he turned the corner (we live on a corner lot), went into the passageway next to the house, hopped the fence and hopped back a few seconds later.

So now we who turned off the breaker!

This morning I went to the electrical company and they said he doesn't work there. So off to the cop shop. Filed the report and we'll see what happens.

Did get great face captures at different angles from 3 cameras.



Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba
The first two pics are from an SD1A404XB mini-PTZ, the 3rd and last (6th) are from a 4K/X and the 4th and 5th are from a BoobieCam with an 8mm lens installed.

Cops were impressed with the face detection. No need to pause video, cut, paste, etc.


Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
Reaction score
Havana, Cuba
Traditionally, there's always an uptick in crime in the last few months of the year. More people spending money, etc.

Perhaps due to the increased diligence of the neighbours and myself, as well as maybe word getting around that I have an entire intersection monitored, it's been much quieter this year. When I review the night's activity, there's very few suspicious actors.

Also, virtually all members of the youth gang a couple blocks away are currently in jail for theft and/or drug crimes.

But then I came across this a couple nights ago. He has a baseball cap on backwards with a motorcycle helmet over top. His face is covered with a bandana and he's openly carrying a pair of bolt cutters.

Nothing to see here, folks!

I sent this to the cop I normally deal with and he's looking into if an electric scooter was stolen. This is probably the most commonly stolen item. Haven't heard anything back yet.

Just a quick pic of the TV with my phone. Because I know that @looney2ns loves these shots so!

Merry Christmas!

View attachment 180869
Well, well, well. Look who made an appearance the other night. Same getup with the motorcycle helmet over baseball hat with face mask. In this shot, he's actually wearing flipflops, I kid you not. I have him on some other cams the same night but this is the best shot. He's on the far side of the street in the others.

This is from one of the 5449s I just put up. Much better quality, and in colour, than the 2431 that caught the first pic. Exact same conditions with the 18k lumen runway lighting.

He's good at hiding his face. I wonder where's he been the last two months.

Even did a proper screenshot of the video for @looney2ns! lol



Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba
OOOOOOOHHHH! Night after last, some foreigner was following a transvestite up the street asking for something back. Sounds like "they" robbed them of some jewelry because he said it was his deceased father's. "They" left and then a patrol car rolled up (maybe coincidence, maybe not), he got in and they took off. For the next couple of hours, there were a couple different patrol cars doing laps.

Got some great footage so I need to make some calls now.


Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba

I reviewed the footage from the last two nights as it skipped my mind yesterday. At just after 2am yesterday morning, there was a couple walking in front of the property. She was quite striking with long, black hair and quite a set of legs (I'm a leg man). They walked past my property and then doubled back and walked into the alley together.

And then the naughtiness started.

She took off her skirt.

And he got on his knees.

And performed oral on what I then realized was a transgender woman. For 10 minutes.

(Un)Fortunately, the actual act was caught on one of my older 2431 cams with minimal lighting. But it was clear what was going on.

So this is a first and, hopefully, the last time. Going to get some proper lighting on this spot.

How was everyone else's day?


IPCT Contributor
Sep 25, 2016
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Evansville, In. USA

I reviewed the footage from the last two nights as it skipped my mind yesterday. At just after 2am yesterday morning, there was a couple walking in front of the property. She was quite striking with long, black hair and quite a set of legs (I'm a leg man). They walked past my property and then doubled back and walked into the alley together.

And then the naughtiness started.

She took off her skirt.

And he got on his knees.

And performed oral on what I then realized was a transgender woman. For 10 minutes.

(Un)Fortunately, the actual act was caught on one of my older 2431 cams with minimal lighting. But it was clear what was going on.

So this is a first and, hopefully, the last time. Going to get some proper lighting on this spot.

How was everyone else's day?
We have eight new baby goslings today. :cool: