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  1. W

    Dahua-NVR NEW admin passwords list - January 2015. FREE!!!

    @vector18: they do have a new way of calculating the codes, the 8888-method does not longer work. Therefor my interest when finaly finding someone who may or may not have found the new way of calculating the code. But like you have already seen, there is not much help coming from him. Anyway, I...
  2. W

    Dahua-NVR NEW admin passwords list - January 2015. FREE!!!

    Like I have already said about 10 times: I do not have the correct algoritm.. It only allows me to calculate dates of this year, which means that within 3 months it is useless. So for not having to reopen this within 3 months, I asked for the correct algoritm. What is so hard to understand...
  3. W

    Dahua-NVR NEW admin passwords list - January 2015. FREE!!!

    And for tomorrow, in case they do not get there today, the admin super password is 879100 ;-) Greetz ACE ;-)
  4. W

    Dahua-NVR NEW admin passwords list - January 2015. FREE!!!

    Like I thought you would react.. My guess is you do not even have the algoritm yourself.. Lot of talk, but at the end all empty words.. I hope a moderator closes this thread soon, this is a waste of time.
  5. W

    Dahua-NVR NEW admin passwords list - January 2015. FREE!!!

    Why do you respond so hostile to my demand? You say I do not want to think, you can not be more wrong. Like I already said, because I do think, I have already found all codes for the whole year 2015. As proove, here are some codes: For date 23/09/2015 (today), the code is 505956. For date...
  6. W

    Dahua-NVR NEW admin passwords list - January 2015. FREE!!!

    Of it was that easy, i would not ask, right ;) I already found all codes for every day in 2015, but i can not figure out the algoritm used for the codes, using the date.. You do not want to help me? BR
  7. W

    Dahua-NVR NEW admin passwords list - January 2015. FREE!!!

    Hi, I have a simple question about this: What is the method of calculating/becoming this new password? The old Dahua NVR was easy, you could generate the code yourself.. But the new NVR are different. Can you explain pls? (you can pm me) Thx!