Hikvision Overlay


Pulling my weight
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
Southern United States
2 part question here on Hikvision 2032.

1. Anyone know of ways to get a picture logo to appear as an overlay? I've seen this done with other Hik models, but all I can find on the interface and software is text overlays.

2. Speaking of text overlays, is there any way to force the text overlay to go to the VERY bottom of the image? I know how to move the text boxes around and can get the writing to basically touch the top and side rows of pixels, but when I drag a text box to the bottom of the screen, the text actually appears about 50 pixels above the bottom. Not sure if it's supposed to do this or if there's some way (maybe manually editing a configuration file) that could move a text box to the very bottom...



Getting the hang of it
Feb 8, 2015
Reaction score

Speaking to part 2 of your question. I don't think you will be able to get the text to the very bottom of the image. I experimented with a couple of files that can be used to write to the text overlays. The method used to place text in the text overlays includes x,y coordinates for the text position. A y of 0 places the text at the very top of the image. You can increase y in increments of 16 to place the text lower and lower on the image. I could increase y to as much as 448, but that still left the text above the bottom of the image. Increasing y beyond that did not lower the position. You can create the files to experiment yourself. First create a file in Notepad like the following and save it as hiktextoverlayxml.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TextOverlay version="1.0" xmlns="Oops:The page you are visiting may have been deleted,renamed or inaccessible.">

Then create a file in Notepad like the following and name it writetexttocam.bat.

::Writes the text message in hiktextoverlayxml.xml to text overlay 1 on the camera
::You will need to modify user, password, ipaddress, and port to match your camera settings
@echo off
curl -T hiktextoverlayxml.xml http://user:Password@ipaddress:Port/Video/inputs/channels/1/overlays/text/1

You will need a copy cURL in your C:\Windows/System32 folder. When you run writetexttocam.bat, it will write whatever message you have inserted in hiktextoverlayxml.xml. The message will be placed on the image according the posX and posY you have defined in hiktextoverlayxml.xml. As stated in the comments in writetexttocam.bat, you will have to provide the user, password, ipaddress, and port for your specific camera.