BI performance and tune up


Young grasshopper
May 2, 2016
Reaction score
I have some questions on BI. First it is running on a Dell XPS with Intel I7-4790 @3.6 GHz and 8G of memory, 64-bit Windows 10. BI is version X64. I have 8 Qsee cameras set up as Dahua Main Stream RTSP. The cameras have been set to 10 FPS.

The main issue I have is that during the day, the system is pegged at 100% cpu and is unusable. At night if gets down to about 50%. Here are some of the parameters for the set up:

Channel 1, record continuous h.264, Jpeg every 15 seconds. Motion enabled, simple,
Channel 2, record continuous direct to disk, No jpeg, no motion
Channel 3, record triggered, no jpeg, motion enabled, simple
Channel 4, record continuous h.264, jpeg 15 seconds, motion enabled, gaussian
Channel 5, record continuous h.264, jpeg 15 seconds, motion enabled, gaussian
Channel 6, record continuous h.264, jpeg 15 seconds, motion enabled, gaussian
Channel 7, record continuous, h.264, jpeg 15 seconds, motion enabled, gaussian
Channel 8, no record, jpeg 15 seconds, no motion

I have a weather overlay I want on the video so using direct to disk is out, except for that one channel. What else can I change to improve responsiveness?

Also I noticed that even though I have the cameras set for 10 fps, the BI status/Cameras page frequently shows fps higher. I've checked the cameras and they are set for 10. Why would BI up the rate?

The disk space I have set up is full now. I assume that BI is deleting the oldest files?

I've been having trouble getting the video to play back and not sure why. It appears there are gaps in the recording even though it is set for 'continuous'. What's up with that? While it has no video, the jpegs are still being produced.

Is there a way that I can put the files for different channels in different directories? With all the bvr and jpg files there are 435000 files and bringing up the directory takes forever. On the camera/Record tab can I change &Cam.%Y%m... to &CAM/%Y%m...? (Note change from . to / and make sure that the directory exists?) Will doing that screw up the database?

And it would be good if in the clips pane that I can specify snapshot, video or both.

I'm using an external program to send a JSON trigger event when my driveway sensor triggers. Sometimes I can see that the software triggered and sent the JSON without error, but BI does not trigger? This usually occurs during the day when the CPU is pegged. There's enough CPU to respond to the JSON requests so it should be able to trigger. And I do get motion triggers during this time too.

Suggestions on getting better performance would be appreciated. Thanks


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
There is nothing that will significantly help you. You must use direct to disk. Otherwise lower the resolution and frame rate. See trouble shooting portion of the help file for a few other tips on lowering cpu, but they wont help for 100 percent pegging.
You need to set the disk space levels in the clips and archiving tab,
You can set different folders for the cameras aux1 2 etc the select that folder in the record tab
BI auto adjust the rate to higher than the actual rate, this doesnt affect the rate. See release notes and help file.
Are you logging into the system with a remote desktop app?
Have you enabled hardware acceleration?