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  1. bqtchef


    Been reading on the forums and it seems like the go-to cable for a POE system in Cat6 Why not Cat6a? is it the cost? The longest run is no longer than 150 ft.
  2. bqtchef

    Break in line, in wall,

    How do I locate a break in 22/2 wire within the wall? I've used a tone so I know the route within the wall it's unfortunate their two lines because the tone bleeds into the other line. I really don't want to cut a bunch of holes in the wall searching for the break and want to keep everything...
  3. bqtchef

    DSC keypad zone issues

    A lightning strike took out my existing alarm system, so it was time to upgrade. I went from power series 433 keypad to power series PTK5507 keypad and from a pc1555mx to a pc1616 one of my zones is tired into the keypad (PS433) my new keypad PTK doesn't have a zone option and I have no more...