Infra red triggering with HIK2343


Aug 11, 2016
Reaction score
I have thanks to thes fora and helpful suggestions got a quite good workingset up with three cameras, appropriate triggers at different times etc
I am completely stumped on this one
I have a HIKvsiion 2343 4mp turrect
at first I couldnt get it to change to IR automatically but I reset it directly andit now works
problem is no event trigger once IR is on
I've tried making the trigger area smaller and the contrast lower - to no avail
I cant really see much else in blue iris to change or tweak
Does anyone have any suggestions?


Young grasshopper
Jul 13, 2014
Reaction score
Do you have "color+brightness" selected in the camera motion/trigger properties when the IR is on?


Aug 11, 2016
Reaction score
thank you for responding- I've tried several times - I cannot, try as I might, find a setting "color+brightness' under the 'trigger' tab of the camera properties
Sorry tried everything else I can think of to try to understand your comment about changing 'color+brightness' without success

I've spent a frustrating day trying to understand the logic of the settings (only partially success) I can get a trigger working in daylight (making it trigger a sound defeats me (ye I know configure it under alerts) but I think it is the weirdness of the triggers (Why oh why does it accept my zones a>B then after several more attempts and changes to other settings the software seems to automatically reset zone A to the whole of the visible area - I did not DO THAT arghh)
The camera (a HIKvision 2332 not 2342 as I said) has a 'line crossing' trigger but checking the box in Blue Iris to accept triggering from the camera has NO effect

This is remarkably powerful software - and very ambitious in what it tries to do 10:10 - but features lead to complexity - complexity leads to weird failures because only a few users ever go that way.

and this Forum is wonderfully helpful
BUT trying to work out what is going on is like sticking needles in one's eyes

I have BI working as a Win 10 service- when one opens the console one gets various WEIRD effects. E.g a clip with thumbnail showing right time and right person in frame, but when clicked pulls up another mov clip from 4 hours earlier ARGGHHH
When calling up one of aforesaid clips (whether right or wrong clip) results in one NOT being able to press 'ESC' to return to the 'All cameras' view after running a clip (it IS a BUG)

Is there something seriously flaky about running the console when in Win service mode ?????

One doesn't always religiously record what one did before experiencing a 'WTF/why did that happen ' experience.
But I'd claim there are some serious flakinesses in this software - how does one go back from reviewing a recorded clip to a view of 'all cameras' - Normally pressing 'Esc' suffices, but is does not work after trying to review any clip.

It is traditional now after such frustration to kick off into how rubbish this all is and how bad the software is BUT although the originator/owner doesn't seem to help much, the forum members are very helpful, the software is top class -(in terms of features alone) and a potential power house - just needs to be able to be understood without spending 20-30 hours sweating trying to understand a cryptic crossword
Really hate to say it - it needs to be dumbed down - what the hey ?!!!! worked for Apple


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
thank you for responding- I've tried several times - I cannot, try as I might, find a setting "color+brightness' under the 'trigger' tab of the camera properties
Sorry tried everything else I can think of to try to understand your comment about changing 'color+brightness' without success

I've spent a frustrating day trying to understand the logic of the settings (only partially success) I can get a trigger working in daylight (making it trigger a sound defeats me (ye I know configure it under alerts) but I think it is the weirdness of the triggers (Why oh why does it accept my zones a>B then after several more attempts and changes to other settings the software seems to automatically reset zone A to the whole of the visible area - I did not DO THAT arghh)
The camera (a HIKvision 2332 not 2342 as I said) has a 'line crossing' trigger but checking the box in Blue Iris to accept triggering from the camera has NO effect

This is remarkably powerful software - and very ambitious in what it tries to do 10:10 - but features lead to complexity - complexity leads to weird failures because only a few users ever go that way.

and this Forum is wonderfully helpful
BUT trying to work out what is going on is like sticking needles in one's eyes

I have BI working as a Win 10 service- when one opens the console one gets various WEIRD effects. E.g a clip with thumbnail showing right time and right person in frame, but when clicked pulls up another mov clip from 4 hours earlier ARGGHHH
When calling up one of aforesaid clips (whether right or wrong clip) results in one NOT being able to press 'ESC' to return to the 'All cameras' view after running a clip (it IS a BUG)

Is there something seriously flaky about running the console when in Win service mode ?????

One doesn't always religiously record what one did before experiencing a 'WTF/why did that happen ' experience.
But I'd claim there are some serious flakinesses in this software - how does one go back from reviewing a recorded clip to a view of 'all cameras' - Normally pressing 'Esc' suffices, but is does not work after trying to review any clip.

It is traditional now after such frustration to kick off into how rubbish this all is and how bad the software is BUT although the originator/owner doesn't seem to help much, the forum members are very helpful, the software is top class -(in terms of features alone) and a potential power house - just needs to be able to be understood without spending 20-30 hours sweating trying to understand a cryptic crossword
Really hate to say it - it needs to be dumbed down - what the hey ?!!!! worked for Apple
When I see a post like this I know all problems are user error and directly related to not reading the help file or watching the how to videos...