BI webcam webserver settings for 3D printer timelapse


Mar 25, 2017
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Hi all,

I've been using BI for my IP security cameras for a while and works great. I also have a webcam I use for capturing timelapse of 3D prints and thought BI might be a good choice for managing the data stream.

I was using WebCamXP for feeding the data to my print server, but the software is really old and kind of glitchy. I'm trying to replicate the steps seen here for Repetier Server (the 3D printing software I use) to use BI for the timelapse:

Setting up a webcam in Repetier-Server for Windows - Repetier-Server

I have the BI web server up and running, and can access via local IP and external address. I just need to figure out what values for the image URL's (and how to get the address for just the webcam, not all the cameras).
