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  1. R

    Settings for Best Night Performance

    I am at the low end of the spectrum here. So, please don't holler at me. I have a couple of cameras on my garage facing an alley. I do not go with the recommended higher end / better cameras because it is just too easy for them to be stolen/damaged. I live in a neighborhood where...
  2. R

    Add non-camera rtsp audio source

    I have created an rtsp stream from a powered mic I have attached to a linux system. It is essentially a non-camera rtsp audio source (no video). I want to add it to Blue Iris as an audio source. When I add the rtsp url to Blue Iris, I get "No Signal, RTSP Bad 400 Request". And no audio, even...
  3. R

    Hidden SpyCam Install Suggestions

    Hi, I have installed a spy camera in a regular junction box on the side of our garage. I am doing this to out the miscreants who leave the trash bin lids up and the scofflaws who dump their trash in our bin. I have this camera: The first way I tried it looks good, but it doesn't capture...