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  1. Agus

    Playback recorded video using RTSP

    Thank you for the help, but it's still not working... Link: rtsp://admin:password@ It's still starting from the beginning of the recording... :(
  2. Agus

    Playback recorded video using RTSP

    I'm trying the same and it's not working... VLC Version: 3.0.8 Vetinari. Camera specs: Model: DS-I224 NºSerial: DS-I22420170906AAWR826382167 Firmware version: V5.4.3 build 170313 Coding version: V1.0 build 160407 Web Version: V4.0.1 build 160324 Complement Version: V3.0.6.1 Channels number...
  3. Agus

    Playback recorded video using RTSP

    So, If I've a recording from 12-08-2019 at 20:17:00 to 21-08-2019 9:25, I can not reproduce an intermediate point?
  4. Agus

    Playback recorded video using RTSP

    Hi, I'm trying to play a recorded video by my Hikvision Hi-Watch DS-I224 camera with VLC and RSTP. I'm using the following link: rtsp://admin:yourPassword@ The video starts, but not from that time (14-08-2019 at 09:05:16), it...