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  1. yeehawjared

    Hell Yeah! Direct Deepstack Integration - 5.4.0 - March 31, 2021

    FYI I had a lot of trouble getting this to work. Somehow I followed the link to download the windows CPU version and got a super old, activation-required version. Burnt 2 hours trying to figure out why it wasn't working. Solution - download the latest DeepStack windows binary from Releases ·...
  2. yeehawjared

    mailbox cam - what LPR camera?

    thanks @samplenhold for taking the time to walk me through the thought process. I'm also going to replace some of my 5+ year old bullet cams in the front and back so I'll take your advice and order a few models to play around with. Some with a little more "reach" than others and just figure...
  3. yeehawjared

    mailbox cam - what LPR camera?

    Thanks for the help everyone. So with the camera position being so close to the road, does it make sense to get the less-zoomy IPC-HFW5442E-Z4E?
  4. yeehawjared

    mailbox cam - what LPR camera?

    daytime sure. Night time no way - the headlights completely blow everything out, even with high, constant shutter speeds. Here was the view at night:
  5. yeehawjared

    mailbox cam - what LPR camera?

    Absolutely. I already wired up a small bullet cam under there (with a radar detector for speed!) and live-tweeted pictures of speeders overlayed with speed. Unfortunately hikvision camera I used was terrible at night, even with tweaking all the settings. And I accidentally hit the cat6 cable...
  6. yeehawjared

    mailbox cam - what LPR camera?

    So when I look at these two cameras, would the Z4E be the better in low-light LPR applications? Better WDR, higher resolution at faster FPS? Or should I just get the Z12E like everyone suggests, even though it has a lower WDR? IPC-HFW5442E-Z4E 4MP IR Vari-focal Bullet WizMind Network Camera...
  7. yeehawjared

    mailbox cam - what LPR camera?

    Seems like the zoom will more than make up for having a smaller sensor size. Here's where the cam will go, along with a car and human for scale. The street is pitch black at night. Speeds are 25mph or lower.
  8. yeehawjared

    mailbox cam - what LPR camera?

    I'm going to hide a camera on my mailbox specifically dedicated to LPR. What is the current recommendation? Seems like everyone pushes for the Dahua HFW5241E-Z12E but I was wondering if there was anything newer, with a bigger sensor that performs better? The camera doesn't need a ton of zoom...