Aftermath of Neighbors Cat Hit and Killed on the Corner


Known around here
Sep 14, 2015
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Last night our neighbor's cat was hit and killed by a vehicle. It was hit in a spot out of view of our cameras. When looking at video captures later, I saw a car driving down the hill suddenly stop across the street. The car then made a u-turn and parked out of view of the cameras. Later I realized a woman was trying to move a cat out of the middle of the street when a truck suddenly drove down the hill and stopped just in front of the cat. A male got out of the vehicle and moved the cat to the sidewalk. They then both drove away in different directions. The next morning a broken cat collar was found in the gutter a few feet from the cat. No identification was found on the collar. I talked to our neighbor across the street and told them that I thought the cat belonged to their next door neighbor (I had seen the cat come and go from that house). They called the neighbor and described the cat and they confirmed the cat belonged to them. The cat was picked up a few minutes later. I previously posted 2 videos of this cat in happier times on my YouTube channel. The names of the videos are:

Neighbors Cat Gets Chased Away
Frightened Cat Pees on the Driveway



Getting the hang of it
Jun 17, 2016
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Northeastern PA
that sucks. I hate cats, cuz dogs rule and are superior :) but i don't like hearing about any animals going down.


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2014
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Cats (as pets) should stay in doors. I don't know at what point it became socially acceptable for an owner to let their pet roam free, disrespecting property lines, and using neighbors' lawns/gardens as litter boxes, and destroying the local bird populations.

My neighbor feeds all the strays, and lets her own cats live outside. This is the result:

That kitten was apparently sleeping under her hood, and fell out as she drove off. I took a certain amount of schadenfreude in revealing to her what happened. Of course, nothing changed.