Just a Blue Iris FYI


Getting the hang of it
Feb 19, 2016
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I, like most of us here update my BI whenever it prompts me to do so. I also use Internet Explorer to remotely view video when I am away from home. I just noticed yesterday (apparently I don't pay close attention), the link on the webpage that says "Install the ActiveX []". I do use the ActiveX plugin, but apparently mine was WAY out of date. If you right click the ActiveX plug and select About, it will tell you the version you are currently using. I was using 3.x.x.x so it was way old. I had noticed my video feed had a weird vertical row of pixels on the left had side that was out of place, but didn't think much of it. Updating the ActiveX control to v4.0.0.4 fixed that and made so of the other interactions a little quicker.

I guess once in a while Ken must update the ActiveX package along with general bug fixes and improvements.

Just thought I would pass this along to the community!