Integrate multiple cameras from different location to BI


Young grasshopper
May 4, 2017
Reaction score
I will be using BI to integrate all my cameras from multiple location. Currently I own 4 ip camera from Dahua, NVR from laview that come with 8 cameras and DVR 16 cameras from Everfocus.

I have a Laview NVR that comes with 4 cameras on location A. Is it possible to live view and record all 4 cameras with BI in location B? I have port forwarded my RTSP port and http on location A. Then using BI, add the NVR by using the rtsp://externalip: port, but it won't connect.

My second question is: I have a DVR that have 16 camera on location C. It support RTSP, but it have http remote viewing. I was able to live view on location B. Is it possible to add the DVR to BI on location B?

Thank you